August 2017’s gigantic PlayStation 4 release date schedule is honestly unprecedented. This is supposed to be a quiet summer month, but Sony’s system is just defying all rules this generation, and we’re getting a lineup that looks like this. There’s just so much good stuff here that it’s difficult to even select a few highlights: Sonic Mania, Matterfall, Undertale, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Everybody’s Golf – we could go on. Browse the list for yourself and you’ll see what we mean.
August, 2017
- CastleStorm VR (PS4) - August 1st (US)
- Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure (PS4) - August 1st (US)
- Dino Frontier (PS4) - August 1st (US)
- Dreadnought (PS4) - August 1st (US)
- Patapon Remastered (PS4) - August 1st (US)
- Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun (PS4) - August 1st (US)
- The Long Dark (PS4) - August 1st (US)
- Energy Cycle (PS4) - August 4th (US)
- Batman: The Enemy Within - Episode One: The Enigma (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- BLACKHOLE: Complete Edition (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- Comet Crash 2: The Kronkoid Wars (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- Graceful Explosion Machine (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- LawBreakers (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- Masquerada: Songs and Shadows (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- Neon Drive (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- Sine Mora EX (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II (PS4) - August 8th (US)
- Sudden Strike 4 (PS4) - August 11th (UK/EU)
- Agents of Mayhem (PS4) - August 15th (US)
- Cities: Skylines - PlayStation 4 Edition (PS4) - August 15th (US)
- Matterfall (PS4) - August 15th (US)
- Minecraft: Story Mode Season Two - Episode 2: Giant Consequences (PS4) - August 15th (US)
- Nidhogg 2 (PS4) - August 15th (US)
- Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition (PS4) - August 15th (US)
- Observer (PS4) - August 15th (US)
- Sonic Mania (PS4) - August 15th (US)
- Undertale (PS4) - August 15th (US)
- Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth (PS4) - August 16th (UK/EU)
- Zero Time Dilemma (PS4) - August 18th (US)
- ChromaGun (PS4) - August 22nd (US)
- Guardians of the Galaxy: Episode Three - More Than a Feeling (PS4) - August 22nd (US)
- SwapQuest (PS4) - August 22nd (US)
- The Escapists 2 (PS4) - August 22nd (US)
- Thimbleweed Park (PS4) - August 22nd (US)
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4) - August 22nd (US)
- White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (PS4) - August 22nd (US)
- One Piece: Unlimited World Red - Deluxe Edition (PS4) - August 24th (Japan)
- F1 2017 (PS4) - August 25th (US)
- Madden NFL 18 (PS4) - August 25th (US)
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy (PS4) - August 25th (US)
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy (PS4) - August 25th (US)
- Freedom Planet (PS4) - August 25th (UK/EU)
- Rock of Ages II: Bigger and Boulder (PS4) - August 28th (US)
- Absolver (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Dead Alliance (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Everybody's Golf (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Fishing Planet (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Metronomicon (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Obduction (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Redout: Lightspeed Edition (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Resident Evil: Revelations (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Sparc (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Surf World Series (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- The Metronomicon: Slay the Dance Floor (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Warriors All-Stars (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Windjammers (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- Yakuza: Kiwami (PS4) - August 29th (US)
- X-Morph: Defense (PS4) - August 30th (UK/EU)
- Last Day of June (PS4) - August 31st (US)
- Life Is Strange: Before the Storm - Episode 1: Awake (PS4) - August 31st (US)
- Tekken 7: Ultimate Tekken Bowl (PS4) - August 31st (US)
- The Lost Bear (PS4) - August 31st (US)
For a full list of launches, check out our 2017 PS4 games release dates guide.
Which upcoming PS4 games are you planning to pick up in August 2017? Check out our full list of PS4 release dates, and let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 48
Hot dawg!
What you gunna be buying @kyleforrester87?
Sonic Mania
Everybodies Golf
Pillars of Eternity
Happy august guys!
Uncharted lost legacy, sonic mania, undertale, yakuza kiwami and maybe matterfall and patapon for me
Whelp, looks like the summer drought is over.
I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that to be honest. It's ridiculous.
Sonic will do very nicely indeed until Destiny 2
What a massive release list. And it's only August!
Just pre ordered Lawbreakers and will get UNcharted, Sonicmaniac and Pillars, but not day one, will wait for them.
I've paid off my preorder for Agents of Mayhem...still on board even after the last trailer. I will definitely get Life is Strange, Batman season 2, Hellblade and Uncharted at some point but probably not all this month.
Really looking forward to my pre-order of Sudden Strike 4 downloading.
I'll pay off my Uncharted preorder next day off. I'll likely get Sonic too, but other than that, there's nothing jumping off the screen to me. There is a lot of games though.
Sonic Mania. And maybe Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.
No sense in getting Kiwami when I haven't even played Yakuza Zero yet!
Shadow Tactics, Hellblade, Uncharted, Hot Shots!! Now that is an August lineup!
That's a lot of games.
Day 1:
HellBlade: Senua's Sacrifice
Undertale -PSVita edition
Uncharted The Lost Legacy
Yakuza Kiwami
Wait for a sale:
Patapon Remastered
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
Sonic Mania
Naruto Legacy Collection
The games never seem to end.
Hell of a release schedule, what a time to be skint
Most excited about Sonic Mania (never thought I would say that about sonic again), but will also be getting thimbleweed park, uncharted lost legacy and yakuza kiwami. If finances stretch I will also pick up undertale for my vita.
I want life is strange, but will wait for the whole season to be out as I usually do with episodic games before buying. Same goes for batman.
I am also getting a psvr for my birthday so am looking forward to the small stack of games I am building up for it including res 7, farpoint, rez, thumper and psychonauts.
At least September is a quiet month! remembers pre-orders for danganronpa 3 and ys 8 😢 my poor wallet! Thank goodness im not into Destiny! Could have done without having to stack ps plus in August tbh
Patapon, Undertale, Uncharted and Yakuza OMFG I don't have money
I'll likely only pick up one or two but here are the potentials:
The Long Dark
Castlestorm VR (dependent on reviews)
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
Night Trap
Thimbleweed Park
Busy month!!!
Holy Moly!Someone please tell me how the beep am I ever going to make a dent in my back log when so many games keep adding to it?I still haven't even got round to starting The Witcher 3 yet which I received at Christmas,nor The Last Guardian despite me being super hyped for it...
And that's not taking into account I have Nintendo Switch on preorder...although the way it's going it will never turn up..
@Melucine you'll wait for Uncharted? But why?! It's Uncharted !!😡😡
Holy moly. Best August ever.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Yakuza: Kiwami
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Plus maybe on launch or discounted but definitive eventually:
Patapon Remastered
@JAMes-BroWWWn That's why! The price will drop fast enough and no replay value for me.
@Rob_230 Destiny 2 is going to be a real problem for me. I will want to spend a considerable amount of time with it, but with all these other awesome games coming out I don't know how that is going to work out for me. There is only 2 weeks between Pillars and D2 as far as I'm aware. I just don't want to give anything less time than it deserves lol. Nightmare!
Yikes. Most of what I'm interested by on that gargantuan list will just have to wait until sales or such a time that my backlog is sufficiently dented.
Must buys though are Sonic Mania and Undertale on the PS Vita. Kinda tempted by Everybody's Golf, too!
Sonic Mania for me. I also have to admit that Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and Hellblade are looking like eventual purchases as well.
I might get Sonic Mania on Switch, but Yakuza, Windjammers, and Uncharted for PS4.
/ Everybody's Golf
/ Last Day of June
/ Warriors All-Stars
/ Pillars of Eternity
/ White Day: A Labyrinth Named School
/ Yakuza: Kiwami
/ Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
/ MatterFall
/ Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
/ Agents of Mayhem
The first generation that i have to sell old games to keep up.
Sonic Mania for me, but probably on Switch.
Man, another packed month, really. I mean, it seems sort of light, but that's only in relation to how crazy the rest of 2017 has been Still, I'm gonna try to ignore most of this and focus on older games. Except for one: I got Agents of MAYHEM pre-ordered, so that's the only new thing I'm guaranteed to check out in August.
Don't care if Deep Silver sucks at marketing it; I look forward to that game apparently surprising a lot of people when they finally get their hands on it. Except for fans of Saints Row III and IV, or fans of Volition's awesome open world action games in general. And Engadget I guess; they don't seem like they'll be surprised - wrote a great piece comparing & contrasting Crackdown 3 to Agents of MAYHEM. Volition's just too damn good at these types of games, and its crazy that so many people are forgetting that
Paid off my Yakuza and Uncharted pre-orders. Might get WindJammers and Sonic Mania.
Looking forward to Sonic Mania, Yakuza, and the new Life is Strange most out of all those
Too many games however Sonic Mania is top of the list for me and I also have Uncharted pre ordered.
Speaking of Uncharted, when first revealed it showed Chloe sneaking around some streets at night and I'm sure they said it was going to be a different gameplay experience. Since then all of the videos make it look exactly like Uncharted 4 just with different character skins, so I'm a bit confused by it all.
Hellbade: Senua's Sacrifice
Sonic Mania Collector's Edition
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Ys Origin
Yakuza Kiwami
New Everybody's Golf
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack (Physical Import)
The Last Day of June
Pillars of Eternity
I would like to get Shadow Tactics and Patapon as well but that will probably be down the road. Also went with Undertale but the physical release won't be until October.
Looking forward to all your reviews of the titles in this list... gonna be a busy month...?
From that lot I've already pre-ordered Everybody's Golf and will get the new Uncharted , not to fussed with anything else. Maybe Sudden Strike in a year or two.
It's just obscene. I'm supposed to be saving for my holiday but Shadow Tactics, Sonic Mania, Hellbade, Uncharted, White Day, Yakuza Kiwami, Everybody's Golf, Life is Strange, Pillars of Eternity and Undertale are all calling out to me. Argh!
Definitely getting Shadow Tactics, Sonic Mania, Hellblade and White Day...the others will just have to wait until Christmas or even the new year. 2017 has been utterly brutal on my wallet.
My backlog is too crazy to get any games this month. I mean it includes mass effect Andromeda, mad Max, all PS plus games from past 5 months, project cars, Wolfenstein the new order, last guardian....the list goes on. At least I will save money cause most these games will be on sale by the time I get to them
Hellblade, Uncharted and LiS. Sonic and Thimbleweed on Switch.
Good month.
Wow so meny good games, I've already pre ordered everybody's golf and lost legacy.
I'm very interested in hell blades, might be day 1 for me, but I might wait for the reviews first 😀
didn't realise RedOut was coming this month!, cant wait
Pillars is amazing. Please guys, buy the game! You won't regret it. A throwback to classic RPGs, where choice and builds actually mattered.
Im ultra excited for lufe is strange but other than that its mostly a barren wasteland for me other than absolver which who knows how that going to turn out and thimbleweed park, same deal.
I got my eye on Neon Drive, Thimbleweed Park and Redout. Ow, my backlog...
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