Hey, Star Wars Battlefront 2 is out today on PlayStation 4... But are you buying it? Just in case you haven't been keeping up with the news, EA's latest blockbuster has been drowning in a sea of negativity for weeks. Most of that negativity stems from the game's convoluted progression system, which places a heavy emphasis on loot boxes. The grind for unlocks can be arduous, with the publisher steering users towards spending real money in order to gain an advantage.
The backlash has been huge to say the least, with players and the media alike taking the title to task over its aggressive use of microtransactions. EA has seemingly been forced to respond to this tidal wave of criticism, as it disabled all in-game purchases last night. The microtransactions will return, but only when developer DICE has rebalanced the system -- hopefully for the better.
So far, this whole saga has been one to rival the storylines of the Star Wars movies themselves, but has it had any impact on you? Are you skipping Battlefront 2 because of this farce? Let us know your plans in our polls, and then have your say in the comments section below.
Are you buying Star Wars Battlefront 2? (267 votes)
- I've already bought it
- Yes, I plan on buying it today
- I'll probably buy it later down the line
- I'm undecided
- Nah, I don't think I'll be buying it
- No, I'm not at all interested
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Have microtransactions stopped you from buying Star Wars Battlefront 2? (258 votes)
- Yes, I lost all interest after hearing about the microtransactions
- I still might buy it, but microtransactions have put me off for now
- Nah, I'll still buy it, I don't care about microtrasnactions
- I won't be buying it, but it's because of other flaws, not microtransactions
- I've already bought the game
- I was never interested in Battlefront 2 to begin with
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Comments 65
I will take a stand against this microtransactions madness so EA won't see a penny from me.
...this game should have been their excuse for the lacklustre prequel....
I'm not buying it, at least, I don't plan on giving EA any money for this game, since I strongly disagree with the way they handled everything, from this game to their business practices in general.
That being said, IF the single player campaign is worth playing, I may get a second hand copy just to play through the single player campaign, but I'm currently not interested in the multiplayer.
No buy, unless the community feedback is very good later after release.
For me, the loss of interest is due to a combination of microtransaction fiasco, questionable business practices, what sounds like a lackluster single player campaign, and a general feel that there is so much unrest about this game and its future is unknown.
That, plus an enormous backlog that will keep me busy anyways. 😁
I refuse to buy season passes so I was delighted to hear Battlefront 2's additional content won't need one. I don't really understand all the fuss around microtransactions and they're not something I spend money on. As long as they're restricted to cosmetic items and it helps a developer to produce better quality content I'd rather have microtransactions than a season pass any day.
Love Star Wars, but this is a **** scenario. Buck stops here. Plenty of other games to play, that aren't trying to **** me. Good time to reinstall PC OG Star Wars Battlefront II with some mods.
Was never interested in the first place.
@Mr_Schultz Watch the language please!
Why can't someone just release a regular full single player campaign Star Wars game? F*** EA!
I liked the first one and the beta of this, but I will wait for a price drop. I don't really care about MT, never bought anything and most probably I will never never do it.
@Big_Steve_74 Guess you're a bit out of the loop, because the loot boxes in BF2 offer much, much more than cosmetic items. Ask @BAMozzy how much P2W factors into this game, he has played it already and has given a pretty in depth analysis of it.
I have enough of a backlog. I can do without this.
I played the beta and thought it looked fantastic and sounded fantastic but all that multiplayer pew pew-die-respawn-pew pew gameplay is zzzzzz.
I'm not getting it but wouldn't have got it at launch anyway. My brother was going to get it as he enjoyed the beta but has now been completely put off by all the loot box crap.
@RedMageLanakyn I accept I don't fully understand it all (the whole progression system sounds needlessly complicated). You can earn loot boxes without the need to pay for them though. If someone's daft enough to pay real cash, good luck to them.
After this and NFS EA have proved they dont deserve the money they so avidly chase. I am not getting it and since this is the only EA title I cared about they wont see a penny from me this time.
Make your stance.
Hope the gaming community send EA the message.
If this is left unchecked even Unravel 2 will come with loot boxes.
@RedMageLanakyn P2W is a factor in the MP - no getting away from it! The fact that someone can get all the best 'Star Cards' in the game via loot crates is poor. OK so they might not be the 'highest' tier, but they can be a higher tier than you can buy. Also you need crafting parts to upgrade to the max tier and if you have opened lots of loot crates, you have a lot of crafting parts to upgrade to max tier immediately.
They can have the best upgrades/star cards/vehicles/heroes etc so have such a big advantage, its unbalanced. A skilled player would have to be very skilled to kill a 'noob' with the best cards in a straight out gunfight.
MP though is just one aspect and the 'only' aspect that Loot crates really impact on. I wouldn't say that you come up against whole teams of loot crate buying players but you can often see which players have purchased - they are the ones at the top of the scoreboard - often by a sizeable margin.
There is still the Campaign (mediocre, disjointed, short and open-ended) as well as 'Arcade' mode. The Arcade mode is 'similar' to the 'training' mode in SWBF1. Missions with objectives and AI controlled enemies that award 'stars' for completing - up to 3stars each. These can be played offline or Couch co-op.
Overall the game is OK. Its better than BF1 in some ways and whilst the loot crates are an 'issue' in principal, whether they really affect the majority of MP matches or not, time will tell. Those that have pre-ordered and therefore had the opportunity to buy Loot Crates obviously have an advantage but I have an advantage over new-comers despite not buying ANY loot crates - just because I have put time in already and unlocked some cards etc. Its difficult to assess how much of impact as there are too many variables but if you come up against a level 20+ with 3 max tier star cards equipped, I bet they bought loot crates! No way would they have had time to grind for that advantage...
Got screwed on the last one with rubbish..Once bitten. ..
I cancelled my pre-order after playing the demo. I was shocked that the points for building up items were generated randomly via loot boxes. I despise the random prizes in Destiny 2 so I didn’t want to even bother with Battlefront 2’s economy.
Bought the game and love it. The game was always going to get hate so many people jump on the band wagon because its EA. If players were willing to put the time into the game then they could unlock what they wanted. Just takes time and effort. Sadly we live in a time where players are unwilling to put the effort into games to make progress. They also do not want to pay for DLC either oh and also want the games at a reduced price. If some people bought the loot boxes with real world money then who cares? You need to concentrate on your own style and make yourself a better player. A player with better weapons and less skill will be beaten by a more skilled player.
I'll get this later down the line. I play SP content in all games, so it doesn't matter when I buy stuff as I'm not missing anything.
@Big_Steve_74 it’s not cosmetic at all, it’s pay to win, that’s why everyone is so upset.
There are much better games to play.
Ha no and I love Star Wars games. I got the first game in a sale way after release because of the lack of decent single played content but I was interested in BF2's new campaign and it looked and sounded amazing. However, the treatment of the fans in this by EA have meant I won't ever buy it. Simple as.
1) Lootboxes are gambling, sorry. 2) This is P2W - remember that P2W just means that by buying you may be able to beat those that don't pay to the same logical point and 3) The game is clearly made to direct players down that route.
@Pamela But you don't need to pay. I, as someone who won't pay for anything extra, will have the same experience as someone daft enough to buy loot boxes (albeit it'll take me longer to get there).
@dryrain Eh? No. No we don't live in a time where players aren't willing to play games to get rewards. We live in a time where Publishers are making artificial grinds so that some (not all) players get bored and pay to avoid the grind. That is not the same as players not wanting rewards. It is the game that isn't rewarding the player. Cool if you like the game, no judgement but it is just mad blame gamers for this.
@Big_Steve_74 No, you don't need to pay. However you have to invest more time to get to the same point as someone that has. I play games to escape the realities of society, not have it mirrored!
Not much from EA's catalogue appeals to me these days, only thing that has got me interested is Anthem but fear it could be ruined by micro transactions/loot boxes like Need for Speed and Battlefront
I heard from my friend that EA disabled all in-game purchases/micro transactions and redoing the progression system. Anyone else confirm?
@Rudy_Manchego Ha ha, yeah, I know where you're coming from!
@Big_Steve_74 it will take much much longer. And the people who pay will be more powerful than you in battle, that’s terrible.
@Pamela I'm pretty hopeless at shooters and expect to get my backside handed to me anyway
I can see why some people are upset but it's not something that bothers me.
While I am completely unsupportive of micro transcations, it was actually the vaccuous nature and lack of content of the first game that has put me off buying this. It just made me so unexcited for the sequel, and the beta failed to change my mind.
Yep... they pulled out the micro transactions.
I boycotted EA a long time ago, I think the last game I bought from then was Bad Company 2, which was great. So no matter what BF2 ended up being like I was never going to acquire it.
EA's behaviour recently is nothing short of shocking - closing down studios, mediocre games and anti-consumer practises screwing gamers over. I can only guess they miss being America's most hated company.
I'm a big fan of DICE as a developer, their Frostbite engine is excellent and they've released some bloody good games over the years. I'm not a fan of Mircotransactions and loot boxes in full priced games, it is a terrible business practice and is rapidly becoming the norm these days. This game takes them to a whole new level which I find appalling. It's time publishers such as EA and Ubisoft (the two main culprits imho) wake up and smell the coffee. If a consumer is forking out full price for a game, they should get the full game and not be strong armed into paying extra for additional characters or bonus levels or loot boxes or forced to play a full 40 hours to unlock one or some of these features. Who came up with this principal and when did this shady activity become the norm. I will boycott this and any other game who adopt such a strategy. It's a disgraceful practice and should be quashed from this industry completely.
...I think the good news about them removing transactions NOW is that it gives everyone time to get to an even level... if in 3 months time they re-introduce them - then it won't matter so much, because by then you'll probably have got all the cards you want / need and heroes / villains, so there'll be absolutely no advantage to buying crates - so actually now is the time to get it, play with people who can't pay to win, get good, get cards, and then when they do re-open the flood-gates, it won't matter one bit... as you're already there! (that's what I've been doing all week!)
Lootbox pay to win have no place in $60 game. I may buy it sometime in the future when it's heavily discounted (70-80%) if the single player story is good though, although I heard its just okay.
I ABSOLUTELY applaud everyone taking a stand against EA
DICE has created a possible GOTY
EA is the worst - we all agree
SWBF2 is an amazing game - please don't dismiss what this game is because of EA
The sad thing is, this is the most fun I have had in a FPS for years, the game feels more refined than the last outing, tactical play features more heavily, especially when you spawn as a hero.
I had this laugh out loud moment on Kashykk where as a Battle Droid, Yoda got the drop on a team mate and started gunning for me, I instantly turned around and legged it right out into the middle of the open battlefield, after 10-15 seconds I turned round managed to get 400 damage in before being slain, only to cry out in triumph as Yoda was slain by an army of fellow droids.
Meanwhile I heard there is some massive outcry about Micro Transaction?... Pew Pew Pew
The "let's put some cutscenes between a fight and the other against supid bots and let's call it Campaign" is even more upsetting to me than the stupid lootboxes.
I lost interest in this game once I heard the story campaign was so short/shallow.
Will wait a year or two for this to hit bargain bin $20 with all DLC.
Even before this microtransaction mess, it wasn't that likely that I'd get this. After this turmoil, there's absolutely no way I'd buy this.
was going to buy it till EA decided to screw more money out of us
@Big_Steve_74 I hope you enjoy the game and that EA makes it better for everyone that wants to enjoy it as well. I’m not a FPS pro either, I just try to have fun and do my best.
Not buying, but the decision was nothing to do with the loot boxes and microtransactions.
I played the beta and found the ground combat shallow and unrewarding, and the space combat unnecessarily complicated by strange controls.
A friend is buying it, but he's not bothered about this stuff... in his own words: "I don't care. I'd never pay for them anyway, I just want to run around as a Stormtrooper shooting things."
the microtransactions are an issue for sure, but for me the biggest factor was that the beta was utter crap. i thought the ground combat was terrible, definitely a step backward from the previous game, and even without the grind/lootboxes/mtxns the progression system is shambolically designed - removing microtransactions is only half the story to fixing that mess.
@Big_Steve_74 the lootboxes in this game are not cosmetics only, they literally have powerboosts like more damage, aim assistance, more resistance...
Nope, I won't buy the game, not until it's absolutely dirt cheap just so I can play the campaign.
No chance, I'm not touching any pay to win game with a barge pole, not interested. From footage I've watched so far it looks like a buggy broken unfinished mess anyway. Far better games out there and the developers don't try to trick the people they're making the game for.
The micro transactions killed it for me
The weird thing about this whole debacle is its mirroring the original trilogy. Right now we are living through the empire strikes back. When Battlefront 3 releases an ardent rebel group will break into the servers of EA hq and take down the servers and life in the universe can carry on and party with the ewoks.
@dryrain That line of reasoning makes absolutely no sense once you factor in the price of obtaining the game, the egregious nature of paying for an advantage over other players, the INSANE time investment for a SINGLE lootbox (Trooper crate, the only crate really worth buying, clocks in at around two hours of multi-player once you exhaust your challenges), the 'reasoning' behind EA requiring that time investment, and the fact that progression is tied specifically to getting lootboxes!
Your blanket statement about people jumping on a bandwagon is really troubling. It's telling as well. You spend your money how ever you wish, friend, but just dismissing all of the backlash EA, DICE, and Battlefront 2 is receiving is just inconsiderate.
I don't think that anyone who bought Battlefront 2 is a whale with mommy and daddy's credit card with too much time on their hands. I'm willing to give those people the benefit of the doubt, and I believe anyone should be able to spend their money however they like. I also believe in free speech and press, and this particular example, as shown through many many people of all walks of life, has shown, nearly unequivocally, that this is deserving of discussion.
I believe that to say that corporate EA had any good intentions, other than their own profit, behind this move is demonstrably false. That's my stance. I may stand with other people, but I stand on my own two feet.
@Onion_Knight I second that!
Saw the Kotaku's stream and I wasn't impress with the single-player campaign so I'll be giving this a pass.
I was so put off by the whole BF2 loot box fiasco that I've decided to pass on all EA games for the foreseeable future.
I will buy it later just because the sp campaign.
Prepare to be very dissapointed.
Regardless of the micro transactions debacle. I am disappointed in the game itself. It’s a prettier version of the original Battlefront. Campaign is promising initially before it gets ridiculous and cliche. Only buy it if you love the MP.
Nah gamesradar said if you are not playing online then you shouldn't buy this game. The wait for a proper single player Star Wars continues for me. O
@LieutenantFatman Is it awful?
@PS_Nation I saw footage of the game on jimpressions on YouTube and it is unbelievably buggy. I advice giving that a look, no major spoilers there.
Also worth noting it sounds like they got halfway through making the story and gave up and have said they will finish it later. I've heard very little positive regarding it. If you really want the game for the story, I'd suggest waiting on them finishing it first.
@LieutenantFatman Sigh, better wait for a price drop then, I really hate when developers don't finish the main story and use dlc to do that. Thanks for let me know.
@PS_Nation No problem, I've been there, rushed to get a game on day one which should be amazing but is broken and awful in reality. Never a nice experience.
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