Detroit: Become Human received a new trailer at Sony's Paris Games Week Press Conference today, and it's a real doozy. It shows off David Cage's patented branching storylines in a scene that is considerably more intense than anything we've seen of the game so far.
As always, the question remains: will the plucky auteur be able to craft an experience that successfully and respectfully deals with complex themes? Let us know what you think down below.
Comments 12
The trailers of Detroit and The Last of Us 2 are really dark, i'm really impressed.
You know what isn't a difficult decision? whether or not to play this game!
I know, that was terrible. I'm sorry.
This has a lot of potential.
Looks like a walking simulator in the vein of heavy rain. I’ll pass
Looks intense! Hope the choices are as varied as these trailers.
Also, didn't know Jennifer Lawrence was involved, lol
Damn, that was a good trailer. Heavy themes, but very impressive showing.
This looks incredible! One of my favorite trailers of the whole show!!!
@Boxmonkey What do you have against these type of games, if you don't mind my curiosity?
Interesting. The whole personal household android thing reminds me of the anime "Plastic Memories".
@ToddlerNaruto I’m not particularly against the genre but the two big budget games of this type I’ve played (beyond two souls and heavy rain) I found slow. Not enough game play other than qte’s. in saying that I’ve just remembered I loved until dawn 😂
@Boxmonkey Until Dawn has been raved about everywhere I visit. Recently bought it for $10 New from Fry's.
I hope the game is full of this kind of personal story rather than the cliche android vs human in the previous trailer (e3 2017).
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