Sony is scheduled to host its annual Tokyo Game Show pre-show press conference on Tuesday, 19th September. While the importance of the Japanese convention has undoubtedly declined in recent years, the platform holder could never be accused of not showing up – it’s announced titles like Bloodborne: The Old Hunters, Gravity Rush 2, and Everybody’s Golf at the event in the past.
But it provides our largest prediction headache, because while E3 2017 is surrounded by speculation and rumour, TGS is often engulfed by mystery. And with the PlayStation maker still set to host press conferences at Paris Games Week and PlayStation Experience before the year’s out, we question how big the manufacturer’s going to go when it takes the stage in Tokyo.

Nevertheless, here are 12 things we reckon could be shown for PS4 during the firm’s press conference next week.

Monster Hunter will rule the World
Okay, the jury’s still out on whether Capcom’s Monster Hunter: World gamble will win over the West at long last – but Sony’s going to try everything in its power to make the game succeed in its native Japan. Considering the series has traditionally been associated with handhelds like the PSP and 3DS, it’s going to have its work cut out, but we expect this game to feature heavily during PlayStation’s press conference.

Return to Raccoon City
It’s time. Resident Evil 2 Remake has been in development for some time now, and we reckon we’ll get our first glimpse of the PSone overhaul during Sony’s press conference. Rhetorical question: just how good is Leon S. Kennedy’s hair going to look in 4K on PS4 Pro? We suspect there’ll be a few Biohazard-related reveals, to be honest – don’t rule out a trailer for Resident Evil 7’s upcoming Not a Hero expansion, too.

Vanillaware bringing the wares
Dragon’s Crown Pro, a PS4 port of Vanillaware’s stunning PlayStation 3 and Vita beat-‘em-up, has already leaked online – and is seemingly certain set to make its debut during Sony’s show. What will be interesting is if it’s accompanied by 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, the studio’s long overdue mecha game.

Final Fantasy XV’s never-ending story
It wouldn’t be a gaming convention without an update on Final Fantasy XV. Perhaps we’ll get a longer look at Episode Ignis during PlayStation’s press conference? Or possibly a road map including future content to come? One thing’s for certain: Sony’s going to try reely hard to push PlayStation VR angling exclusive Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV.

Yakuza Studio’s keeping itself busy
There’ll be two Yakuza Studio titles on display at Sony’s TGS 2017 press conference: remake Yakuza: Kiwami 2 and the recently announced Fist of the North Star. Both games are likely to be big sellers on the PS4, so don’t be surprised if bundles are announced – particularly for the new Ryu ga Gotoku, which is due out in December in Japan.

Stepping out of the Shadow of the Colossus
If there’s one first-party PS4 game that we expect to get a full reveal during Sony’s TGS 2017 press conference, it’s Shadow of the Colossus. We’ve barely seen anything of Bluepoint’s remaster, but we reckon there’ll be a new trailer and potentially even gameplay footage of this anticipated remake. And honestly, we can’t wait.

All of E3 2017’s games
We’ve all seen the new God of War, Spider-Man, and Days Gone trailers – but remember they haven’t been formally presented to the Japanese audience yet. Don’t expect anything new on any of these games, but do anticipate dubbed footage and localisation commitments. Also, there’ll be at least one Gran Turismo Sport trailer for sure – it’s out soon, after all.

Much ado about Warriors
Open world sequel Dynasty Warriors 9 is a lock for Sony’s TGS 2017 press conference, as publisher Koei Tecmo promotes the approaching Musou. We wouldn’t be surprised to see a little something more from the franchise, though – perhaps a new spin-off leveraging the series’ unique brand of character action.

Take your heart
We suspect that feet will be tapping along to new gameplay footage for the duo of Persona dancing games that Atlus has planned for PS4 and Vita, but the announcements may not end there. There’s been chatter about some kind of Persona 5 Special Edition, and seeing as the original’s just hit its one year Japanese anniversary, the timing feels right. Speculation has it that a Persona 3 remake could also be on the cards – could we see it at TGS 2017?

PlayStation VRery good
It’s been a good first year for PlayStation VR, but pressure will always be on Sony to show that there’s a good selection of software coming. Western developers seem to have embraced the technology well, but what about Japan? The new Summer Lesson is sure to be revealed during TGS 2017, but could we see some virtual reality surprises from other developers? Here’s hoping.

Cold steel
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is almost out in Japan – and developer Falcom’s confirmed that it’s bringing the previous two titles in the series to the PS4 as well. What does that mean? Well it feels like the appropriate moment for a blowout, doesn’t it? Perhaps some kind of compilation will be revealed, too?

Be there or be Square Enix
Square Enix is working on a number of titles for the PS4 that we’d expect to feature during Sony’s TGS 2017 press conference: Dragon Quest Builders 2 and Secret of Mana to name but two. But here’s a real wildcard of a prediction for you: what about some kind of new NieR reveal? It’s very early, but Platinum hasn’t exactly been busy since Scalebound was axed and the publisher may want to strike while the iron’s hot – after all, Automata was something of a shock success worldwide.
Would this kind of lineup excite you? Is there anything in particular you’re hoping to see during Sony’s TGS 2017 press conference? Turn Japanese in the comments section below.
Comments 32
I desperately want a port of Vanillaware's Muramasa to PS4. Dragon's Crown was absolutely FANTASTIC but I doubt I'll be playing it again. Spent a good 100+ hours on that game. Would still like to see more of 13 Sentinels, too. As well as games from other companies like Hokuto Ga Gotoku ("Like a North Star"?)
I'm waiting for dragon crown pro announcement, I hope the western version released this year.
I definitely want more nier, sotc, yakuza fist of north star, and monhun world, and lastly I want new game announcement from sony japan studio.
onimmusha hd collection
parasite eve 4.
Dragon dogma 2.💖
Would be a great show if all of the above came true. If the vita is to get any love this year at a major show, it will be here too. I expect at least one reveal for ps4 as
Sony were clear at e3 they have alot of unannounced titles in development and many upcoming shows.
Also: 'One thing’s for certain: Sony’s going to try reely hard' - bravo for that one 👏 ☺ Are square having their own show this year?
"Dragon Quest Builders 2 and Secret of Mana to name but two"
Those aren't the 2 I would name.
Dont' think I can sit thru an entire Japanese event. Probably skip Paris as well, but I am really looking forward to PSX in December what with all the games that should finally be coming out on PS4 in 2018. Getting a Switch next month, PS4 is taking the rest of the year off. Sorry Knack.
Deep down? 😉
Can't see Bloodborne 2 being announced here. It's been something of a system seller in the west, and with the success of DS3 I'm sure Sony would want to capitalise on that. I'd say pxe would be the place for a BB2 reveal, if it's even happening. Which I hope it is.
Good call on Nier though. I'd love more Nier after being completely blown away by Automata. Maybe a remaster of Nier Gestalt?
Not sure how likely it is, but a new announcement from Japan Studio would be nice. Especially if it happened to be Ape Escape 4.
FFIX reveal, all smooth and shiny for PS4.
I know the chances are probably none but really want a successor to the PS Vita. I'm sure they R&D something over the past 2-3 years but who knows if it will ever come out .
Added a video!
If it's too soon for Bloodborne 2 then it's time for a Demon's Souls or DS1 remake!
Lol Damn those puns
Cough cough...Dreams?
Do you think that FF XV will have DLC for as many years as it was in development?
Yay all of the above and Attack on Titan 2 -
Don't have a prediction, but that roumered Spyro trilogy is what I'm hopeing for.
Who knows
But not here.
New games from Japan Studio
New game from FromSoftware (BB2?)
New game from PlatinumGames.
And many more
Agreed, I think Bloodborne is such a high profile title that a show with broader audience like PSX would be a more likely place to announce a sequel.
Having said that, perhaps it is so popular that it would generate a huge amount of buzz no matter where or how it was announced. I would be beyond excited for a sequel, my favourite game of the generation so far and easily my favourite platinum to earn.
@drd7of14 Definitely not at TGS. At this rate we'll be lucky to ever hear about it again
@hubertuss03 A conference with new games from all 3 of those developers would be a very fine conference.
Just moved to Tokyo and i'm working every hour that TGS is open to the public. Argh! Friggin annoyed
PLATINUM HAS BEEN BUSY WITH 3 GAMES FOR CYGAMES. Jeezus, "hasn't been busy"? Why has everyone ignored Granblue Fantasy Re:Link? Is something about how gorgeous and promising their next PS4 action-RPG looks stopping it from entering people's brains?
They're making 3 titles for CyGames, the biggest publisher in Japan. One is for PS4, one is "Lost Order" for mobile (lame, but it still looks gorgeous) and the 3rd is a mystery. Yet people have routinely ignored that. HOW!? They announced/debuted it, with TRAILERS, last year. Don't tell me "well Granblue Fantasy isn't that big in the West" - doesn't matter. If you like Platinum, you pay attention to what they're doing. Seriously, HOW are people ignoring this fantastic looking EXCLUSIVE title that was debuted LAST YEAR!?
(Not to mention current gen and PC ports of many of their classics, but that's not as important as new things.)
HERE. Get hyped for THIS THIS is Platinum's next big game, PS4 exclusive:
@ThroughTheIris56 Exactly what i was going to say, i'd love a new Ape Escape game, i can't understand why Sony ditched the franchise, i always thought it sold well ?
With the power of the PS4 they could really make a big leap from the previous games in terms of not just interactivity in the world but also the A.I of the apes themselves, could be amazing !
@Toadie Exactly, since it's been such a long time since Ape Escape 3, the leap in technology and innovations within the genre make for so much more potential. If VGzhartz is correct, unfortunately it didn't sell well at only 0.13mil. Nevertheless the demand for 3D platformers is evidently around.
A bit of a problem with the previous games is that they were pretty short, but that could easily be addressed in a sequel. The fact each game has a brand new character make them easy for newcomers to get into, and I'm sure they can market the humour the series does really well.
For anyone interested. "The briefing will begin on September 19 at 4pm JST (12am PT/3am ET/8am UK/5pm AET)."
If all they show that's new is the Resident Evil 2 remake, that's good enough for me. We've been kept waiting way too long.
Bet SE show pictures of FF7 Remake that game is beyond my excitement now I really couldn't care for it anymore. Does anyone know when PlayStation experience is and will it e streamed via ps4
I hope they dont dub Dynasty Warriors this game needs to be in the the original language.
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