So, what's in store for PlayStation Plus subscribers in October? Sony's lifted the lid on next month's offering, with PlayStation 4 users nabbing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Amnesia: Collection. That's a pretty stellar duo, isn't it? Yowza.
Also on PS4 by way of Vita cross-buy are Hue and Sky Force Anniversary. Meanwhile, PS3 users get Hustle Kings and Monster Jam Battlegrounds.
There are no differences between the European and North American lineups this time around, which makes our job a lot easier.
Good stuff? Fire off your mechanical arm like a rocket in the comments section below.
Comments 78
Almost bought Amnesia: Collection last time it was on sale (£15) & now I can trade in my physical copy of MGSV.
Shame I bought Hue a couple of months back.
That's about £20 worth of value for me = half my PS subscription.
Big picture people.
PS+ is awesome.
Nice! Extra happy that I sold my MGS V two days ago for almost full price
Definitely be checking out Amnesia Collection, always like to play a good horror in October, wasn't keen on MGS V but another rock solid lineup!
Whoah! Already got TPP but I'll pick up amnesia for definite
I will finally play Metal Gear yay!
That's a fantastic lineup. Already have MGS V, but Amnesia should be fun for the Halloween season. And by "fun", I mean me cowering in the corners of the game trying not to get caught. I watched some let's plays and it looks terrifying.
It is the only time when they offer a high profile AAA title that I have (MGSV). I have to admit that it stings a little but Amnesia makes up for it.
Also I like that the Vita games are crossbuy.
Rather good. I already have TPP, wasn't that keen on it to be honest but Amnesia should be spookily decent.
Awesome, never played either of them. I might be too much of a chicken for Amnesia, though. Never really could do horror games.
I had a feeling MGSV would come to Plus sooner or later. The ending of Ground Zeroes was so gross it kind of put me off getting five, but now I am ready.
Sweet. I'll play the Amnesia one. Nearly bought that a few times so that's good. MGSV is good for people who haven't played it, I guess, even though i thought it was pretty meh.
No joke, I was literally within about seven minutes of buying Hue through the phone app for when I got home!
Also, I know MGS is down to seven quid every two months on the store but WOW. Genuinely dropped my jaw. Well done Sony.
Hopefully get a lot more people playing the online part of mGS now happy days.
A solid month if I ever saw one. (pause for laughter)
wow, that is an amazing set of games!!! very happy with this PS+ is on fire lately!
Wow, MGSV is a pretty good offering! Might actually try it!
MGSV is nice
I have MGSV but that is one great offering. Since that game is old for me, probably looking forward to hue the most!
Fantastic line up...again!Great,more games I don't have time for..
I have played MGSv a lot already but maybe this gives a boost to the online!
Now I love this lineup Amnesia is perfect for halloween night!
Anyway this is a dangerous game that Sony is playing, since we all know that now some idiot fans will expect better and better AAA games for ps plus, and when we get two indie games or smaller games they will rage hard -.- but yeah, I'm happy we're getting some nice games!
I am excited beyond belief
So, for those of us who haven't played MGSV - I played the first 4 - what's the deal w/ Ground Zeroes? Is it included? Can we just watch a YT vid to get the highlights?
Not interested in the others, but it's MGSV so the others don't really matter so much this month I don't think.
I have played very little Metal Gear Solid, but I will definitely give MGSV a go! Hue is a nice bonus, too, I'll probably play that on Vita at some point.
Great month!
Kept you waiting, huh.
Remember a time when people gathered round every month to complain about Plus?
Holy crap, really wasn't expecting that. Brilliant line-up, and haven't played any of them before so will definitely be looking forward to this! PS Plus is definitely coming back in a big way, definitely takes the sting off that price rise!
MGS V is great..but has been on sale for $ not really sure why it's a big deal.
i already have MGSV and i don't care for amnesia but those are some pretty big games to get
guess we know what that price increase was for now
First time in so long I've not got a game in the offerings. So all good for me. No idea when I'll get a chance to play one.
Already own MGSV and don't really care for Amnesia, but that is still an awesome PS+ line-up.
3 PS4 games I'm interested in!!! 6 if you count the Amnesia Collection 3 times! Well done, LOVE IT
MgsV is still in my top 5 games of all time..for those who haven't played it yet i hope you love it as much as i did
Wasn't MGS V already free awhile ago?
Getting MGS V is big, but people will still find a way to b*tch. Seems to me though, PS Plus has picked up the last bunch of months. I don't know if it's pressure from the Switch, pressure from XBL Gold subscribers getting more for the money for a while, the fact time has passed and now it's more feasible to put more 'AAA' games on PS Plus, or a combination of the three, but whatever the reason, it's just nice to see things getting closer to where they were in the latter days of PS3 when the program started.
WoW!! Amnesia was always on my to-do list!! Got MGS ... played couple hundred hours rescuing the same prisoners from the same camps (the side quests were all identica and repeated over and over!!) .. defeated Sahelanthropus and saw the End of Part 1 credits. Sold after that. I'll go back to it now!!
@Tasuki Ground zeroes.
Amnesia Collection? Yes! Been waiting for this one to hit plus for months!
@Bliquid I honestly have always wanted to but always got distracted by other releases. Now I have no excuses whatsoever.
Is that the 'full' MGS - not the small game that preceded it? I am not a Fan of the franchise but will still probably add it anyway. Not bothered about Amnesia but its a better month in my opinion to GwG
@Deadstanley Now it is too late
@BAMozzy It's the full game which was released after Ground Zeros, I think. Not a fan myself, but for free I might check it out
Ok @Deadstanley beat me by 10 seconds on that reply:-) sorry
Like so many here, I already have MG and no interest in Amnesia but not bad at all. Hue is a pretty good game, kudos for being colour blind friendly.
@gamer_since_83 @Deadstanley Thanks - I thought it was as the small game has already been 'free' - I believe...
So what is the percentage of users that don't like MGS enough to buy it already (so presumably haven't played the previous games) and don't care enough about the MGS story to care that they are jumping in in game 5 (like starting a movie in the middle) that are actually excited about MGSV as a freebie? I feel that that number is quite low.
@rjejr you can watch the entire thing on youtube. Ground zeroes is literally half an hour long.
well, been missing that Phantom Pain for a while, this game was so special to me and always will be(but had to trade in the physical copy) I'm glad that it's among the PS+ games... still not sure if I can ever go back to playing it. but still happy to have Hideo Kojima's last game (so far) in my library again...
Guessing there's no point playing Metal Gear as I've never played the other ones?
@Deadstanley I am not claiming that they don't exist, just it seems like a backhanded giveaway. Lets give away something that most fans already have, and those that don't have it, probably don't want it, for those few that actually do want it, just so it looks like we are giving away a AAA title. Thats like if Nintendo gave away Breath of the Wild, now that it has an attach rate of over 100%. Those that want Breath of the Wild, already have it. Those that want MGS V, already have it. Are the exceptions to that enough to justify everyone else losing out on one of their titles this month?
@PostmanPatinator Its pretty heavily story driven, if you care about a games story, then don't bother. If you just want a storyless romp, then its a great time.
Every time i buy an older game on sale the previous month or so , the next month its free with plus subscription... What madness is this ha, seriously !
@rjejr I remember TPP having flashback scenes integrated to remind the player of the important parts of GZ, but there are integral plot points that involve GZ, so if you're one who tries to make sense of MGS's convoluted storylines, you should definitely at least watch a YouTube video cutscene summary. Or if you still have GZ in your IGC library when it was free a couple years ago, play it first. Probably would take you about 3-4 hrs to play to the end.
Great month. I'm glad more people will get to experience MGS: TPP.
@kyleforrester87 Ah ok.
Wow! That's an impressive lineup, in my opinion. I've alrealdy got the Platinum trophy for Metal Gear V, but I'm happy for everyone who gets a chance to play it. It has its flaws, but it's an awesome game. Also, Kojima is coming to Brazil in 2 weeks for the Brazil Game Show, if I get him to sign my copy of Phantom Pain I'll be the happiest gaymer on Earth!
Awesome was going to buy MGS PP when it was on sale too, saved me money towards another game now. Not sure on Amnesia though
Wow! A month where I don't own any of the offerings!
Arrrg!! Just bought amnesia when they put it on sale just a month or so ago. Why do they do that!! Arrrg.
This is a disappointing lineup for me. I'm not interested in any of these.
another month bought of store already
Typical. I was having a clear out of old game saves that I was unlikely to buy again a few months back and MGS:V was one of the saves I deleted lol. I checked my online saves and I'd deleted it from there too. Ah well, I'm happy to go in again. Only reason I traded it in was it was getting far too repetitive. Loving the sound of the Amnesia collection though. Sony, I tip my cap to you
This is the very first month I an say the Ps plus games were better than the GWG. Too bad you still can't keep the games.
Always thought I was too rash in trading in The Phantom Pain, I'll be replaying that then.
Amnesia is fantastic news, I was eyeing it up around time of release but then kind of forgot about it. I probably would've bought it next time it crossed my path. Great month.
So , sony manager is changed right? No? What?
I can't believe it
MGSV:TTP is AMAZING Lucky for people who haven't played it yet. Cool games anyway
Phantom Pain is one of the greatest games ever made so I'm not even upset that I already own it.
I have Hue on PC and don't like horror but Sky Force Anniversary looks really good if you like Shumps.
Crap plus games again
Decent month, Hue and Sky Force Anniversary are the ones I am most looking forward to trying, never been much of a MGS fan but still I will give it another go, I did originaly buy it on disc but traded it in.
Metal Gear is one of the most trolling series for a binge play daydreamer like me - pretty much EVERY console entry is accessible in [relatively] portable and localised form... except for one, MGS4. But I'm tempted to try some MGS5 for casual acquaintance even despite the imminent spoiler alert - I hear it has an open world to boot. Even more curious about Amnesia Collection (which is conveniently all three games at once - and here I thought PS Plus didn't do that!) and Hue. There's also Sky Force anniversary, although it's kinda pity the game has no local co-op even on PS4 - I have fond memories of playing a co-op arcade shooter with my friend, emulated in a game section of the local convention we attended [way back when game sections there weren't sporadic and limited to modern consoles].
PS3 keeps teasing me with vehicle games to add to the library and salivate at. XD Hustle Kings is at least available on Vita albeit separately. Monster Jam Battlegrounds? No idea yet - oddly enough, even Wikipedia doesn't list the game on the series page. Was it such an under-the-radar title?
@Th3solution @Johnnycide
Thanks. I'll probably just YT the cut scenes as I took a couple of years off from PS+ so missed GZ.
Most were 30 minutes, this 1 is 49 so when the time comes I'll spend the extra 20 to see what's what.
I really want there to be a cheaper, without-the-free-games PS+ option.
Like it's either cheap games I don't care about or great games that I already bought. There really is no way to win, I'd rather feel like I was't paying extra for them when all I want is to play online.
Third month in a row of great games! That I already own
Fair warning to those who haven't played MGS 5, they didn't actually finish the game, this will become pretty clear toward the end. The final third isn't there so they get you to repeat previous missions instead, which is pretty rubbish. Game play is quite enjoyable overall, the story and change of voice actor on the other hand, not so much. I would give it a 6/10. Not bad, has nothing on the first 4 MGS games.
Would have preferred Gran Turismo Sport free in October if Im being honest. 😁
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