So then, is PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds coming to the PlayStation 4? Once again, we find ourselves having to work through some corporate double-speak in order to get to the truth – and yes, before someone says it, we’re fully aware that Microsoft is not the only console manufacturer willing to twist the meaning of the English language to its whim.
Still, we’re a PlayStation website and we have a natural interest in whether the biggest game in the world right now will come to Sony’s system. Microsoft’s really muddied the waters this week, revealing that it will be publishing the “console” version of the game. So what does that mean for the future of the title on the PS4?
Well, let’s trace back events first. Prior to E3 2017, developer Bluehole announced that it was working on bringing the Battle Royale-inspired shooter to the PS4 and Xbox One. A port was then officially revealed during the Microsoft E3 2017 briefing with “console launch exclusive” status for the Xbox One confirmed.
At the time, we assumed that the Early Access nature of the online outing was the reason behind this window of exclusivity: Sony does not have a game preview program on its platform, which has delayed similar titles such as Elite Dangerous and Ark: Survival Evolved. However, this week at Gamescom 2017 the Redmond firm announced that it will be publishing the game on Xbox One.
So what does that mean? Well, frankly not as much as it may seem: Sony is the publisher of Minecraft on PlayStation – but that sure as heck isn’t an exclusive. And let us not forget that Rise of the Tomb Raider was technically a Microsoft Games Studios release – so none of this means PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is tied to the Xbox One indefinitely.
Our guess is that Microsoft is lending support to get the title on its system as quickly as possible. From there, we suspect it will remain exclusive for at least as long as the game remains in Early Access – and whatever the Xbox maker has negotiated on top. But honestly, if development goes well, our guess is that you’ll be playing this title on PS4 at some point in 2018.
Just don’t expect anyone to state it explicitly: contracts will stipulate that the PlayStation version of the game must remain underwraps – much like no one’s mentioning the Xbox version of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy that’s clearly on the way. It’s just the way business works, but one thing’s for sure: as things stand, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds will come to PS4.
Do you think PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds will come to the PS4? Do you even care about the game in the first place? Be the last man standing in the comments section below.
Comments 31
If it comes it comes if it doesn't not a big deal.
If it doesn't arrive on Ps4 and i'm not gonna rub my hands greedily laughing at guys that would like the game to come to the PS4(like most Fanboys do because there is a high chance for the game to arrive on Ps4) if it does I'm not gonna scream HA HA Xbox doesn't have any exclusives etc.
Fact of the matter is it's on PC and Xbox version to be released this year...Ps4 version has not been announced and that's ok that's not a big deal,if the game gets announced for PS4 awesome I might get it but I'm not into battleroyal type of games.
And can anyone Pls stop with this game Imo this game deserves waaaay more attention then it should.
Language -Tasuki-
It's a timed Xbox console exclusive. The Devs more or less said this since day 1 that it's coming to Xbox first then PS4.
Dunno why this "is it or isn't it coming to ps4" keeps popping up. Unless the Devs say otherwise there's no reason to have this debate imo.
Could someone explain to me what has made this game such a big deal? I know what it's about. Just don't think it's THAT special or original.
It's an unfinished game. They're all the rage at the moment.
@lacerz Oh, I see! So when the game is eventually finished they move onto the next incomplete one. It all makes sense now
Dont care i will see it if happens if not i have to much to play anyway.
Meh, by the time this comes to any console the game will be out of early access and the early adopters will be on to the next cool thing. I believe it is a great mp game but MS are obviously going to pay top dollar to get this on the XB 1 ASAP.
Is it bad I have genuinely never heard of this game before?
It better come out, I genuinely cannot wait for this!
i have never heard of this game before microsoft's e3 conference. and don't care about it either. looks like a standard shooter, or is there anything special about it?
MS have consistently referred to this as a 'console launch exclusive' - even after the news they were publishing the game and helping the Devs to get it up to scratch and running on both PC and Xbox.
The Devs themselves have said they are currently only focused on the PC/Xbox and as soon as they have any 'further' information, they will share.
Nothing, it seems, has changed since the E3 Xbox briefing - other than MS are helping and Publishing this game. As for 'early access', whether it 'will be' when it gets a launch before the end of the year or not, I don't know. It seems that since MS have become involved, its moved on quite well with more 'substance'
Personally, I couldn't care less either way. If I want it, I can play it. At the moment though, I wouldn't pay even an 'indie' price for it!
Bluehole is greedy, it'll definitely be on the system with the biggest console customer base.
Another game that's only really at home on pc...would definitely give it a try if it came to PS4 but like ark(and a few other games)i would imagine its simply better played on pc
I certainly hope so. This game is a ton of fun, and it would suck for people to miss out on it. By the way, for everyone here who's never heard of it and is generally dismissing it, I definitely recommend checking out some Twitch streams. This game can be incredibly intense.
@teknium_ Almost every shooter is better on the PC. Aiming with the sticks on a controller is absolutely archaic compared to a mouse. Pretty much the worst control scheme ever when it comes to shooters.
that is a big part of it yea,even going back to the original battlefield on pc or doom even(I played shooters on pc a looong time ago) I think also it's how games like this feel and no matter how well.the Devs handle the mapping of the buttons,no.matter how well they get the game running (is ark still struggling on pc with all.the bells.and whistles turned on?)this game and the others.just don't "feel" right I've had ARK on PS4 since day one and I love playing it but as I said I can imagine it plays and much better on pc
There's no reason to suggest it won't. Until then, GTA online has similar modes,similar clunky combat. Win win!
@lacerz haha good one bro!!
For those hoping great.... I personally couldn't give 2 hoots
Who cares if this games comes out or not for the ps4. Not interested and for any of you guys that are interested and don't own a pc go and buy a pc. Don't support Xbox one X.
I haven't heard of this game or I simply don't remember it. I guess it is not a big deal.
@belmont Not a big deal? It sold 8 million units in 5 months, and it's only on PC. Just imagine where it'll be when it comes out on the consoles.
Yes it will come to ps4 and no I don't care.
Now unfinished games is all the rages on pc.
Almost certainly. You can tell by Microsoft's language when something is an actual, honest-to-god exclusive, and when something is a wink wink exclusive. This is one of the latter occasions. Now they'll dodge questions about the exclusivity with flowery, vague answers for a few months until it's inevitably announced for PS4.
@manu0 @Tulio517 Its brilliant. You can team up but be stabbed in the back, the maps huge and the idea is to be the last one standing and the map shrinks aka bomberman to bring players closer together. I cant believe its never been done before.
There is no chance in hell this is not coming to PS4. Absolutely zero chance. A game this high profile, that has a console version in development, would never be exclusive to the console with the significantly least amount of users. It's just math, the money that Microsoft would have to pay to cover the potential earnings they would get from the PS4 userbase, would be close to, or even more than what they would earn from sales. The game preview thing, timed exclusivity, sure. But I'd bet everything I've got that this will make its way to the PS4 when it is completed. It's too big not to.
@themcnoisy wow that sounds pretty cool. how does the map shrink? does it just limit the area where you can go by invisible walls or does the map actually crumble away or something?
@manu0 Every few minutes, the map shows a circle that is "safe" from the encroaching electricity field, and you have to try and stay in the safe zone. For the first few shrinks, the electricity does relatively small damage, enough so that if you get caught in it, you have a good chance of being able to get out. As the game progresses, the amount of damage it does multiplies, to the point that standing in it will kill you in seconds. The map is 8x8 km, so there's always the chance you could choose a landing that keeps you safe the entire game....or forces you to travel the entire game.
@themcnoisy There's been a couple games that have done it, mainly the Arma 2 mod and H1Z1, but PUBG has refined it to the point that games play out fast and smooth, and there's very little time wasted, which makes the "one more game" mentality very alluring.
@manu0 yeah @RedMageLanakyn has it down. Its a great game in that you need to focus on getting to places you wouldnt necessarily want to be. Im rubbish at shooters but you can tactically play as the maps so big and run away.
With the huge install base on PS4, I'm pretty sure it's going to come to PS4.
The spec requirements for the game isn't that high, my friends play the game on their potato laptop and still runs good.It's fairly cheap on Steam
Never played it, looks fun, look absolutely awful? Or have I just been watching streams from people with £50 PCs?
I would rather like Path of Exile to come to PS4.
The developer won't confirm nor deny it, they at least have said something along the lines of let's see how it does on Xbox first before thinking of other platforms.
Although I read someone saying it's because the game is made with DirectX and not OpenGL. But that shouldn't make it impossible, just really annoying and maybe more costly, but as mentioned, the PS4 has a huge install base that would easily make up that difference.
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