You're already sick of hearing about it and we're already sick of writing about it, but we can't bloody well tell our team of scribes to not play Destiny 2 this weekend. It's time for a bumper edition of What Are You Playing!
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
I've got a busy weekend planned, but when I'm not socialising, I'll be attempting to pump a few more hours into Destiny 2. I hear it's quite popular right now.
Liam Croft, Reviewer
My weekend will consist of Destiny 2, Destiny 2, and some more Destiny 2. I've hit level 20 with a healthy power level of 264, but I'd like to get that up to the early 270's before the raid drops on Wednesday.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
I’m coming up to the end of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age which I’ll finish this weekend. When I’m done, I’m sworn off long games for a while. Waiting for me is Night in the Woods, Last Day of June, and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, among others.
Ken Talbot, Reviewer
Taking the fight to the Red Legion... And grinding loot in Destiny 2. Finishing off the excellent story mode of Madden 18, and diving into a new franchise.
Jade Sayers, Reviewer
It's onto Danganronpa 2 for me this weekend as my quest to finish Danganronpa 1&2 Reload continues. I'm really excited to play it again as I can barely remember it from my first playthrough. I might also delve into another NORN9 route if I find myself needing a break from all the murder.
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
It'll mainly be Madden NFL 18 for me this weekend, what with the opening games of the seasons starting. I'll also be continuing my Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag playthrough - that is, as long as there aren't any more tailing missions.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
With most of my friends list blasting aliens and partaking in spontaneous dance parties in Destiny 2, I'll be chilling out with a little more Everybody's Golf. I remembered that I have Jak & Daxter still to play through too. A whimsical weekend for me, then.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
So it's time to hit the backlog. I will be playing Dragon Quest Heroes II mainly as I'm really enjoying the game a lot. Might sneak in a few matches on Overwatch as well.
And that's us done for another week. Phew. As always, let us know what you plan on playing in the comments section below.
Comments 83
Don't know really, whatever i'm in the mood for i guess
I'm almost 5 weeks not touching my ps4 as we're decorating the lounge. It's almost done just got to finish the walls and wait for the new carpet to arrive, before I can set it back up. Been playing some black ops 1 in the bedroom when I get a chance and having fun with that, it's actually the only cod I'd like to have had a remaster of as it can chug a bit and hit detection isn't the greatest
Destiny 2, Pillars of Eternity and Everybodys Golf!
hellblade, doom, battflefield 1.
A little bit of Shadow Warrior, and the old one as well.
Some Legend of Heroes - Trails In The Sky.
Been pretty bored lately and not wanting to play much of anything.
Been reading a little bit as well, a mix of different books. "Game of Thrones" By George R.R. Martin, "1984" and "Animal Farm" By George Orwell, and "Brave New World" from Aldous Huxley.
Wow - Ramsay doesn't mess around with his What Are You Playing articles!
Not sure how much PS4 time I will get this weekend, but I started Bastion yesterday which I will continue with. Also started Beyond Good and Evil HD on the PS3 and I have Undertale to struggle through in the Vita.
Some more Everybody's Golf for me. Gonna check who my revenge versus character will be today.
Also, Prem is back! Time for the reds to give Pep a footballing lesson.
Edit: Oh dear. Embarrassing.
Been playing Mario+rabbids and just about halfway through knack 2. Its unexpectedly good, wasnt to fond of 1st. Also picked back up farcry 4 again.
PS4: Disgaea 5, Knack 2
PSVita: Final Fantasy 3
After 75 hours I'm at the final chapter of Disgaea 5, so I'm hoping to wrap that up and start the actual game!
Hoping to finally start knack 2 this weekend, but D5 is all consuming, so I'm not sure if I'll get to it.
On Vita I've started FF3. Only a couple of hours in, but it's annoyed me a few times already...zoom in to spot items, really?!
Not Destiny but Rise of the Tomb Raider
Since the new house is still without internet, my weekend will be consumed by Knack 2 and probably some Xcom 2. I kinda want to play more Pillars of Eternity but my stress levels are still through the roof after last week's move, and every time I try to play it I just end up frustrated at my inability to sit through all the text. Will have to wait until everything's sorted and calmed down.
Been off this week and despite my first day being sick (good start) I have managed to get a decent amount of game time in.
The Witcher 3 I'll obviously be on today because it is a masterpiece and I'm loving it!
Mario And Rabbids Kingdom Battle on the Switch is another game I will not go a day without playing,plus some Zelda BOTW and maybe some VR.
Tomorrow I'll be out and goin to see "IT" at the cinema (Just hope it's more faithful to Stephen Kings book than the terrible Darktower was..)so doubt I'll get much time for games.
Been hammering through Destiny 2's campaign so I'll aim to finish that this weekend in between work
Playing zelda botw, it's a great game. I don't have problem with the weapons breakage system, searching raw material for cooking is addicting, and climb anywhere feature is great.
But I don't think it's the best game ever like many reviewer says though, it's like skyrim nintendo edition.
@Wazeddie22 IT is great
nah jk I'll be on Destiny 2 all weekend. Just finished the campaign so I'll be doing activities for loot. THERE ARE SO MANY ACTIVITIES.
Anything but Destiny 2 because it's bad. May try to play though tales from the borderlands which I started yesterday. Other than that Doom and anything I feel like playing on the switch.
@OneArmedGiant How far did you get in D2?
@Kyroki what's so good about smite? You and Alex are always at it
"Siri, change all of the events in my calendar to 'Play Destiny 2."
"A-all of them, Captain Badass?"
"Do not question me, droid!"
Some Slime-San platforming goodness on the Switch for me. Maybe Pikmin 2 as well.
I started playing persona 5 a couple of weeks ago, and now I've finished the first palace it has completely and utterly sucked me in. I'll nowhere near finish it before uni next week, but I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can until then!
Destiny 2. I just started, and man I'm loving it. I did my first public event last night, it was fun. I haven't had this much fun since WoW.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on PS3. Or as I call it, "KoA: I Reckon My Inventory is Full".
I'm almost done with Smash Bros Wii U and Poochy and Yoshi's Wooly World, so maybe I'll find the time to start Uncharted 2. Also gonna play a bit of Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX.
Nier Automata for me. I finished up the A route last night. My wife was like, so that's it? I had to tell her nope you have to go through it at least three times!
I got the weekend off so there are a lot of games I wanna play. Mostly PS4. I'll be switching between Uncharted Lost Legacy and Yakuza Kiwami. I recently bought the DLC for Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero so I gotta make time for that. Then the fighting games like Tekken 7, King of Fighters 14, Street Fighter V, and Injustice 2. Then Sonic Mania on Switch.
Probably get on tomorrow night as I work weekends but will play Telltales Game of thrones, don't really see it as a proper game more of an interactive TV show but since Game of thrones has finished I need to fill the gap and it was free so why not! Might squeeze a few games of Fifa if my new phone works any good with the remote play too.
@rjejr French fried potatoes.
@Shepherd_Tallon I can't wait to buy shadow tactics, I absolutely loved commandos back in the day.
I'm going to attempt to gain some semblance of revenge against Man City on PES. 5-0 guys, not a happy Red today 😭
@Shepherd_Tallon I started Horizon over on ultra but but had to put it off for a while. I FINALLY started Uncharted Lost Legacy this week so ill go through that before returning to Priject Zero Dawn
I'm going door to door to spread the good word of Knack.
I'll probably play some Knack 2 while I'm at it.
Probably a mix of everybody's golf and destiny 2. I'm probably going to switch to online play for golf, i'm mopping the floor with the AI in the single player mode.
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle on the Switch.
I just got Final Fantasy XV and I like what I've played so far, so I'll most likely be playing that.
I'm approaching the end of Uncharted Lost Legacy so hope to finish that. Will also be playing Destiny 2 and Everybody's golf.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Probably halfway through Lost Legacy now. I left the open world area, where once I was on top of a temple and needed to get to another one in the distance, I felt the urge of jumping off the edge and get there using the Paraglider. Spoiled by BotW's freedom.
Overall I am really digging it, Nadine is a lot more than a violent woman here and Chloe is fun. The Croft similarities will have me playing RotTR next. If Sammy dislikes it I will love it
Beyond that I beat Crash 3 so I will beat them backwards and look for gems. Some Splatoon 2 as well.
I rented Destiny 2 to see if it crashes my Pro.
It does. Constantly.
10/5. Best crash simulator of all time.
I'll be spending my weekend playing an RPG with friends on Roll20, and possibly some Overwatch and Absolver.
I'll be the only one here playing Skyforge then. (Destiny 2 is coming next week though).
Destiny 2, I'm almost done with the campaign. Next stop strikes!!!
Still slicing away at Nioh. 🙄 Also playing undertale, didn't like it much at first, but the more I've played it the more I've liked it. Still a weird game though.
Splatoon 2 and Life is Strange, and I might start playing Uncharted 2 as well.
Update: Just bought The Last of Us Remastered, so I'll primarily be playing that.
I hope i can game at all. As i said earlier i finally have a real job. Which means 50 hours work a week and surprise since i want to become a CPA i also need to learn im the weekends maybe i can play mariokart in the evening. Also Want to buy Uncharted TLL
@ApostateMage Never mind. Maybe at Anfield 😂😂
@Constable_What really? Damn that's rough. It's happened to me once along with a weird glitch that made my guardian spin 360 degrees randomly, but that was only for an hour or so out of about 18 hours so far. If you've still got it have you tried reinstalling?
@THRILLHOU Yeah I've tried everything. It was like this for me in the beta as well, which led to me cancelling my pre-order.
This is the only game I've played where it just crashed nonstop. I think it's pretty rare, but it really does suck. I have to hard reset my Pro every time it happens as well.
I never got to play Batman Arkham Knight but started it recently . Pretty great game 👌🏽
@wiiware I'll take your word for it
Btw Agree with you on Zelda not being best game ever.I think it's a great game and nearly everything about it is great including what you mentioned but I think the only problem Is not enough direction..I love open world games and I love the fact Zelda is encouraging you to find and do things yourself but I'm used to having some kind of objective or hand holding lol.A lot of the hours I have spent on it I feel completely lost without knowing which direction I should try going too.Saying that though I do feel like I have finally made a dent in the game and I would still buy the sequel if they were to do one.
Destiny 2 is taking up all my free time.
@Matt_Berial You should read Down and Out in London and Paris by Orwell too. Very good book indeed.
Ill be playing Second Son, Doom, Battlefield 1 with a sprinkling of Tekken 7 and Alienation if time permits.
E.G., MH Stories, and maybe Splatoon 2 for a salmon run.
@rjejr really liked that game, too bad Curt Schilling's company went bankrupt.
@Wazeddie22 I'm playing zelda botw like skyrim, not to finish the story but to fool around collecting/hoarding stuff lol
@rjejr Kingdom of Amalur is a great game! I had a blast playing my magic/thief character.
@Th3solution Yeah, I find it fascinating. I only got into that genre of books recently, And I heard of the more well known names for these types so decided to give the books a read, not disappointed.
@kustomflex Thank you, I'll be giving those a read as well.
Horizon Zero Dawn for me. First playthrough at very hard with no HUD and the game is still insanely easy. Hope it gets harder soon...
It's all about Knack 2 baybee!
Didn't need to play it at all. Watched some gameplay and it looks like Destiny 1.01.
@Matt_Berial 1984 is an amazing book. In my all-time top 3 with 2001: Space Odyssey and Childhood's End, both from the same genious Arthur C. Clarke.
And to answer the question at hand, Elite: Dangerous. Probably gonna play that for the rest of the year. Probably gonna get the Horizons add-on as well once I have learned all the basics well enough. After a couple dozen hours I think I'm already ready for that but I'm still happy with my courier/pioneer status. Being a huge fan of astronomy, this game just delivers all I can ask from a game.
Those who play Elite, does Horizons bring enough content to justify the price or should I just go with vanilla? Appreciate any comments about that.
@OneArmedGiant ah ok then :')
@kyleforrester87 Good selection I hope to get Pillars of Eternity at some point, but with so many good games out at the moment - and many more between now and xmas - I just wouldn't have the time to play it!
Redout! Also superbeat xonic as I just got it.
I'm glad you love the game I just can't see the appeal. I have friends that play it religiously and then tell me not to bother with it because it's pretty bad. Confuses the hell out of me.
@OneArmedGiant Fair does, doesn't make it a crap game though ya know. I agree I don't understand people who play it beyond the point of enjoyment but that's the same for any game really. Myself, I wouldn't say I love Destiny in general. When it gets boring I just stop playing it. But when it's at it's best it can be incredible! It remains to be seen how D2 will pan out for me though, right now I'm not even close to getting bored because there is so much still to do.
@Nightcrawler71 I'm playing Pillars really quite slowly, and when I do I feel like I'm hardly making any progress. But I'm still absolutely loving it! Slow and steady
I like the lack of flashing way points on the map, it's fun to read your journal and just head out and see what you can find by speaking to people.
Everybody's Golf.
@OneArmedGiant Please watch the language, thanks.
Not sure what your talking about but ok.
@OneArmedGiant Sure you do, cause you edited it in after it was edited once. Sorry but playing dumb doesn't work.
I was edited the first time to change the meaning of my whole comment. I edited it back to its original state without the profanity as to still have my opinion. Not being dumb, just confused about the rules that seem to be enforced on some but let slide for others.
I'll stop picking on destiny now. I've had my say and your probably sick of my garbage and having to defend the game your obviously enjoying.
@OneArmedGiant not really, it's all good. I just happen to think it's a pretty fun game so it's hard for me to understand why some people don't like it. But it's all fun n games
I think my view is jaded by the way previously mentioned people talk about the game. I also don't enjoy online multi as much as a good single player experience and the online seems to be where destiny really shines.
@Rogueleader76 I've been playing w/ a well rounded character, currently 9 for all 3 types, but it's all about the limited inventory at the moment. Though the Niskaru storyline did add some much needed excitement to the game.
@OneArmedGiant Yeah I'm not that big on multiplayer either to be honest. I like how well it's implemented in Destiny though so you're constantly switching between a solo and multiplayer experience. Was doing a story mission earlier and a public event kicked off in the middle of my objective. Was chaos. Helped out for 10 minutes then went on my way lol
@ToniK I'm going to check those out as well, thanks. =)
@OneArmedGiant Not quite sure what you mean by letting others slide. We treat everyone around here equal.
Playing it dumb I see. I'm sure what you meant to say is try to treat everyone equal. Keep it up, you may get there one day.
@OneArmedGiant Well we do treat every one equal, not quite sure what your problem is, but anyway no need to get upset because you got a warning, after all it was just warning. Just remember to watch the language next time.
Is everyone on the blob?
I don't have a problem, I have a voice and an opinion. I already told you I'll watch my language. No need to get upset that I reply to you.
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