PlayStation UK is one of the primary sponsors of London Pride 2017, which gets underway today in the English capital. And to celebrate the event, the platform holder’s released a free PlayStation 4 theme which you can download in Britain right now. It’s a nice clean design, boasting the brand’s famous button symbols set to rainbow colours.
You can follow PlayStation UK’s activities at London Pride 2017 on the company’s official Twitter account through here.
Comments 31
Its a pretty decent theme tbh.thanks for the heads up
Love it. Happy Pride to all the homosapiens out there x
Will definitely install it. Sony makes it hard for me to game anywhere else.
The quicker the world moves to an era where people can be who they feel they are without persecution, facing prejudism and living in fear, the better. Whilst this is more for the LGBT community I am also referring to gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs etc. Equality, acceptance, respect and freedom for all.
That should also extend to gaming too - with peoples choice of platform (like Sony vs MS) - even choice of game can be unacceptable (like preferring Battlefield over CoD and the two games cannot be bought/played/enjoyed etc by 1 person - they either have to be in one camp or the other).
It annoys me that people have to pigeon hole people into groups and its such a shame that minority groups still feel the need to fight for acceptance in 2017. The LGBT community face so much hate crimes and the trans community also has the highest suicide rates because of unacceptance and hate.
I wish everyone within the LGBT community a Happy Pride day and wish you all a peaceful, happy time and your futures are filled with hope and acceptance.
Can't find it, where is it in the Playstation Store?
Had to sign up just to reply. That was great what you just said. Why can't we all just accept that we are different.
just getting it because I like everything rainbow!
@BAMozzy everyone is part of several minority groups.
Don't think I can live without my PaRappa the Rapper theme but cool wallpaper nevertheless 🏳️🌈
Enjoy Pride everyone!
@BAMozzy Well said!
Any way to get this theme in the U.S.?
@BAMozzy You've said it all!
Please don't tell me it's not available in America
Thanks for your opinion, next time take it elseware -Tasuki-
@manu0 Whether they are or not, it shouldn't matter. They should be accepted and respected regardless. Of course I refer to those that behave within the law and accept and respect you for being who you are.
I couldn't care less about someones sexuality (it only matters if seeking something more than a friendship), their 'gender' and I also include the gender they identify with not necessarily the gender they were born as, the colour of their skin, their religion/beliefs, their 'console' or 'game' preference, their allegiance to a sports team, musical taste or any 'group' they wish to be a part of.
As far as I am concerned, there are two groups of people - those I like because they show respect and accept me as I respect and accept them, and those I dislike because they don't show me (or others) the same respect and acceptance that I am willing to show them.
@BAMozzy what i'm saying is that we're all part of some minority. but some people make a bigger deal out of their particular minority than others.
Beautiful theme, i will definitely give it a download, as a gaymer myself its great to see gaming moving with the times and embracing everyone, it's surely moving away from the image of gaming exclusively being for teenage hetero men, which can only be a good thing.
it does look nice unfortunately too much white for me, it sends my eyes funny (even this site does too if i'm honest)
Ok guys I just cleaned up the comment section. Keep to the article this is not a place to debate on what's right and wrong or discuss religion. There are plenty of other sites out there to do that if you wish. Next time someone derails this section with that kind of talk will earn a vacation.
This is your last warning -Tasuki-
Ok this is the last warning guys. Please stop.derailing this comment section. If you want to discuss how I should mod then use a contact form below.
I won't be giving out warnings anymore so consider this a final warning.
@Tasuki I think you've given more than a fair warning at this point, if people spent as much time and effort on how they live their own lives rather than interfering with other people's, the world would be a better place.
Anyway, getting back on topic, installed the theme and it is really nice, don't know whether to keep it on or go back to the AR Bots one, which i am particularly fond of
Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven
Way to foce an agenda...
If people want to be treated as equals, don't segregate or call attention to yourselves.
need to be made available to all regions (esp. mine) - Canada
Too much white for me, it would make it hard to read on my setup. Everyone else enjoy!
As a consequence of division things like this happen.
We need to be together not divided.
It's amazing that the ps community is so accepting and tolerant - thanks to Sony for that step in the right direction as well as celebrating it with that free theme ^^
Greetings to all fellow gaymers out there
@consolfreak1982 Totally agree !
Also, cannot believe when i just checked your profile that you are 34, you look at least ten years younger ! haha
This is a really nice theme! I installed it. Nice to see Sony throwing some love out to Pride.
If you live elsewhere and want to snag this pretty cool theme just make a UK PSN account, guys!
@Toadie LOL thanks I know it could be worse
@consolfreak1982 Haha you are pretty hot tbh
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