With the Faction Rally looming, Bungie will be taking Destiny 2 offline today for a lengthy period of maintenance. If you're in North America, the timing isn't too bad -- the game will be down from 06:00 to 12:00 Pacific. It's a little worse on the East coast, though, where it'll be offline from 09:00 until 15:00 Eastern.
However, it's Europe that's once again getting drawing the short straw. Over here, you won't be playing Destiny 2 from 14:00 to 20:00 UK time. That covers a big chunk of potential after-work playtime.
Have these Destiny 2 maintenance periods been a pain for you, or have you just entertained yourself elsewhere? Call out your chosen faction in the comments section below.
Comments 28
Well, after two weeks, i am basically left with nothing to do. The only way to rise my power are the weekly quests that will come tomorrow. (and bungie promised tons of content.....).
I guess it is finally the time to experience the eastern front in Battlefield 1
Doesnt really bother me, though it would be nice if they could alternate between American & European time zones when doing them... ie we get the 2 - 8pm one time and then America the next time, but I suppose that might be a bit tricky to implement
I still don't get it why they have to literally ruin every European player's (Destiny 2) day with these stupid maintenance times.
Literally the only time I could get on today, so I'm missing this week's Nightfall. Wonderful. Twice I could understand as it's still relatively new, but 6 hours? At peak time for the UK? FFS Bungle, shaft the yanks for once!
No excuse in my opinion for any developer taking their game offline during peak hours for the chosen region. There should be systems in place to make sure that each region is dealt with at an appropriate time.
Content is drying up pretty sharpish if you've put in the hours like I have so the faction rally and iron banner will be welcome additions until the hard mode raid.
Just out of curiosity - I'm really not interested in FPS - can you still play this game in some single player or couch co-op offline mode while the servers are down, or did people pay $60 for a game they literally can not play at all for 6 hours per day whenever they do maintenance? I'd be greatly annoyed if I couldn't play a game for hours at a time I paid in full for. If it was free-to-play well whatever.
It is annoying that maintenance happens during the late afternoon and evening times in UK each Monday. However, it won't affect me today as I am suffering with a heavy cold so won't be playing any games until I feel nearly 100% better.
Should give me some time to play some Peach Beach!
@rjejr Online only, so maintenance means no game for as long as they run it.
@rjejr Hopefully you'd know that going in so you wouldn't be greatly annoyed. Perhaps I could forgive "mildly inconvenienced". I was greatly annoyed when my motorbike was stolen last year
As for this, I'm only 250 power. I cant seem to put Pillars down to play that much D2. It aint going anywhere, though. Well, it is for 6 hours, but you know what I mean.
@kyleforrester87 @Dichotomy Thanks guys. I suppose if I was interested I would know, but 6 hours stills seems mighty excessive to keep people from playing a game they just recently purchased. This is D2, they had how many years of maintenance on D1 to figure out how to do it in a timely manner? Do it for an hour, let people eat and shower and walk the dog, but 6 hours, especially those EU/UK hours, seems a bit much. No, it's not grand theft, but Bungie should expect people to be annoyed w/ that much down time. What the heck are they doing that it needs 6 hours?
@rjejr I think they said 3 hours last time and it was more like 6, so maybe they just want to be better safe than sorry this time. Dunno why it takes so long, I don't work for them. I just made a banging sausage sandwich though. Took me 20 minutes, which I thinks about right.
I guess that means we'll only get 10 or so articles about it today as opposed to the standard 20.
Bit crap, was hoping to get on a bit later. Luckily I can probably have a few late hours though! How come there seems to be so maintenance though, what do they actually do?
I bought my girlfriend a PS4 and it came with Destiny 2 for free. It's been sat in the shrink-wrap on my coffee table for like a week. Maybe I'll actually get around to playing it one day. Although, not today by the sounds of it.
@kyleforrester87 "made a banging sausage sandwich though"
Sounds like a better use of time than whatever they need to do for 6 hours. I really don't get it. In my head they should have 2 sets of servers, the one that's running, and the back-up they are working on. When they get the update done, throw a switch, switch the servers to working on the new ones, then the old ones become the work servers. That's 1 second and a few minutes to make sure it's working. They had 3 years of Destiny and all those years with Halo getting online mutliplayer working. If Hello Games was doing the update I could see 6 hours.
@gmxs yea I don't think bungie wants to get up for work at 1 am just to waste a good sleep for European players to have their play time after work... I'm sure it would be a different story if bungie was in Europe but I'm glad at least somebody can be optimistic like you and keep a considerable mindset about time zones and daily life.
@johncalmc did you manage to get your head around sharing games on PS4?...I wanted to reply on the forum but the topic had been locked
@kyleforrester87 I think it is because they want to play it safe with the maintenance time and they announced last week's maintenance time but destiny 2 was back online well before they said it would be,maybe this week it will be the same
No problem., like 16 million other people, I'll be practicising my moves
...good timing as I'm in meetings this evening... aaaaand if it happens to overrun - time to pop MvCI back in and practice a bit of the old Chun Li / Spidey combo...
Got nothing left to do anyway, really isn't enough weekly content. Need a few more strike options or pvp modes. Why can't iron banner be weekly??
@Bliquid over the last week I've done numerous crucible, Trials, strikes, activities, raids etc with clan members. We do collaborate a lot. If you need a hand with anything I'm happy to jump on with you as long as I'm free, and so are plenty of the other members.
Yeah, gotta say it's a right royal pain. There's been a lot of down time in a fairly short period since relesase. Having said that, I agree with others who mentioned the amount of content; there's not a lot left to do until reset tomorrow. They seem to have learned very little from 3 years of D1, and are destined to make the same mistakes. Also, unless you are a streamer or YT video content provider with 100k plus subs, they don't give a monkeys about you or what you think of their game. Just saying!
@XurAgentofthe9 I actually think there's quite abit to do in the game. Fair enough when you get to top level but I haven't even got there and I've put quite a few hours in already. For my money I think it's got plenty of content. It reminds me of an MMO once you hit top level and get all the gear you want there's not too much to do until the next bit of content/DLC drops apart from coming on and doing a bit of weekly stuff.
@arnoldlayne83 I'm in the same boat as you. The grind from 260 to 270 was very real haha. I do like the weekly reset tho. It gives me a reason to play it at least once a week.
@rjejr Cant do nothing for 6 hours gotta love that always online stuff and when servers are offline for good you have a crappy paperweight. 😀 😁 😂 🤣 😐😞
@Flaming_Kaiser Yeah, sammy seemed a bit confused in his twitter post yesterday.
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