Hey, remember LawBreakers? Okay, we admit that was a cheap shot -- especially for an opening sentence -- but at least Cliff Blezinski is taking the popularity of his latest project seriously. The veteran developer, now head of Boss Key Productions, has opened up to GameSpot, speaking rather candidly about the multiplayer shooter's launch and what the goal is moving forward.
"I have to keep this game alive, first and foremost," Blezinski states. "I can be very cocky and very brash on social media. And realising that, you know, we have a fledgling player base. It's been very humbling for me. I'm going to continue to iterate on this game, continue to add to it."
LawBreakers has had its success questioned ever since it launched last month, with many pointing a finger at the game's low amount of concurrent users on Steam, but Blezinski reckons things aren't going too badly on PlayStation 4. "Here is a situation where players look at numbers on Steam; that doesn't happen on PlayStation 4. I don't have the numbers in front of me, but you look at PC, [concurrent user] health versus PS4, PS4 is doing fine," he explains.
"We certainly did make our share of mistakes with the game," Blezinski admits. "In spite of the mistakes, we're going to continue to update and iterate, and the reviews do not lie." Indeed, we scored LawBreakers a very respectable 8/10 in our review, so we'd like nothing more than to see it remain healthy.
Clearly, Cliffy B's up for the potential challenge of maintaining and building upon the foundation that LawBreakers has already established, but do you think the game's here for the long haul? Don't turn off the gravity in the comments section below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 16
I rememeber when this came out, but I'd be lying if I said I had thought about it since
I wonder if that's a little white lie on the PS4 numbers. He knows there's no way to really counter what he's saying as we can't see the data, so it injects the teensiest bit of positivity back into proceedings.
I just don't think there's much of an appetite for multiplayer-only shooters right now, Overwatch is pretty much fulfilling that role, it's the exception rather than the rule though i think as most people desire single player content, at least on consoles, i certainly wouldn't buy an FPS that's purely focused on multiplayer, Overwatch aside.
The market is flooded with shooters and games in general. Heck, I was burnt out on shooters back in the PS3 generation. Good luck, Cliff. Let me know when it's on a flash sale for $4.99. Till then, I've got a big backlog to work through.
"CliffyB is about to make you his b*tch."
I think the game will be in a more successfull place if its a free to play game, right now the game doesn't have something that standout compared to others multiplayer only shooter.
And of course the character design doesn't help either, it's really really bland, 2000 bland, with bald, buff military man. It just doesn't compare to others, more colourfull characters from others game like overwatch or paladin.
Traditional shooters have just gotten boring, honestly. I haven't touched Battlefield 1 in quite a while, whereas Splatoon 2 and PUBG have gotten a solid amount of playtime from me.
The market has spoken. Players want generic FS games they do not want games that do anything different. They want deathmatch etc etc. The same types of games repackaged every year is clearly want the market demands and will continue to get.
Overwatch and Paladins are not really fair comparisons they are very different types of games.
Feel bad because he has tried to do his best by the game and gamers, in my opinion, but at the end of the day the market is flooded and the game is in competition with other massive MP games like Overwatch and even PUBG. Plus, this came out a few months before Destiny 2 and the annual onslaught of MP shooters like COD, Battlefront etc. While I get these games are different in their nature (Overwatch is not PUBG, or Destiny etc.) they are still competing for competitive online players to make it their regular home and there are only so many of those players out there. MP games require dedication from players and people won't sink it in until they get an idea it will be worth it.
@dryrain They're the same type of game, multiplayer only shooter. Lawbreakers need more interesting characters and bot, I have fun playing unreal tournament 1 with bot on pc decade ago.
I do wonder if games like the latest CoD:IW, BF1 and the lack of any real content in the last year of Destiny 1 contributed in games like PUBG's success. I noticed a lot of the CoD and BF youtubers gave up on trying to make 'regular' content in the 'established' franchises and jumped into PUBG which raised its 'profile' on youtube leading to more sales. Overwatch also seems to be up and down depending on if they have added something new recently or not. I know BF1 hit the right chord at launch but the 'novelty' seemed to drop off with the lack of progression rewards and their is so many times you can be in awe of seeing that zeppelin crash onto the map. New content seems to be leading to a bit of a resurgence and I see those BF youtubers are making more content again instead of filling it with PUBG.
There does seem to be more 'hype' for CoD:WW2, Destiny 2 seems popular again on youtube and SW:BF2 has been saying the right things too. All of this, and of course the fact that Overwatch seems to be the game of choice in the character based FPS MP only market does make it seem that Lawbreakers will struggle to draw people in.
The game is trash. Good luck
This game had the Dark Souls of video game launches.
I really hope so! LB is so much fun! Just needs a few more maps , modes (deathmatch / tdm) and - imo- an improved class Switch (takes way too long to change the class in between matches / after spawn which kinda always breaks me out of the immersion and flow). Idk i kinda think that a great way to put LB in the spotlight would be as to make it free for psplus members for a month - i think it would attract quite some people and in convinced that many would get hooked and attracted to the fluid and fast gameplay! It worked with rocket league so maybe this would be an opportunity to save LB and get it known - there's hardly any marketing been for it. Pretty tough I bet and I know the constant overwatch comments get eyes rolling by now but overwatch just is more than simple competition - it just owns. I just can't say that my time with Lawbreakers was way more fun than I had with overwatch, which bored me after a few hours / weeks.
I hope Lawbreakers will be like Wii U's Splatoon, with constant updates and improvements and growing fanbase. It deserves it, it really is a fun game. Also don't forget it's half price of a full game.
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