Sony's revealed the PlayStation Plus lineup for September, and it's just as yesterday's leak suggested - albeit with one extra title up for grabs.
On PlayStation 4, subscribers are getting access to inFAMOUS: Second Son and Child of Light. Two pretty great picks, but we're left wondering how many people will be left complaining that they've already bought and played the former.
In addition, those who own a PlayStation VR headset can look forward to RIGS: Mechanized Combat League.
Jumping to PlayStation 3, the last-gen console gets, er, Truck Racer and Handball 2016. Meanwhile, Vita gets We Are Doomed and Hatoful Boyfriend. It's also worth pointing out that both of those Vita titles are also playable on PS4, so technically, you're getting five current-gen games next month.
What do you make of September's selection? As always, don't shoot the messenger in the comments section below.
Update #1, 17:00 BST: As it turns out, those of you in North America are getting a vastly different selection of monthly games. You're still nabbing inFAMOUS: Second Son and RIGS, but that's where the similarities end.
On PS4, you lot are getting Strike Vector EX. On PS3, Monster Jam Battlegrounds and Hustle Kings. On Vita, Hue and Sky Force Anniversary. Those last two are also playable on PS4.
Update #2, 20:30 BST: Sony can't get its crap in order and has changed the selection of PlayStation Plus games again for North America. In the interests of clarity, we're just going to list the games out by region. At least this way we can easily update when it changes its mind again.
North American September 2017 PlayStation Plus Games
- inFAMOUS: Second Son, PS4
- Strike Vector EX, PS4
- RIGS: Mechanized Combat League, PS4
- Truck Racer, PS3
- Handball 2016, PS3
- We Are Doomed, PS Vita (Cross-buy with PS4)
- Hatoful Boyfriend, PS Vita (Cross-buy with PS4)
European September 2017 PlayStation Plus Games
- inFAMOUS: Second Son, PS4
- Child of Light, PS4
- RIGS: Mechanized Combat League, PS4
- Truck Racer, PS3
- Handball 2016, PS3
- We Are Doomed, PS Vita (Cross-buy with PS4)
- Hatoful Boyfriend, PS Vita (Cross-buy with PS4)
Comments 88
Oh cool so we're gonna start getting an extra plus game every month for VR?
RiGS!?! Wow, it's so rare to get a game I didn't buy on a recent sale! Nice!
I've been waiting a long time for iSS to come to PS+ since it was pretty much a launch title years ago, good to see it make it even if I did play it earlier this year. I played CoL when it launched, I think on Wii U if that's possible, and it was pretty good for what it was, I'm not the biggest fan of 2D games. I also played RIGS for 15 minutes at the Playstation Experience - the only VR game I've ever played - and it's a nice addition for anyone who somehow has PSVR but doesn't have it yet, would have been the first VR game I bought.
On the plus side, no need to by an external HDD just yet.
So has PSVR been added to the monthly line up? I already own Rigs, but I would've thought they'd promote that more.
Great selection for those that haven't played these games. Nothing for me this month though, as I own all the games that interest me.
i hope, this VR thing continues. building up a library before picking it up would be nice. did the same with my vita
BTW none of the ps3 games have a proper score on metacritic
Good month, I already have second son so I might give it another go on the pro. Child of Shight can do one though. I'm not playing that.
Bird botherer is another one that can get lost as well. Pointless.
Still, the rest look at least alright and it's a good shout getting Rigs in there for the VR owners.
Infamous was the first platinum I got on my ps4 but never played child of light but heard good things so look forward to playing that all in all another good month by Sony
Great month!
Whilst I do own both and have platinumed Infamous, I am certainly not going to criticise or complain. The fact that Sony have now maintained a 'certain' standard for a couple of months now, gives me more hope and renewed anticipation for the future of IGC offerings.
So this month may not be of much use to me personally, those who haven't played Infamous should really give it a go - its quite Fun although I do think its weaker than its predecessors. For those on Pro, it is enhanced too.
Whilst Sony continuously released 'indies', I really found very little that appealed and as such lost interest and certainly couldn't care less about the 'next' month. However with this apparent change, although this month is offering games I have, I am more interested and more likely to recommend PS+ too...
Eh better than most months
Already own iSS and Child of Light, but I'd say this is a good month. Hoping that PSVR games will continue to be included, as this might actually (eventually) make me purchasing PSVR.
Infamous ss and child of light are great games, I already bought it though.
Own none and have PSVR!!! Thats quite a Month!!!! Rigs is a really pleasant surprise! It was always a little bit too expensive for my liking so as a freebie, it kinda hits the spot!!
UPDATED the article. Please make sure to take note - North America has a different lineup.
Well, I was excited about child of light and um...Hatoful boyfriend 😂 But I also can't complain about getting rigs. I'll definitely try it. And I've always wanted to play hue, so that good as well.
I'm probably the only one who liked the past selection of games. Not every month was good, but there were some amazing indie titles that I would have never played. Almost all these "good games" that have been on PS Plus I've played or owned. Just Cause 3 has been the only AAA game I actually haven't played and was interested in. You can get Infamous really cheap if you really wanted to play it.
Damn. I was looking forward to Child of Light, no interest in Strike Vector at all.
Great month! Still not gotten around to Second Son, and Hatoful Boyfriend is easily the best High-School-Avian-Dating-Simulator ever made.
NA got shafted. Where's my pigeon dating sim?
RIGS is awesome! Plus, now I can finish the evil run in Second Son. Personally this is a great PS Plus month.
RIGS being in there is awesome! I already have it, but it's still my favorite full-sized VR title that's been released, and just like when it went on sale, this will make it possible to find online matches again! Exciting!
Is it me or is the PS3 lineup getting crappier? Come on, Sony, there are still more PS3 you should offer for free like Oblivion, Red Dead Redemption, Dead Space, Darkness, and MGS, even though the majority are disc only (thanks, Sony.)
Anyway, I'm looking forward Strike Vector Ex and Sky Anniversary. I love me some shoot em ups.
Good titles, though I own the PS4 selection already, so it's a month to focus on my backlog instead!
@glassmusic RIGS is very underrated, and is sad that it didn't get much support from Sony since they shutted down Guerrilla Gambridge.
Hatoful boyfriend haha YESSSSS!
So is the extra game attributed to the price increase of PLUS or just a one time thing?
don't see how people can complain tbh, 5 Games (6 if you haven't got That's You) on PS4, think it's good that there giving the VR game as a bonus rather than a standard monthly game
Rigs?! Oh sweetness!
Omg RIGS? Brilliant news! I hadn't picked that up for vr yet! What a pleasant surprise. Pleased for those who haven't played infamous or cold or light yet, two quality games.
Is it bad I'm secretly looking forward to hatoful boyfriend? Answers to that question may be delivered by carrier pigeon.
The PS4 games I already own but the vita ones are cool! The Handball game I once saw a video just to see how bad it is, trust me it's very bad and the commentary is like same line every 10 seconds!
I'm happy for people that haven't played Infamous and Child of Light!
I'm also glad they gave a VR title so people can shut up about it xD But anyway if I had VR I would like to try Rigs out...seems fun! I will add it to my library for when I eventually pick up a second hand VR system or something...
Awesome! I don't have Rigs yet. The demo made me sick but it was on launch day!
@ShogunRok So, who do you think has the better selection for September, Europe or the US?
Good selection of games but I've played them all except for the pidgeon love one. So not much for me. Child of Light is totally worth playing though, if you haven't, and inFamous is pretty good.
I see them doing a VR game every now and again not every month since the lineup is still small. Glad I didn't pick up rigs yet but the demo made my friend a little ill so we will see
@blakey78 Personally I think Europe has the better games overall.
@ShogunRok shots fired..
Great month. I hope the VR trend continues.
@ShogunRok I agree, I was really excited when I saw Child of Light. Oh well..
An amazing line up for next month!And really shocked but excited to get a VR game woohoo!
As much as rigs made me feel sick when I originally tried it im happy to give it another go. Vr needs a half decent push given all the tripe that's been released recently.
Unfortunately I'm in North America and I already have Sky Force Anniversary so nothing for Vita for me this month, plus the PS3 lineup looks meh at best...
I sold ISS a while back but never finished it. This will probably come in handy.
I want strike vector mannnnnnn. Need to move house.
@ShogunRok Thanks for the update. Already played CoL so Strike Vector is a win for me.
Just give up with the PS3 titles.
Give me PS+ at a discount and they can keep their crappy, so called free games.
@ShogunRok @Get2SammyB So there's another update, apparently NA is getting the EU lineup minus Child of Light.
i bought infamous second son at launch after really liking the first two games, but just could not get into ISS.. really disliked delsin as character, and gave up not long after fetch showed up. i'm hoping sucker punch move onto something else.
haven't played child of light though.
Updated the article again, Sony's really cocked this up.
RIGs is a brilliant bonus, really surprised to see a major VR only release in there. Downside for the VR market is it will make me think twice before I pay out for a Battlezone or Robinson, when I daresay they could do with more sales. I barely ever pay for indies anymore, I just wait for ps plus.
I'd rather have Child of light then Strike Vector but hey I'm getting Second son so I'm not complaining. PS3 line up looks like they might as well have not even included any for the system this month.
I'm not too interested in RIGS but glad to see a PSVR game included, Hope they keep it up every month,I'd wouldn't even care if they just start with the crap experiences,I just want more free VR content.
I'm glad they changed the NA lineup, I already own child of light and it's frequently on sale for under $5. Looking forward to some strike vector ex.
I just saw on the blog that RIGS will be available for two months,maybe this means a new VR game every other month?
I thought RIGS was only avalaible for a limited time? But no mention of that in your article
Sounds cool
Awesome that they are taking VR seriously, and a game that was on sale for £50, helping to justify a tiny price increase. Not the biggest fan of RiGs, nowhere near as accomplished as Starblood Arena, but better than Battlezone. Infamous feels a bit... Obvious, and possibly almost pointless. I hope it makes a few new fans of the franchise, though.
The Hue tease was a damn shame; one of the very best indies of the last few years, with a stunning soundtrack. Cost a bit but if you can find a copy on vinyl it's well worth it, amazing.
@Th3solution haha trade accepted.
Well okay then. At least I don't own Strike Vector EX.
I loved ISS and happy to give it another go on me shiny new Pro. Good month! Would love to play VR but waiting for that 2nd improved version of PSVR visor thingy.
@get2sammyb @ShogunRok "Sony can't get its crap in order and has changed the selection of PlayStation Plus games again for North America"
Maybe Sony let the guys running FFXV run PS+ this month? Thanks for the continuing updated coverage.
I'm actually pretty pleased about Hatoful Boyfriend being on the list now as I've wanted to try it, but am disappointed that Child of Light was still left off of the corrected list.
I'm SO GLAD that I just renew my ps+ membership for 15 months ! Turns out I don't own Infamous SS nor RIGS !! I think this is the first time that I will actually play RIGHT NOW the games from PS+ (I normally add them to my library without downloading them, kinda like "yeah right I'll play that later").
Great selection, great month !!
@Th3solution I've heard it's pretty funny, but haven't tried it myself.
@get2sammyb Do you know how long I have to claim this months free games? as I need to renew for Just Cause and Infamous but not got around to it yet...
Great to see PSVR on the list!
@PostmanPatinator 5th September.
@ericflapjack Hollie B from psx access has raved about it. Seems pretty mint.
@get2sammyb Cheers! Have to say last few months have been great! AAA games I've liked the look of and do want to play but I usually have to get the ones I know I'll really like due to time and budget so miss out on a lot. Hope Sony keeps it up!
@SoulsBourne128 "Come on, Sony, there are still more PS3 you should offer for free like Oblivion, Red Dead Redemption, Dead Space, Darkness, and MGS,(...)"
I don't know for your territory (I'm in Europe), but I do have Red Dead Redemption and Dead Space 2 in my "Ps+" folder, on my ps3.
Infamous is great. Unfortunately, I've already beat it. I was excited for Child of Light until I saw the updated article...
@Th3solution It is exactly what it looks like. Replace the birds with anime people and there is your typical high school VN. Cooo!
@Hero_of_Hyrule Same here.
@get2sammyb @ShogunRok Is there a reason why NA gets different games then Europe?
I wish Child of Light was on Vita. Never understood why that game was not cross-buy.
At least I can fiddle with pigeons in the privacy of my own home, I'm on my last chance with the local park keeper. Says he'll call the fuzz if he catches me again.
Really enjoyed Child of Light and Infamous
@CountFunkula78 Child of Light is on Vita...
In the playstation blog website it sais "riggs WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR 2 MONTHS" i was so disappointed... i tought i was gonna start pilling up ps vr games to have to play when i got a ps vr headset... 😤😧 please update the information on your site 😣 @get2sammyb
@Bobobiwan Well, that sucks. I still hadn't gotten Red Dead nor Dead Space free on PS plus. I'm guessing is because of my NA account.
Great selection, but a real shame that RIGS is only available for two months - building up a couple of free games would have made me much more likely to buy a headset at some point. Went exactly the same way with the Vita - eventually I just had so many good games that I had to go out and buy one!
@Xaritah I don't understand... Why is this a bad thing? A bonus game with two months to snag it — surely that's good?
@get2sammyb o because i will only buy the psvr headset next black friday or yearly next year 😤 and i wanted to play it when i got it, (too late 😣)
@Xaritah You will still be able to claim it and download when you get your headset. TBH I'm still confused what you're angry about.
Lol everybody's getting confused, rigs is available to download for 2 months, when you have it it's yours forever to play
These don't do anything for me.
Unless I've read the article wrong, it's not on Vita in this promotion. I already have it for ps3/4 but would prefer to play it on Vita. Unlike many other smaller/indie games it is not cross buy. Good game but not quite worth a double dip.
Apologies, allow me to correct myself - I wish Child of Light was on Vita for this month's PS Plus promotion.
Happy now?
@CountFunkula78 Alright mate don't get goofy. I just misinterpreted your comment that's all and was just trying to help.
Dad? Is that you?
Put your trousers on and get down off the roof, you're upsetting the kids and crocodile has run off with the sausages...
@Dodoo Watch the language.
@get2sammyb it will have expired by then, the game will only be available to play for 2 months, after that it will expire
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