How the heck does Sammy come up with a new intro for these articles every week? Your humble and temporary host has only penned these talking points a handful of times and he's already out of ideas. If Overlord Barker was here he'd probably just write something about tennis, so we may as well run with that.
So... That tennis, eh? Strawberries and cream and... Annoyingly posh people. Why do the players have to grunt like that? Why do they need a child to bring them a towel every 20 seconds? What a dumb sport.
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
Who needs Wimbledon when you've got Evo 2017? I'll be watching the world's best Tekken and Street Fighter players batter each other this weekend, all while mindlessly slaughtering enemies in Diablo III and grinding for precious license points in Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
With the first player-run event for the PS4 version of Elite Dangerous kicking off over the weekend, I’ve spent the past week kitting out my Cobra MKIII ready for Deep Recon X’s ‘A Grand Day Out’. With over 11 million credits dropped on upgrades for my ship, I’ll be heading out with other players on a multi-week cruise to take in various galactic tourist sites.
When I’m not spending hours jumping through hyperspace. I’ll be alternating between playing SMITE and watching it, as I cheer on Obey Alliance in the SMITE Summer Finals.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
I'm determined that this weekend will be the one where I dodge roll back into Horizon: Zero Dawn. It's been far, far too long. I must also remember to avoid photo mode, or I'll make no progress at all (but will have some lovely landscape shots).
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
So not much for me this weekend as I am busy packing up for a vacation this week. I might sneak a few rounds of Call of Duty Black Ops III though.
With our plans out of the way, it's your turn. As always, let us know what you plan on playing this weekend in the comments section below.
Comments 64
God of War 3 Remastered & Yakuza 0 ! Yakuza is one wacky Japanese game , very fun tho .
Well, I have been allowed an afternoon with no kids so I am going to hit Bloodborne hard. Or more likely, it will hit me hard. I have, I think, 4 bosses to polish off to finish the main game. Not sure I will manage it in one afternoon but we'll see!
Other than that, some Zelda BOTW and if I'm lucky I may get some time to continue my playthrough of Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS.
Love the intro.
I'm having a bit of a catch up weekend myself. Just finished The Walking Dead's New Frontier last night/this morning and while I didn't hate it, it definitely feels like Telltale's formula is getting a little tired, at least for me.
Also still grinding my way through the big open world of Forza Horizon 3 as well as slowly crashing and bashing my way through the world of Crash Bandicoot.
At the bottom of my list of plans is a possible trophy cleanup for games such as Journey, Abzu, and one of the first PS4 games I played (and loved) - Stick It to The Man.
I've almost finished Crash Bandicoot 1. I got all the coloured gems so getting the rest should be plain sailing. I won't be going for the platinum though, the speed runs will drive me mad!
I've broken my rule of playing two big RPGs at the same time. I didn't want to wait til I've finished Kingdom Hearts 2 to play Final Fantasy XII so I'm doing bits of both for the time being.
It's all Final Fantasy 12 for me this weekend. Did I mention this game is the nuts?
Also gunna watch Train to Busan tonight, hear it's a good un.
Yakuza 0 for me. First timer to the series, loving it so far! Just started chapter 3... Addicted to kareoke.
@fuzzy833 @oatmealwarrior92 Yakuza Zero is amazing. Just wait until you have to get a visa and Kirayu thinks the npc says pizza. Boss game.
This weekend I will be playing Persona 5 and dropping some time on Rocket League (damn trophies brought me back).
Digging into my PS4 backlog this weekend and will be playing Rise of the Tomb Raider. Never completed this version but I did finish it on Xbox One back around the time it came out. Still love it.
@themcnoisy Incredible side quest, right up there with the dominatrix one.
Elite Dangerous... getting killed by better ships....
FF 4 still.
and the way too many games i bought in the current psn sale
PS4: NiOh, Crash
PSVita: God Eater 2
Finished AC Syndicate earlier & I don't want to start anything new as I'm going on holiday soon. Going to drop back into NiOh & rank up some of my gear for Defiant Honor.
As usual I'll also be dropping in & out of Crash.
On vita I'm slowly chewing through God Eater 2, which supposedly has over 160 story missions & takes 70 hours to beat...
Really didn't expect the game to be this long. Beat Resurrection in under 40 hours.
I haven't had much time to game In the past week so this weekend I'll, unfortunately, be putting off jumping back through hyperspace in Elite Dangerous in order to get further into FF12. I'll also be making the most of the double xp weekend and levelling up my Necromancer in Diablo 3.
Just pick up shadow of Mordor this week and am enjoying it a lot so will be mainly playing that and Crash.
For me, it'll be much the same as last weekend. I'm still obsessed with Zero Time Dilemma, so I'll play lots of that. Maybe there'll be time for a little bit of Horizon Zero Dawn, Smash Bros Wii U or Pokemon Sun as well.
Elite Dangerous. I've just got into mining in my new Asp Explorer. Mining is a slow process but i find in so relaxing listening and watching my collector limpets at work, that is until the pirates find me...
I started FFXV last night. Got to open it as an early birthday present but only got maybe an hour in until I had to get ready for bed...so I'm excited to play more after work today!
Final Fantasy XII and perhaps a bit of Overwatch but that depends on if all the people i play with are not working over the weekend
Today? The splatfest.
Otherwise, I'll keep playing Persona 5 when I get the time.
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls on PS4, really loving this game, the quests, the story etc... great game.
This week gave me two Platinums: Uncharted 3 on Monday and Uncharted 2 on Friday. I also beat KH358/Days on 3DS.
So this weekend I will be watching the 358 remastered cinematics on PS3. Since they are HD AND fully voiced they are a delight and head and shoulders above the game they come from. After that I will be able to start KH2.
I will then join @Ralizah by taking part in the Splatfest. A friend reminded me today there should be a D23 game expo with a KH3 trailer and some Battlefront 2 and Spiderman so I will be watching that as well.
Not much for me as I work weekends... So just a few games of Injustice 2 and possibly Fifa. Might start Uncharted 3 or Wolfenstein or Finnish God of War when I get a few hours tomorrow night though, not sure 🤔
@kyleforrester87 좀비 공격
Google translate tells me that is Korean for ZOMBIE ATTACK!
This weekend, I have been mostly eating... Elite Dangerous.
Quality fast show quote
Final Fantasy 12, maybe a little watch dogs.
Dirt 4, decided I'm going for the platinum, so I'm going to try and get those 'smash attack' challenges out of the way this weekend. Hate those events, they've always been my least favourite part of the games. Who's going to clean up all that polystyrene?
Tekken 7, Street Fighter 5, Injustice 2, and King of Fighters 14 on PS4. Puyo Puyo Tetris, Blaster Master 0 and Mario Kart 8 on Switch.
I'm playing rpgs this weekend. amazing 3 games.south park stick of truth.tales of zestria and eternal sonata
eternal sonata is so amazing wow.beautiful game also
After having two weeks of no internet and no access to my ps4 (due to having a surprise and unwanted stay in hospital)you would of thought I'd be glad to get back on the PS4 especially as I'd only just received the launch edition of Crash..but no,I have to confess my time has been taken up by my excellent 3ds....Mario and Louigi Dream Team and 3d Picross Round 2.So long I neglected this great handheld but it was my saviour over the past 2 weeks..in fact I just ordered the New 3dsXL..
Of course once I can get to my ps4 easily again I'll be spending my time on Crash,God Wars,Persona 5 and others
Im having one last hurrah on Destiny.. ie a last ditch attempt to get my "400" Boots that takes me to the magic 400
More crash
I have my in-laws in town and my niece and nephew like to be outside so it will be a lot of Pokemon Go with them. When I get a chance it will be grinding more collectables and skills to plat Far Cry Primal and leveling so more characters to 20 in Injustice 2.
Winter is coming. The Great War is here.
I'm staying with a friend who has an Xbox One. So far, we've played Portal 2, Injustice 2, and Left 4 Dead.
Finally getting level 99 in nier automata, now trying to get ending Y and 100% the game before buying the dlc.
@Ralizah Whats your friend code? I wany to play splatoon together
Probably Breath of the Wild for the most part. I'll also be playing in the Splatoon 2 Splatfest on team ice cream.
I just got ending A in Nier Automata yesterday. I started a 2nd play through this morning. I'm also watching EVO as much as I can and some Animal Crossing just to make sure my town and flowers don't die.
Crash (onto #2), Overwatch, and Rogue Legacy. I have really gotten into it this time around and am playing on NG+. No way I'm getting the plat on it though - can't seem to beat any of the remixed bosses and thanatopia is just insane to me.
@kyleforrester87 picking jobs for each character is a tough decision
Lol mate. I'm glad that there's someone here who's old enough to remember it.
My favourite FS sketch: Unlucky Alf and his Parrot.
@Fooligan I got ending A the other day as well! I'm onto the next a playthrough, and am loving it so far!
@ellsworth004 Yeah, don't sweat it though, you can open up all the jobs in the end. Of course some options are better than others but part of the fun is finding out what works and what doesn't!
One strategy I read was waiting til a certain part of game where u have every character and can assign a second job and making a save at that point that u can go back too, sounds like a good idea but I don't think playing like that would be very fun, can I ask u what u picked for vaan, I picked uhlan because in the original I always gave him the zodiac spear
Trails of cold steel 2 on the ps vita. This game will probably keep me happy for a month or so.
@ellsworth004 I went with Knight and then Time Battlemage for Vaan. I wanted to be a standard warrior and liked the idea of having a crossbow too. Plus casting haste and stop is nice lol
@OutspokenHuman Yeah you get the option for a second job per character on the license grid. I dunno if you are restricted to 1 black Mage or whatever though, or if you can have multiple of the same jobs? You probably can
I think I'm going with uhlan/ time battlemage, was thinking same thing with haste/slow/stop
I'm playing Zelda Breath of The Wild, a game that I have complained at length about almost as much as I have praised it, yet I find myself unable to put it down
Elite Dangerous will be my go to game for many many weekends to come.
Warframe. After months of not playing it, I jumped back in and have been playing it a lot.
It's one of the better F2P games available.
Strider has been haunting my thoughts lately, so I think I'll bury that fella this weekend. After that continues my quest to eventually level each Bloodborne stat to 50.
Final fantasy Xll for me. With as always some Bf1 all on ps4
Then some gears of war 4 on the xbox one
@Sanquine SW-2726-5961-1794
Feel free to add me.
Beat Dragon Quest Heroes 2 finally, and beat Momodora IV Reverie Under The Moonlight too. Probably gonna ignore gaming for the rest of the weekend so I can finish up some work. When I do hop back into a game, I'll continue with NieR Automata, Tales of Berseria and/or Rayman Legends, which I finally picked up recently when it was $13 or something during the PSN Mid-Year Sale. Who's bright idea was it to put "run" on the R2/L2 Triggers, Ubi Soft? Cripes, that game hurts my hands to play it for too long. #OldManGamerProblems
Salt and Sanctuary + Final Fantasy VII (ps4).
I've been hopping between FF12 and Vagrant Story. I know they don't have much in common, but I would've loved to see it spin-off with FF12 and FFTactics as their own thing.
Also, really like the character models in Vagrant Story. Would've preferred it over the chibi models seen in more recent games.
Played Uncharted 4 yesterday, today I'll probably play Kingdom Hearts.
@Ralizah added you. My Nintendo name Remy 90
Ot: Just got zelda BOTW as a present from my GF )))
@Sanquine Great! Looking forward to playing with you.
And BotW is AMAZING. I wish I could go back and re-experience it for the first time again. Very jealous!
Nice, BotW is one of those games people will look back on in 10 years and it'll be a top 5, 10 for many,
Evil Within Chapter 14 boss. Rise of The Tomb Raider in queue.
@Ralizah @Gamer83 This game is amazing. Its above horizon for me..and that was my Goty
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