Final Fantasy XV has been updated to v1.15, adding in its Bestiary and Chapter Select features. The patch also incorporates the recently announced Assassin’s Festival – high quality non-promotional content that is absolutely not stupid and free for you all to enjoy. There are even some new robes for you to dress Prince Noctis and co in.
The patch weighs in at a whopping 4GB on the PlayStation 4, but surely the bandwidth is a small price to pay for such stellar post-release support.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 40
4GB the update i downloaded was a little over 6GB
The sarcasm is palpable. I can taste the salt from here
"high quality non-promotional content that is absolutely not stupid and free for you all to enjoy"
Priceless, you absolutely made my day !! XD
And I'll say it again : I'm a big fan of FFXV wich I really enjoyed (despite its narrative flaws), but I'm totally with the Push Square team on this. The following of this game does not make any sens. Do not let the fanboys shut your right to criticize !!
Man another 4GB huh. I'm down to 29GB as it is and I need to make space for August PS+ games. I was going to delete 49GB Until Dawn last night after the first 5 minutes - hate the controls and that style of interactive movie game play - but it suckered me in after that, so now I have to play it first.
Yes, I know I could get an external HDD, but after what I went thru on my Wii U I'd rather not.
What a strange crossover.
@rjejr don't worry about it, i have no issues at all with an external HDD on my PS4 but if your unsure which to get i'm sure @get2sammyb could provide a link to the article where they listed the best External HDD'S for the PS4 (i couldn't find it)
@FullbringIchigo If sammy gave me a list of HDD I'm pretty sure none of them would work w/ the FFXV updates.
I am thinking about it though. The 1 I use to back up my 1TB PC is only 750GB, so I probably need a new one for that, so I can stick the current one on the PS4. My other old HDD was 120GB, which PS4 wont' work with. I think the old one I stuck on the Wii U was only 80GB and very old. Which is why it went on fire and had smoke pouring out of it, the enclosure was cheap, HDD was fine in a new enclosure though. But moving stuff back and forth on the Wii U, Ntinedo has the worst OS for saving and backing up files.
@rjejr well there is no back and forth on the PS4 everything is on the main menu no matter where it's stored plus once you install one it becomes the default saving location for everything including updates
on my PS4 the base FFXV game in on the internal HDD but most of the DLC is on the external
plus you can move some stuff from your internal to the external if you want to free up room on the internal
@FullbringIchigo Well since your'e here and we've already derailed the topic - though considering the contempt sammy treats it with that shouldn't' really be a problem, I am after all trying to play it - do you have a plug in powered HDD or a USB 1? And if USB do you have a Y-cable for data and power? PS4 is short on USB ports, my kids play Skylanders so that's 1, and I keep a cable in the other for charging our controllers. And that's all it has, 2 USB ports, which is another reason not to get an external HDD.
I'll wait until the next patch where you get the free DOA costumes for all characters and NPC's in the game.
@rjejr it only uses one USB port as it has to be a USB 3.0 drive which also means you don't need a separate power cable
and as you correctly put the PS4 is low on USB ports but if you got a separate controller charging station that would sort out the issue
I remember watching the first FF15 trailer way back when, and my first thought after it ended was "Man, I hope this game gets an Assassins Creed crossover".
Consider my expectations well and truly met Square!
@Bliquid They had three years to think about it and still thought it was a good idea?!
@Bliquid I'm just poking fun. Do I think this devalues a once great franchise further at a time when they should be - and, actually seemed to be on track towards - making amends? Yup.
But if people like it, more power to you.
It's just a video game at the end of the day, rock on.
@Bliquid Yeah I think we've all made our feelings clear on various other threads. To be honest I like a lot of the updates, it's just this AC one I hate. But then I hate AC and most Ubisoft games so that figures! Lol
Wow, usually the trolls are in the comment sections 😂 11/10 professional writing.
@rjejr https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2017/04/deals_the_best_external_hard_drives_for_ps4
Check this article out if you're interested!
@Rudy_Manchego I know you're joking, but I wish you weren't. I really really wish you weren't, and now that you've said it that is pretty much the only thing I want now.
@FullbringIchigo "it only uses one USB port as it has to be a USB 3.0 drive"
Thank you. Helpful info is helpful. As luck would have it the 750GB I have on my PC now is USB 3.0, but the motherboard I replaced my old motherboard with isn't - boy that was another fun disaster of my own making - so I can pick up a cheap USB 2.0 for my PC, transfer everything over, and use this one on the PS4.
@Constable_What The best thing about that link is the first few comments are about a HDD that was on the list but didn't work, so taking advice form Pushsquare may not be the best idea.
@rjejr Well that's what the comments are there for, hey?
@Constable_What To be honest, right now, nothing is off the table for FFXV.
@rjejr as longs as it's 3.0 yeah, there shouldn't be any problems
@rjejr Dumb question, but why don't you just temporarily copy everything to a External HDD or Flash Drive, swap out your PS4's HDD for a bigger size, and then move everything back onto the newly installed PS4 HDD?
It's alot easier and less stressful/problematic than you think.
@ToddlerNaruto I've considered that, but I still need the external HDD first for the back up. I did that several times w/ my PS3s and didn't have any problems. My only PS3 problem was their bad "Defrag that isn't defrag" wiping out my HDD. That kind of sucked. I just haven't looked too closely into doing that yet. My guess is I only need to back up a few save files - I've only had the system since Christmas - and settings and I can re-download all of the games afterward. Most of my games are on disc anyway so the downloads shouldn't' be too epic, except for the PS+ stuff. and all of the new FFXV stuff, that may be up to 20GB by now.
So it's a thought. I'm a stay at home dad waiting for my kids to go back to school on Wednesday so I have some time to think, been a long weird summer and I'm off my game. Thanks for the advice though.
@rjejr You're welcome. I know game data can't be copied over, which is a pain since some games are around 30-50 GB before patches.
Thankfully PS4s have background installation which also lets you start the game while it's installing?
I'm unsure about that since I still have yet to own a PS4. My current plan is to buy a 1TB PS4 Slim during Black Friday 2017.
@ToddlerNaruto OK, if you did all that research on HDD options, why spend the extra money for the extra 500GB when I'm sure it will be an extra $50 for that 500GB when you can just buy a 500GB PS4 Slim and spend the extra $50 on a 1TB drive? Serious question, not being a jerk.
I'm guessing PS4 Slims will be $199 this holiday, maybe $179 BF, for the 500GB model. Plus there should be some decent bundles out there. Then you can get a deal on a HDD at Newegg.
@rjejr Well of course if it's cheaper to just buy a 500GB Slim and swap out the HDD with a bigger 1TB, I will definitely go that route.
Honestly it all depends on what available bundle options there are during Black Friday. There might be some tempting 1TB PS4 Slim bundles.
@ToddlerNaruto I'm hoping for a Switch BF deal myself. I have an Xbox One I'm planning on trading in. Gamestop just ran a good deal recently but I'm hoping for a Switch deal. I know with limited stock they dont' need to drop the price, but I'm hoping they bundle a decent game like MK8D, SMO, ARMS or Splatoon 2. Though with my luck it will probably be Zelda as I just finished that on Wii U.
I wish us both good luck.
@rjejr You could also try selling your Xbox One on Amazon or eBay, you'd probably get more money doing that.
As for the Switch, I don't see myself buying one until Black Friday 2018 at least...my money will be better spent building up my PS4/3DS/Wii-Wii U/XB1 game collection imo.
No offense, but there just aren't enough Switch games I'm interested in yet to justify the $300 price tag, even when it is in stock. There need to be at least 10-15 exclusives I want to play before I'd grab a Switch.
@ToddlerNaruto Well I wouldn't buy a Switch for myself yet either, I'd like for there to be at least 3 games I want, Super Mario and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 being the first 2, but I have 2 sons who want a Switch as a Christmas gift so that's that. If I wait until the 3rd game I want comes out, well then I need to think of something else to get them for Christmas, so it's just easier this way.
@rjejr I was wrong earlier, apparently you can also move the "game data" too, not just the save data.
Oh right you have kids, keep forgetting that haha XD. Yeah then I can see why buying a Switch is higher priority.
@ToddlerNaruto Yeah, kids serve their purpose, I can pretty much buy anything I want and blame it on them.
Though yesterday I became one of the bad parents and let my 12 year old start playing an M rated game, Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning. Lots of blood, but I'm trying to prepare him to watch the Hobbit and LotR movies, so it's a cartoon precursor for that. Parents tell themselves stuff like that to make themselves feel better. Too many M rated games these days that are popular, choosing my poison.
@rjejr Pffft you're funny, but I see your point.
At least you didn't start him off with Rick & Morty. RIP innocence.
@ToddlerNaruto I have almost no idea what R&M is besides popular. For some reason - probably my advanced age - I never got into Adult Swim or most of the popular cartoons these days. I'm glad my kids dont' like any of that stuff either, they don't watch any TV at all. Though I'm not sure how watching Youtube Let's Plays is much better, but Youtube is their TV. I only watch ultra violent stuff like GoT, Westworld and Preacher, so they're on their own. Even Marvel shows on Netflix - Daredevil et al - are way to violent for them. We do watch "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Trolhunters" so I guess Netflix is this gens TV as well as Yotube.
@rjejr Imagine Back to the Future, but on steroids with lots of violence and crazy stuff going on
Your kids don't watch Cartoon Network/Disney/Nick? Whoa .
@ToddlerNaruto Well my kids are 12 and 14 so not really "kids". They used to watch Pokemon on Cartoon Network, and Dragonriders Defenders of Berk. When they were kids we watched Backyardigans and Phineas & Ferb, which still holds up. Oh and Teen Titans Go. But no, they don't really watch TV, just Youtube. Youtube Let's Players are their tv personalities.
If Saturday morning still had cartoons on I'd probably make them watch them b/c that's what I did growing up, but they don't exist anymore.
@rjejr True those were the good ol days.
Anyways, here's hoping they release a Complete Edition at some point.
@ToddlerNaruto Complete Edition
Well they will, probably on PS5 in a couple of years. Squenix seems to have given up on this gen already. I'm not holding my breath for FF7R on PS4 any more.
@rjejr Hmm yeah, a PS5 Complete Edition could happen.
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