Resident Evil: Revelations will be carefully rounding corners on PlayStation 4 next month, Capcom has announced. The current-gen port looks pretty good in the footage that we've been shown so far, especially seeing as it's a touched-up version of a PlayStation 3 title that originated on the 3DS.
The game will be available to download from the PlayStation Store on the 31st August, which is the same day that it launches in Japan. What's more, it'll have a somewhat reasonable $19.99 price tag in North America. We don't have any European prices yet, but you can probably expect it to go for around £17.
Are you looking forward to having Revelations on PS4? Conserve ammo in the comments section below.
Comments 23
Bah, literally just bought this for 3DS (admittedly quite cheap).
One of the few games I bought twice and never played. This one gets discounted all the time in its previous versions.
It's one of my favorite Resident Evil games and the price is reasonable. I'll probably buy it again.
Yes!!!! I love this game! Played countless times on 3DS
@Rudy_Manchego It's still astonishing how good the game looks on Nintendo's weak little 240p handheld.
I quite enjoyed this recently on the 3ds. I bought it for about £4.30 though.
@Ralizah Yeah, i I just started it up and was really impressed. I saw it really cheap second hand and couldn't resist.
So....does that mean we will get Resident Evil Outbreak soon?.
It's a more tense version of Resi than most of the modern ones (not played 7) but I found the story to be so incredibly dull and monotonous. Definitely not one I'm about to buy or play through a second time.
EEEurrgghh bit fed up of these Resi-re-releases (finally finished off 5 for the second time in my life on Monday evening, fun enough game but not playing that again lol) then this shows up. I've never completed this one, so guess I'm not done with them just yet.
Sale, though.
I thought it was retail a release to.
I enjoyed both of the revelations games, more than main series lately, but I haven't played Seven and that should be a good one.
Though Resident Evil REVELAITONS was a bit meh (Tried to mix the old and new styles of RE into a best of both, ended up a bit soggy bread IMO) but it's worth a playthrough if you've never played it. Though, the PS3 version is probably like £5 at your local CEX...
Still have my 3DS copy with the spelling error, might double dip though.
@Flaming_Kaiser According to Amazon and GameStop there will also be a retail release, unless they're both fake entries somehow.
Will buy it at a (low) price!
@ToddlerNaruto Thx i never buy a remaster digital thanks for the info.
I bought this once on 3DS beat it and got it on Wii U. Twice is enough.
@sonicmeerkat same, got the misspelled copy as well.
I might double dip for this.
I know some people are against constant rereleases, but I do like Capcom's policy of making these games available on the most recent gen of consoles.
Keeps them alive and preserved
Raid mode was epic
Welcome to the family son
I love Revelations, though I agree the story was "eh," the gameplay was good, and the setting was what made the game shine.
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