Destiny 2 launched one month ago today, but is it still dominating your gaming time? Bungie's latest had a big launch -- you couldn't avoid hearing about it for weeks -- but it seems to have dropped off for a lot of people. We're sure it's still incredibly popular, but it's safe to say that the honeymoon period is over.
As such, we're interested in knowing whether you're still hammering Destiny 2. Are you playing it as often, or have you moved on? Vote in our polls, and then have your say in the comments section below.
Are you still playing Destiny 2? (179 votes)
- Yes, I play it every day
- Yeah, I still play regularly
- Kind of, I rarely play it now
- Nope, I stopped playing entirely
- No, I skipped Destiny 2
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Why did you stop playing Destiny 2? (164 votes)
- I feel like I've done everything I want to do
- I've ran out of things to do
- I'm just not having fun anymore
- I've moved onto other games
- Hey, I'm still playing Destiny 2
- I never started playing Destiny 2
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Comments 46
I have just got back into Destiny 2 after having a lousy cold for past one and a half weeks. Have still not yet completed the story because of that but am not far of finishing.
Love Destiny2! Its just so much fun going in with a good clan. And its by no means a stressfull, timekilling grind some people think it is.
The weekly maintenance has slowed my progress somewhat, so yeh, I'm still grinding the endgame.
Also wanted to give a shout out to the active clan members responsible for those free engrams I'm picking up each week. Much respect!
I stopped playing before I finished it. I just don't like the game at all. While they clearly improved on the original, it still does nothing for me: I have no connection to the universe or lore and I don't find the missions fun at all.
The gunplay is good — but I wouldn't argue it's anymore exemplary than most modern Call of Duty or Battlefield games — but I find the emphasis on shielded enemies and huge bullet-sponges (while reduced in this version) fatiguing frankly.
And it just does nothing for me. I feel nothing playing it. So I'm out. In my opinion, if Bungie's goal was to bring a new audience to Destiny with this edition, it completely failed.
Just my two cents.
I know with my game speed and availability to play the pacing it great , just reach max power lvl , just in time prestigious raid to come out , plua there is iron banner , juat had faction rally , curious to see what else they have in store.
But I do see myself slowing down soon , there are other things I want to play coming out shadow of war , battlefront etc
No interest, space marines is so tired
I'm still playing the first Destiny but i only bought it a few weeks ago. Just hit light level 308.
I skipped Destiny 2. I'm sure it's a fun coop shooter, but all the stuff around the edges is bollocks. You can't even hang out on the Moon in Destiny 2.
I've only played it when I know i have at least two uninterrupted hours to focus on it, so needless to say with life and work, I haven't gotten to play much. I have enjoyed what I have played so far, beat the campaign, hit light level 250-ish, and i have yet to do a strike or patrol. I think once this hits PC in a couple weeks I'll end up double dipping, as I have several friends who already pre-ordered, and only one or two that play on PS4.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi From what I played of Destiny 2 they're less abrasive as they were in the first one, but I agree it's still an awful mechanic.
I understand it from a co-op perspective, but I just find it irritating beyond belief.
I'm still playing when I get the chance, but then I missed out on the first week thanks to Pro crash issues. I enjoy it though.
If you see a D2 clan request from X-Thain, that's my son if you wouldn't mind adding him. Thanks!
Still loving it. Ran the nightfall with a couple of clan members last night and beat it with 40 secs to spare. It was proper adrenaline pumping stuff! Really though, I just like shooting things in the face with like minded souls and I'm having a blast right now. Played every day since release for at least 2 hours.
I never started.
I've just got going with the end game over the past week. It's lots of fun, especially co-op with some buddies. But I generally don't play a lot, a few hours each week.
8/10 all day.
Can't say I'll keep playing the sequels if they keep making me start over each time though. I wanted the world to grow with each iteration, not start fresh. It's a shame we've lost old locations, strikes and raids.
Just renewed Plus but I have 0 interest in this one.
Playing it. Most at weekends .Destiny 2 has lost a lot from Destiny 1. It's far too easy .the grind is less grindy. Too easy to level up characters. Too easy to get exotics. Geared more towards the casuals . Hopefully we get an expansion like the taken king that revamps it
@johnny30 Don't you think TTK made the base game far less grindy and geared towards casuals too, though? Destiny 2 seems generally to be in the spirit of TTK. What would you want from an expansion, for them to go back to the Destiny year 1 systems?
I like that the non-players are winning this poll.
Changed too much . The grind is what made it longer. Liked the adding of the quests from ttk. They removed the abilities from classes. Was like 30 abilities for each class you had to unlock and also had level up weapons. Would love a weapons system similar to ratchet and clank. Level up weapons and evolve them.
There's just no end goal to these type of games , they just mean my backlog gets me more stressed out. Just not enough time to play this kind of thing , even though I'd probably enjoy it.
@johnny30 The grind is also why people complained though.. that said I do get where you're coming from, I did prefer levelling up my guns in d1.
More customisation over all would help, more perks on guns/armour that you could work toward unlocking and more variety on the ability trees.
@kyleforrester87 yeah the casuals that don't like rpgs or work hard and admire there achievements
Not interested. I didnt buy destiny 1 because of the horrendous business model that was adopted; and I have seen nothing to suggest the sequel is much better in that regard
I still play it, but my interest is waning. My main activity in D1 was Crucible, but frankly, it's a joke in D2, just a team shoot fest with all of the subtlety and variety of strategy taken out; boring! Never liked the PVE much anyway
Totally agree with @XurAgentofthe9 on Crucible. Although Im getting a few wins which never usually happens for me in fps, it would be nice for some team size variety. Even 5 v 5 or 3 v3 would be a welcome change now and again.
Other than crucible, the over arcing story is a bit pants. I much prefer the adventure mission stories played out in game. They are both funny and suitable.
Otherwise awesome, my Titan, Sweet Business and sexy dark red greaves are gonna take on the world!
Destiny 2 is very dumb compare to the first, too straight forward. No random characterization of weapons anymore, useless strikes, overcomplicated mechanics in the raid (it is not though, just annozing). No secret exotic quests... In a sentence I am bored of it.
Moved to FiFa and my huge backlog
Never played it.
Its online only multiplayer.
I skip those on principle.
And not just because they are on borrowed time, I dont care about online gaming.
I decided to quit after I got a Switch and looked at my backlog of games. Plus the game is pretty boring. Even the raid is disappointing.
D1 was better...
One moment time to sing
I play Destiny 2 everyday
I play Destiny 2
If y’all know what cancerous song this is a reference to you gets a cookie.
Btw I’m having fun w this...
@get2sammyb just because it didn't bring you in doesn't mean it completely failed you're just one person. I also think it's ridiculous and comical you try to say cod and battlefields gunplay is on the same level as destiny it's not even close lol destinys gunplay is infinitely better
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi yeah they do but you also have energy weapons that absolutely eat their shields up in a matter of seconds so what's the problem
@XurAgentofthe9 that I agree with my clan and I will absolutely not do crucible unless we have a full fireteam of four because of it being nothing more than a team shooting fest which makes playing by yourself damn near impossible unlike destiny 1 where I could go in by myself and completely wreck people
@get2sammyb I'm not going to try and convince you on this, as if you don't like the mechanics then you're just not going to like the game. It's not everyone's cup of tea anyway, but out of interest- did you do any co op with friends on Mic and stuff? For me, I like the game anyway, but it's doing raids, pvp, strikes, etc with clan members and a few irl mates that the game really clicks.
I was close to buying last week just to see if I liked it but decided it was better to save my money for other October releases.
just bought a new copy for 34 pounds so will get round to it sometime
The stats are misleading (of course, as most are anyway)
For instance:
35% still play 'regularly' or 'every day' (Table 2 has only 29% still playing)
13% who play 'rarely' could mean once a few days/ week/fortnight and this does not specify the duration of each session.
Then, when we compare the first table and the second table, the %age who skipped/never started playing rises from 46% skipped to 50% never started.
Table 1stopped (6%) /rarely (13%) totals 19%
Yet, of those who played then stopped for any reason in table 2 totals, 22%
Then there's the matter of putting games aside for any reason only to rediscover it sometime later or discovering the game for the first time later on.
Of the 'reasons stopped', for instance, 'done it all' and 'ran out of things' is the same question phrased differently.
'Not having fun' is the important one here.
'Moved on' may or may not be permanent.
There are more questions than answers.
Got to 305 light a few week ago and just not played it much since, still do the nightfall and trails weekly but just can't be arsed to do the same stuff all the time, it's too repetitive and feels way to much like the first one after the initial buzz wears off, the factions wars they did the other week was literally nothing and iron banner is coming back which is just crucible really, I will proberly still play weekly as I've got the season pass but really not into it as much as the first one
Well said, Sammy. You nicely summed up my attitude towards the game, in your post here.
@dark_knightmare2 Fair enough. I'm fully aware I'm in the minority — was just my opinion.
@Johnnycide A little bit but that's not really my thing either. To be honest, I play games to escape from other people. But yeah, I can see how it'd be more entertaining if you're using it as a kinda virtual hang out.
@dark_knightmare2 The other thing, for me anyway, is no Rumble. I used to love warming up with a few games. My guess is that they will sell us back all the stuff they took out as part of DLC packages; that's very Bungie, so generous!
Yahtzee's on and hilarious
I am still playing and looking forward the 'Prestige' Raid. I was deliberately keeping my Hunter to play through the Campaign if/when it gets 'enhanced' on Xbox X but I feel I may have to blast through the campaign and get it 'end-game' ready much sooner due to how 'lacking' the game is compared to Destiny 1 (and I am referring to pre-enhancements).
Say what you want about the grind, the levelling up of character and weapons but i found a lot of that was 'fun'. Completing daily bounties, daily missions etc even able to pick which strike I wanted - all helping to upgrade my character and weapons. As far as the materials and loot chests were concerned, I was able to collect these whilst completing the bounties and patrols. Patrols and Public Events broke up the monotony for me of just running around trying to find Spin Metal to upgrade my weapon so I never found it a chore. Now I find doing Patrols, strikes, missions etc meaningless. I don't need the XP to unlock the next node on my characters progression or weapon, don't need the Glimmer or shards as there is nothing to spend them on (no-one sells legendary weapons or even weapons with different perks to chase.
I can't fault the mechanics and how the game plays but the changes have really stream-lined and reduced the the things to do. You can blitz through the Raid, do your nightfalls and any other activities that offer the 'only' rewards worth getting - the 'Powerful gear' as all blues and purples that drop are just dismantled for parts. Its not even worth trading these in to rank up rep as they only give 'lower' gear you already have (or dismantled already). The addition of 'adventures' and 'Lost Sectors' aren't worth doing either as they don't offer any worthwhile rewards - more 'blues' or upgrade tokens which are unnecessary if your character is so easy to reach max level with ALL skills unlocked on all 3 Subclasses.
In Destiny 1, It took a lot of XP to unlock every sub-class and all the skills. It also added more depth to the character and much more ways to spec in to different skills - whether playing Solo or in a team. If you weren't upgrading your character, you were upgrading weapons or hunting te perfect spec weapon variant. The new weapon layout is also a poor choice. Its narrowed the game-play in PvE at least - another decision that's been influenced by Crucible balancing at the expense of PvE. I guess it wouldn't matter if bosses weren't 'bullet sponges'.
Its no surprise that the more hardcore Destiny gamers burned through the content so quickly as the content (or at least the way its designed) is so much lighter than D1. Its more action now than RPG. i really hope that Bungie do something to expand the end-game. I know that 'casuals' may not be at that point yet but when hey eventually get there, they will find how light the game is now...
I enjoyed Destiny 2 and found it in a lot of ways better than the first one but since the new playstation software update I keep getting intermittent "unable to contact Destiny servers" errors (even though my Destiny game is up to date) so I'm putting it to one side so I can part-ex it in for Assassins Creed Origins at the end of the month
@get2sammyb If anything I need to disagree with you when you say that Bungie failed to cater for new players.
I was a hardcore D1 player, and still am for D2, but hardcore has got very little meaning now. The endgame is shallow and it is pretty much directed to more casual players, the removal of 70% of the RNG is doing nothing for me personally so there's only the one point left which is collecting, and even with that I'm almost done.
For a game that always wanted the player to play it's own way, in terms of that solely the sequel has failed, finding myself to HAVE to wear certain armor to get the best stats, making you have the same strategy each time you do a nightfall because the timer is always a constant, locking your loadout outside of PvP. I hope much of this is erased from the game especially the fixed perks on armor, not too bothered about fixed perks on guns, they need to have something to get into the MLG stage.
Played for about a week after launch had all week last week off work and I ended playing Skyrim and Forza 3 on 360. Its the same as 1 what started off as wow it feels different and they've added some depth to the story. Ended up being a bore of a grind and nothing had changed at all.
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