What a surreal moment this is: we’ve waited over 15 years, but here’s our very first look at Shenmue III on the PlayStation 4. We’ve got to be honest with you, it’s hard to believe that we’re even writing this.
So, the good: the environments are excellent. Yu Suzuki’s adventure series is famous for its meticulously detailed worlds, and the glimpses we get of China in this trailer look pretty bloody inviting indeed. We’re particularly fond of the oversaturated colours, which are something of a franchise hallmark, and give the whole thing an ethereal feel.

The less good: the non-existent facial animations are jarring in 2017 – in fact, every motion that a character makes looks stilted and frankly old-fashioned. This is probably because we’ve been spoiled by games using motion capture in recent years, but these are the standards that Shenmue III will be held to, and it’s clear there’s an enormous amount of work to be done.
So there’s reason to be both excited and concerned, then, but there’s also over a year of development left to go. Exactly how far Ys Net will be able to progress in that timeframe remains to be seen, but the fact that this project exists at all is still a bit of a dream come true.
[source bit.ly]
Comments 28
I mean, it looks absolutely terrible but I've waited 15 years for this moment and I'm not going to let that small problem ruin this for me.
No facial expressions whatsoever! lol
@Tulio517 Their faces are tired from everything!
Man, this better not turn out as the "Mass Effect Andromeda" of Kickstarter games. I'm still excited for the game, even though I haven't played any of the games, but is simple problems like these that makes me worried of what the final product will turn out.
It has a nostalgic vibe to it... Wouldn't mind some more modernity on those faces though XD
A Kickstarter game. What could go possibly go wrong?
I don't see anything wrong with the animations...they seem fine. Though to be fair, I didn't play the previous games so I'll be taking a pass on this one.
Well, it's not quite Andromeda level but the character models still need some work. The game is still a year away though, so hopefully they make the necessary adjustments.
No facial animations or expressions at all. Too bad because the rest looks good.
Faces have no expression. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I played though the others last year and still loved them. As long as they keep to the charm those games have, I'm a happy man.
@get2sammyb Please just dont review based on the fact it actually happened rather thsn the product it ends up being please. That's my one concern right now is that many reviewers will be blinded by its problems if not fixed by launch.
Which is a shame given all the hands funding this.
It does look terrible, but kinda gives me a "PS1 retro" vibe. Its animation and character models bring that style to mind, hehe.
@BLP_Software I mean... We'd never do that.
After the disappointment that was BG&E2 (for me) I will be looking at any dream/wishlist games warily from now on. Sometimes it is a case of be careful what you wish for.
@get2sammyb I kinda have to agree , waited this long cant let that stop me now lol
Could this be the new Duke Nukem Forever? If they asked me to judge by this trailer only I would say yes lmao
Despite the janky animation in spots, the environments are absolutely gorgeous.
We have a year to wait, so hopefully they'll improve and clean things up for the time being. Gives me time to try the first two games.
How is it possible for the environments to look SO GOOD and the character models look dead and lifeless. Hope they fix it
The Mass Effect Andromeda of 2018 hath arrived...
@get2sammyb Thank god! When I saw those horrible facial features I was like "Are all the people going to pretend they're ok because they love Shenmue and at the same time complain about Chun-Li's face because they hate Capcom"?
Honestly if it was Dreamcast graphics I'd still be happy. I'm in this for the story and a healthy hit of nostalgia - I'm perfectly prepared for the actual game to be fairly rubbish if that's how it turns out.
Well as long as people wanted a game that looks exactly like the first two they're in luck.
I'm guessing that once people discover it plays like the first two and has none of the modern advancements of this style of game I foresee many 1 to 4/10 reviews. This game will be trash.
I do believe facial animations are done late in development, it's more important to get things to work properly first
I don't care if this game is terrible. I just want it to be released. I made my peace with that when I pledged $100.
I get the facial animations not being done...but does that include the entire character model? Because all their bodies look way out of place with the environments.
It looks like one dev from 2017 made the environments...and one dev from 2006 made the character models lol
@Krest_arisen I'm glad you enjoyed it. My opinion remains unchanged. Have a wonderful day!
I'm going to get killed for saying it but I just don't think kickstarter is the right means for funding/creating games. All that hype, often leading to a lacklustre product.
I honestly hope I'm proven wrong. I don't like smack-talking games, it's just worrying the direction we seem to be going in with singleplayer micro transactions, half finished games released to be finished in further payed dlc. I love gaming, I love the experiences that can only be had through that medium, I can't say I love the industry.
Good god people, the facial animations were removed temporarily. Read his interviews.
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