You didn’t expect this, did you? Fear Effect Reinvented, a remake of the PSone action adventure, is coming to the PlayStation 4 in 2018. Many of you will remember the original 32-bit release being one of the first to employ cel-shaded visuals – plus it had that sequel with the, er, questionable marketing campaign.

After the cancellation of a PlayStation 2 instalment, the series had been put on ice for many years, but Fear Effect Sedna revived the brand earlier this year. Not much is known about this remake at the time of typing, aside from the fact that it will release in 2018 and will boast improved controls. The original was very much a product of the 90s, so it’ll be interesting to see how it’s received now.
Comments 12
This is awesome news, loved the original back in the day 👍
This seems like such an odd thing to revive. A total '90s game. So edgy. In 2017 it all might seem a little bit... weird.
Oh yeah!!!
Cool, I remember finishing the first one on ps1, it's like action oriented resident evil with human rather than monster as an enemy.
Im on-board
Never made it past disc 1 on PS1.
Hmm, do I buy it in PS4 for legacy, or Switch so I can play it anywhere. I will need to think on this
It's possible they might be priced differently. I'm waiting on that news myself but right now leaning towards the Switch version.
I was all over this franchise back in the day but the series was long dead with no desire to revive it. Then along comes a little french Studio that just gets a new game kickstarted, now this? Wow!
I think I'd have the same problem, but considering I still have the PS originals of both games, I may just let portability take me this time.
I seem to remember a certain lift scene.
@bbtothe Watch the language please.
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