This month's PlayStation Plus lineup has been revealed, and it turns out that the leak was right. On PlayStation 4, we're getting colourful platformer Bound alongside Worms Battlegrounds. Meanwhile, PlayStation VR users get a nice extra in the form of Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. Co-op brawler Dungeon Punks is also up for grabs on PS4 and is cross-buy with the Vita version.
Speaking of which, the handheld system nabs both episodes of Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse, and on PlayStation 3, Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic arrives with R-Type Dimensions.
What do you make of November's selection? Demand more Metal Gear Solid V in the comments section below.
Comments 64
Nothing for me this month, which is more than OK as AC:O, Destiny 2 and Sonic Forces will be taking up the rest of my gaming this year, might down Until Dawn VR, just incase I ever get a PSVR though
I don't have it yet, but it's nice that they've started dropping VR games into this every now and then. I always quite liked Worms back in the day but not sure I can be bothered to dip into it much on PS4 now. Pretty weak month, saved slightly by Rush of Blood (if you're at all interested in VR).
Cry you damn babies cry...
Excited for Worms, can't say that the other games look interesting, they don't! I'll try them anyway
somewhat interested in Bound, but the rest of the lineup ... what's below 'meh'?
Now i will finally play Bound. Even if it's not the best month, i can't complain because i was interested on Bound.
Many people will complain though, lolol.
@Cycologist Bleh
Worms could be good with me and my nephew, nice bit of nostalgia from my PS One days. Bound is an ok little short game but it's very artsy which the purists will hate. And nice to add Rush of Blood to my slowly building VR collection.
Give Bound a try. I didn't think it was great, but I found it interesting.
EDIT: Also, as someone who hated the idea of Rush of Blood before it came out, I thoroughly enjoyed playing that.
..Bound is GORGEOUS in both 4K and VR... Worms = meh.. but having Rush of Blood on the hard-drive instead of disc is a huge bonus! Happy with that alone! (I can now part-ex that for a bit of cash)
Broken Sword 5 is great. There are only two episodes, so by 'First two' you mean the only two. It goes back to the 2D artistic style it's better known for.
Too many games in my backlog to bother with these, but Broken Sword was great when i played ti a few years back.
R-Type Dimensions is meant to be excellent I believe.
great not got them
I have almost all these but Bound in VR I'd amazing. I would recommend the soundtrack too.
Broken Sword and Worms. Not bad at all.
Nothing for me this month.
Looks like VR games in the IGC are here to stay. 2 games this month as Bound is also VR compatible.
The first time I actually already have a game that's being offered...
Funnily enough there’s a bit of interest for my family. I’ll bank the credit game just in case I get one down the line. My eldest daughter is really into ballet and when I showed her bound she wanted try try and I’d promised I’d get it in the sale. As a family we’ve played the other worms games a few time so this might get us all back together again and r-type is one of my most love old games.
I'll check out Bound finally. I was never that interested in it, but for free? Sure.
Worms? I won't even download it. I got my fill of that type of gameplay with Scorched Earth in the early 90's.
Rag Doll Kung Fu? Oh my. We got that for free yeeeeears ago with some Sprint promotion. I played just enough to get one fricken trophy which will haunt me forever.
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is fun, I've had it since launch and while I haven't completed the game, I certainly don't regret paying for it.
I'm unfamiliar with the rest of these... might give Broken Sword 5 a go.
Edit: Looks like they're offering a free PSVR game every two months? I hope that's a new thing. First RIGS and now Rush of Blood. Wonder what they'll offer next!
@Neolit Considering it's on the free table now, you'd think it would have been on sale recently! That's Sony's favorite maneuver! Hahaha
Nothing of interest for me this month. Still have Frozen Wilds to look forward to as well a lot of games from October and some releases in November to play so whatever Sony offered would at most be sat in my library ready to download for a time when it appeals more than my new games and backlog to play.
Best line up in ages IMO. Haven't played Worms for 20 years and Bound has always been of interest. Think my girlfriend will like playing that while I cain Mario!
Worms Battlegrounds is currently in the double discounts sale for £19.99, I wonder if it was a last minute replacement?
Is Broken Sword 5 cross-buy? Would be great on PS4.
What goes up must come down!...
Bound reminds me James Bond
James Bond = Casino Royal
Casino Royal=Mads Mikkelsen
Mads Mikkelsen= Death Stranding
Death Stranding= bound
kojima means something from this PS+ game.... so i give it a try
Meh, I knew the last couple of months were too good to be true.
I have too many games to be getting on with as usual so not too bothered about this month's line up.Having said that I tried the demo of Bound in VR and was really impressed so that's a definite d/l and I used to love Worms back in the good old days so will give that a go too.
Rush Of Blood is a fantastic VR game to give away and I recommend anyone with a PSVR to try it.
Great month for library games I will try. Worms is always good for a laugh. Gutted I cant play R-Type get it on vita/ps4 damn it.
Whats even better, I will have 2 PSVR games so looks like I will be picking up one of those up early next year. Booming. Good tactic Sony you swines.
Looks... pretty good.
@adf86 no sir. No no no no no... These games are below mediocre at best.
Can't be worse than Drawn to Death, right?
Rush Of Blood... great... another game I bought a year ago. I think its high time that I email Sony and find out what thei policy is for members who own half or more of the (so called) free GOTM. They should credit us when we already own what they're pushing.
If they truly were trying to get points it should of been Worms WMD. They really need to stop announcing That's You for free like it's a special prize, we get it Sony you like to tote install numbers. They've been adding it free to everything, just make it a god damn permanent free game in the store already. Highly recommend rush of blood and I'm looking forward to bound.
Wonderful line-up for me! Games I would not buy but love to try. BTW: Am I the only one excited for Dungeon Punks? I love old skool brawlers. Takes me back to the Power Rangers game on the GameBoy
I found rush of blood together with wayward sky the best psvr games; if you have vr and dont rob its a great line up in my humble opinion
Sony you don't support Vita in any way so why bother with on PS+. Would be better using the budget for PS4 imo...
Meh for free games, but I got my psplus worth this month already with the $27.99 Horizon Zero Dawn
WHAAAAAT! I was expecting The Last of Us Part 2 Right I'm selling my PS4 Looks a cool line up really + i wanted 'R-Type Dimensions PS3' so will have to start up my PS3 for that(God it's been ages since I played my PS3. Only because there is soooooo much stuff on the PS4 to play)
Please enlighten - I assume Sony pay the Game Distributor for the PSN Free Games - So, do they pay beforehand and negotiate a Price, or do they pay in relation to the amount of PSN Members taking up the Offer ....?
The Reason I ask, is that if I do not Download a Free PSN Game,
because it is not my Cup-of-Tea, then does this affect what Sony Pays the Distributor ...?
If all PSN Members just Download the Free Monthly Games regardless, is this affecting the Finances available for the following Month ....?
Hope the above makes sense
The insane amount of flash sales and good deals over the last month have more than made up for a few mediocre PS plus games, in my opinion anyways.
keen to grab Rush of Blood for when I actually have psvr
Dungeon Punks is a decent game. It’s got more depth than the standard side-scrolling Final Fight-type game. Worms Battlegrounds is Worms—it’s been years and years and years and not much has changed. If they’d invest their time in redoing worms forts under siege, at least it’d be somewhat fresh. Still, worms is fun, and Battlegrounds has quite a few one player missions to add more depth.
Bound is okay as a freebie, not too excited about getting worms though...
Didn't realise bound was vr too so I'll give that a go. Already have rush of blood so a pretty poor month imo. Shame I was kinda looking forward to the order and refuse to buy as it's a cert to be on here sooner or later
Garbage. There have been a few good months, but this service is so not worth $60 a year. Too bad online play in MH World will be hidden behind this massive paywall.
Push Square awarded the two headliner games both 6/10. That is the very epitome of “meh.”
@Ralizah Right cause everything should be free in this day and age and people shouldn't get paid for what they do.
@Tasuki As far as I understand, the developers are paying for their own servers, so it's rather like I'm paying Sony for the privilege of being able to use my WiFi.
At the very least, there should be a set of different subscription plans so that people aren't paying for features that they don't like or want. They know that they can hold basic features like the ability to play online hostage and that people will pay extortionate fees as a result, though, so that won't happen.
I haven't played any of these games! Yes!!!!
@Ralizah Build a PC. You don't have to pay any yearly fees for dumb crap, and they aren't overly difficult to get a grasp of. I love my PC. I prefer my PS4 for ease of access though.
I'd love for PSN to charge separately for online service and Plus games, but they never will. Not much you can do except not buy into it! 😊
The only plus to this month is that I am continuing to build up a library of VR games ready for if I ever buy the thing. Pretty much like what happened with Vita. And why I only ever bought like one game for my Vita.
@Constable_What I actually have built a PC
(in 2015, but it still runs circles around my PS4). I use my PS4 primarily for exclusives and Japanese games (which tend to be poorly optimized for the PC: see Nier: Automata, for example).
November's offerings are nice too, Bound looks fun and WORMS?! Awesome!
@get2sammyb Rush of Blood was a great title! One of my favorites on the VR!!!! I remember when I went down on the rollercoaster on the second stage, I almost fell down for real! Great experience and shows that a decent carnival-theme-park game would really work on the VR!!!!
With the announcement, I'm excited for the Worms least until I buy the retail disc that's out in stores! Loved all the Worms titles, so I'm excited to delve into this one too! Wish we'd get a new Worms Crazy Golf title too! As for Bound, never played it yet, but it looks interesting! As for the Until Dawn, already own it and if any of you have a VR Head set, it's worth the play through! If you have the Move wands, it's even more fun! Get ready for some roller coaster-carnival-type-horror and carnival shooting action horror!!!!
@Ralizah Well then you probably use Plus to play with friends. That's all I use it for, basically. Sometimes I get Plus games that I haven't played, but they're usually underwhelming anyways!
I have been saying for years, just as you've been saying, that there should be a seperate service for people who just want to play online. I don't see them adding that; they can just keep charging the same amount and rake in profits from people who feel like they have no choice in the matter.
It's a nice racket they have going that's for sure! I can respect that at least.
@Constable_What Not really. The two games I play online are Splatoon and Monster Hunter. So I'd be buying a $60 subscription for occasional hunts in one game and cloud saving.
@Ralizah So you're not paying for it? Why are you moaning then? 😂
@Constable_What Not looking forward to paying $60 to be able to hunt with other people in MH World. And that's just the first year! I bought MH4U and Generations at launch, as I've grown to love this series, but I'm almost tempted to skip the Playstation version due to my annoyance at this horrible paywall.
Problem is, a lot of Japanese devs don't seem to know how to optimize games on PC. A lot of Japanese game ports have weird performance issues that never seem to get addressed.
I guess I'll just treat it like a completely single-player game.
I've never had any issues with PC versions of Capcom games.They usually have pretty decent, PC ports. Of course I'm running a GTX 1080 so even un-optimised games will run great most of the time.
I'd look into it as I think multi-player is going to be a bigger part of the game than the 3DS counterparts.
I wouldn't support anything I take huge issue with either!
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