The Tokyo Game Show 2017 hype has started almost nine hours early. According to a European rating spotted by Gematsu, Final Fantasy IX -- a game considered by many to be the best entry in the series -- is being ported to PlayStation 4. In our opinion, the PSone title is nothing less than a masterpiece.
Final Fantasy IX was ported to PC last year, so we imagine the current-gen release will essentially be that version. It'll join fellow PSone classic Final Fantasy VII on Sony's system.
How's your hype holding up? Embark on a grand adventure in the comments section below.
Update: The game is now available on the PlayStation Store. For more details and pricing, click through here.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 41
Bet this will launch tomorrow. Unexpected!
Blissful warm tears of joy ! Easily one of the best entries of the series if not THE best.
Best piece of news all day!
@get2sammyb If it does launch tomorrow you'll never see me again.
Yes! Yes! Yes!!
@ShogunRok Au revoir.
Noooooooooo now I have to buy it! Curse you, Square Enix! Why couldn't you have just released some more questionable FFXV DLC instead?!
Oh...my...God....my favourite game of all time. Yes please Square Enix. A surprise release tomorrow would be a day one buy, even if the only change was to add trophy support!
Wonder why they would release this before ff8
Still need to play this but DEFINITELY picking it up. Still waiting on FF VIII on iOS Android PS4 etc, it seems a bit odd to skip it and go straight to IX. Anyone know why?
@nessisonett I am not trying to be snarky but objectively VIII is one of less popular entries in the saga. It is down there with 1,3 and 13 in the less liked section of polls ...
I've waited too see this article for so long now.
Yes, about time! One of the best games ever made and definitely the best FF. If it does launch tomorrow my Destiny 2 char is going to be stuck on level 16 for a while
oh c'mon! i just bought the PS3 version when it was on sale just a couple of days ago!
Awesome! This is one of the only FF games I've never played. I will definitely get it.
the only FF I ever finished is 9 and it is indeed a masterpiece
Why the EFF isn't VIII coming, ie the best ps1 ff game?!
Prolly I will buy it and never play it like FF7 before it.
Ff9 was great I'll be buying it again.
Haven't really got into any final fantasy after Ff9.
I felt ff8 was a decent step up in graphics compared to ff7, but ff9 stepped up the graphics and gameplay.
Why not bring FF VI to PS4?
@Tasuki hahaha. The one comment I can get behind.
I honestly wish they would remake vi on octopath travelers engine.
@ztpayne7 To be fair, EVERYTHING should be remade in the Octopath Traveler engine. Can you imagine Chrono Trigger looking like that? Man...
@ricklongo yes. They seriously need to make these happen.
@Feena @Rob_230 My guess is they wait and remaster 8 in the FFVII engine - whichever one they finally settle on when they finish the game in 10 years. FF8 has a similar sci-fi look to 7, it's the FF game that would benefit the most from an engine upgrade, Rinoa is pretty much the model for every female FF character going forward. Plus as it's a fairly linear 30-40 hour game so they could probably do it in 1 game rather than episodic like 7. I also could see them making it into a movie.
FF9 to me was more generic JRPG in look, doesn't need the remaster treatment, the colors and characters still hold up.
Personally I started with FF7, immediate fanboi, but boy was it a long game.
FF8 I played in it's entirety back-to-back in part b/c I didn't understand the stupid stupid draw system until I was almost done, but partly b/c it's still to this day the best love story I've ever played in a videogame. I think in a way it was a forerunner to story driven games like Uncharted.
FF9 had the best opening hour of CGI, it really showed what could be done on the PS1. Then all I remember is Vivi and a stupid knight. I barely remember the main character except getting stuck outside some petrified or petrfying forest. I won't play it again. My kids can always play my PS1 discs on our PS3, I own 9 of the first 10, can't recall which 1 I'm missing.
I do think they'll wait on FF8 until they can redo the game without the draw system, so bad.
@sinalefa Funniest and most truthful comment I've read all day. And personally I don't think you're missing much, go play one of the Chrono games instead. Or Lunar or Grandia. 9 was good, but mine are 7, 10, 8, 12, 9, 1-6 in any order as I kind of rushed thru them, then 13 way down the road. You ever play Xenoblade Chronicles? The longer it's been since I played it the better it seems, it was top 5, then 3, now maybe top 2 with 7. Skies of Arcadia is better than 9, and I've read some of the newer versions cut back on the awful frequent random encounters. Xenogears could have been the greatest if they had enough time and money to finish the 2nd disc, that rush job story just kills it.
I used to like FF9 a lot more when I was younger but after multiple repeat playthroughs I've gotten so sick of the Steal Mechanics and the Chocobo Minigame that just thinking about those makes me not want to play it.
I'm going to assume this is based on the Steam version though? If you want to play FF9 get this version, it fixes the abysmal load times and there is an option to make the battle cut-ins less long, making it overall a much smoother experience.
Squeenix is full of surprises. I'm still trying to make sense of the Assassins festival in FFXV.
I'm in if there's 4k support for the pro.
I know some people dislike 8 but can we please get a remake with some tweaks
I played a lot of RPGs, specially during the PS1 era. A friend of mine was a FF fanboy so I watched him play the three PS1 titles. I played Grandia (which remains one of my favorite of all time), Xenogears (very good overall, but I hated the final mess, er, maze) and Lunar, which I hated with a passion, as no matter how much you grinded, the bosses were always stronger than you. Other ones I played were Legend of Legaia and Wild Arms.
About Xenoblade, I played the first one for around 5 hours and then never went back to it, the SE of X still sits unopened and I still plan to buy the SE of 2. More on that in a moment.
Overall I find RPGs overlong and repetitive, so they are not my favorite genre. What I am doing right now is to use them as an excuse to learn and practice Italian. Switch allows you to choose from many languages, and Zelda BOTW and the recent Project Octopath Traveler demo can be played in Italian, as well as the recent Pokemon games, even if you are in the Americas region. I pretend to do the same with Xeno 2. I ordered the European SE, which is actually 100 Euros, since I prefer the box and I am not sure NOA will include Dante's language.
Literally just downloaded FFVII on psn. Going home now to play it for the first time ever. Pretty excited to see what the hype is about. I was also just wondering why they didnt have FFIX on psn. I almost bought it on steam but I would rather play it on the ps4. Plus they want $21 for the steam version when I'm sure the psn version will be only $15... hopefully lol.
@sinalefa Well if you need a reason to learn Italian, the Divine Comedy is a good one. My son just started taking Italian in 7th grade. I have no idea why, neither does he.
The first 15 hours of Xenoblade C was dull. It got good around hour 35. Hit it's stride around hour 50. got better around hour 75 and I think ended around hour 100 though I played it for another 44 hours beating some of the higher level creatures and side story missions. So 5 hours wasn't going to hook you.
I got a PS1 right after I moved in w/ my then girlfriend current wife. i hadn't gamed in about 10 years - grad school - since my Atari 7800 so it was all new and very impressive to me. I started w/ Parasite Eve - which seemed long to me then at 15 hours - and my wife enjoyed it. She was working on her Masters in creative writing at the time, she enjoys fantasy novels, so she enjoyed the story in our next game FF7, so we mostly just played JRPG after that since she spent all of her free time watching me play. She did play a few games on Dreamcast, some very boring childlike JRPG called Evolution or something. So even though they are long and repetitive, as long as it has a story and some decent characters she'll watch me play, it's what we do. We did move on to other non-JRPG games w/ story on PS2, mostly the platforming trilogy of Sly, Ratchet and Jak, then Uncharted, but it's mostly JRPG.
About time! Has been my 'prediction' for every event since t came to PC!
Amusingly enough, FFII and IX are the only FF games I've never played at all.
It's finally happening! I could not be any more excited! I hope the trophy list is better than the achievements on the Steam version.
Absolutely love this game, I've been waiting for this! So happy.
I keep forgetting that PS4 somehow doesn't run PS1 images, so for a moment I perked my ears up for a remake. Oh well. XD
@TheIronChimp isn't it linked in the article?
@get2sammyb I just saw on Twitter that it's available right now on Japan's PSN.
Is this digital only?
@Feena I guess so but that didn't stop them remaking I a million times, making a 3d remake of III and making rather unnecessary sequels to the mediocrity that was XIII, although XIII-2 was a slight improvement.
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