Ultimecia is joining the playable roster of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, a new character trailer reveals. The deadly sorceress first appeared in Final Fantasy VIII, so it's only fitting that her video shows her tearing Squall to bits with many a magical attack.

Dissidia is due out on PlayStation 4 in January next year, so there's still plenty of time for more character reveals similar to this one. Who else are you hoping to see join the final roster? Try not to fling too many magical swords in the comments section below.
Comments 16
Noctis and Ardyn would be sweet. I liked the beta more than I expected tbh.
p.s. This engine really pushes JRPG androgyny to the next level: they all look like beautiful tomboys XD
I want Tifa, Rufus and Barret.
Gotta get my boy Noctis in there, man! I'd also really like to see Sora as a DLC character somewhere down the line, but I'm not counting on it. That'd be really tight though.
Cait Sith from FF7, aka the only character that matters.....
Replace Vaan with Balthier please. And Fran. And Basch. And Gabranth better return in this one.
Beatrix and Fran and how can i forget Tifa ofcourse.
Is garland announced yet? He was a baddie in a couple instalments... him and kuja for me... only I hope kuja looks less like a girl...
@ShogunRok Yes. 12 is so misrepresented. Gabranth is not so far fetched as he was in previous Dissidia.
give me at least everyone that was in Dissidia 012 and i'll be happy
i do know we are getting Ramza from FF Tactics and Ace from Type-0 so i would like some more characters from other spin offs perhaps even Sora Kingdom Hearts, if Disney will let them that is
Gimme Dart from Legend of Dragoon
So... talking about FF VIII... when will it be available for mobile? We got every entry from I to IX except VIII...
Beta was really impressive, so hopefully there''s a big enough roster of characters.
The whole roster from 012 should return, but I'm especially rooting for Tifa. I don't want too many characters from 7, but Tifa was fun. I used her more than Cloud and Sephiroth combined. She'll likely make the cut, but I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't, somehow.
Really, all of the main games need some more representatives. At least the ones that don't have much, like 2, 6, 9 or 12.
@DerMeister Kind of agree, I'd love to see more than two characters appear from some games. Some of the casts are so good that they deserve more representation.
@DerMeister @ShogunRok well a lot of FF games have secondary villains or anti heroes so perhaps a minimum of 4 per game, 2 Heroes and 2 Villains/anti heroes
using FF7 as the example
Heroes: Cloud and Tifa
Villains/Anti Hero: Sephiroth and Rufus
Instead of having a couple of characters per game they should just ignore all the rubbish Final Fantasy games and give us more characters from the good ones. Nobody wants to play as Vaan. He looks like he should be in Westlife. I'd rather play as the guy that's struggling to pluck up the courage to enter the Honeybee Inn in Final Fantasy VII.
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