This is the sixth week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be.
If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click through here.
Previous Results
(Click the image to enlarge, percentages are included)

This Week's Matches
We have four matches lined up today. All you have to do is vote for your favourite character in each of the polls below. The winners will move onto the next round. The losers are out of the tournament.
Votes for these matches close next Wednesday, on the 6th December.

Match 21: Sora vs. Doctor Eggman
Series: Kingdom Hearts
First PlayStation appearance: Kingdom Hearts, 2002 (PlayStation 2)
Doctor Eggman
Series: Sonic the Hedgehog
First PlayStation appearance: Sonic Heroes, 2003 (PlayStation 2)

Match 22: Edward Kenway vs. 2B
Edward Kenway
Series: Assassin's Creed
First PlayStation appearance: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, 2013 (PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4)
Series: NieR
First PlayStation appearance: NieR: Automata, 2017 (PlayStation 4)
Vote for your favourite character! (152 votes)
- Edward Kenway
- 2B
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 23: Robbit vs. Vergil
Series: Jumping Flash!
First PlayStation appearance: Jumping Flash!, 1995 (PSone)
Series: Devil May Cry
First PlayStation appearance: Devil May Cry, 2001 (PlayStation 2)
Vote for your favourite character! (145 votes)
- Robbit
- Vergil
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 24: Clementine vs. Sir Daniel Fortesque
Series: Telltale Games' The Walking Dead
First PlayStation appearance: Telltale Games' The Walking Dead: Season 1, 2012 (PlayStation 3)
Sir Daniel Fortesque
Series: MediEvil, PlayStation All-Stars
First PlayStation appearance: MediEvil, 1998 (PSone)
Vote for your favourite character! (151 votes)
- Clementine
- Sir Daniel Fortesque
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 36
Go Clem!
Go Sir Daniel Fortesque!
Sora vs Eggman was a toughie - went with Sora in the end even though I'm a big Sega fan, just because he's so strongly affiliated with PlayStation.
After that it was easy - 2B, Vergil and Sir Daniel Fortesque! All fantastic in their own ways.
Sora and a thousand times 2B.
(What's that, 2000B?)
Robbit? I feel stupid for having no idea who/what he/she/it is. A default vote for Vergil there.
Only a few hours into Nier Automata, but 2B is definitely getting my vote. She’s already my favorite character of all these this week.
Oooh that's a tough one for Clem. I think she'll pull through though and go on to have an excellent tournament (she's an outsider to compete with Ellie imo).
The vast majority of Sonic games on PlayStation have been weak so I'm hesitant to vote Eggman (prefer Dr. Robotnik) at any time here.
Pretty strong line up this week.
#TeamClem #BringBackCroc
@Jenny_Jones Go Clem!
I can’t believe Sora vs Eggman is so close. Come on, people! Sora is amazing!
@ztpayne7 If they'd have called him Robotnik he'd have got my vote, but I don't like the name Eggman and he's not the bad man he was in the 90s.
Never even heard of Jumping Flash and I loved the PSone. I hope Alucard from Castlevania is on the list.
Ah old school Sir Daniel is taking this one
In before: 'Bring back Cervantes'
Sora & 2B all the way!!
@LieutenantFatman He is, he goes up against Makoto from Persona 5 in a later match.
@ShogunRok Thanks! Wow, that will be a tough one, I'll struggle to decide on that.. both great characters.
I thought 2B would win over Kenway, but I didn't think she'd be beating him this badly.
I don't think an Assassin's Creed protagonist could ever win a competition against almost any other character for me. They're all pretty bland IMO. Some were okay.
Hmm. Had to vote Sora there, because I don't even know who Eggman is. He looks like a rip-off of Doctor Robotnik.
I'm surprised to see Robbit from Jumping Flash on here, lol. Robbit has my vote.
Sora, 2B and Sir Daniel for me.
Clementine has to win.
Come on people do it for Lee!
Sora and 2B.
Sora, 2B, Robbit and Fortesque. Never cared about Medievil but I still recognize him.
I wonder if a VR Jumping Flash would work....
MediEvil 20 year anniversary HD remake for next year please Sony.
Medievil really should come back.
Sigh, even a hd port on PSN will be welcome at this point.
Surprised Clem is losing, you'd think she'll be used to beating the undead
There are so much fun! Thanks Push Square staff for this.
Not to nitpick, but Vergil didn't really appear as himself until Devil May Cry 3.
Come on guys, Robbit is one Sony's very first creations! Show the old-school mascot a bit of love.
@adf86 Good one!
@Enuo @OutspokenHuman Ehhhh he's teeeechnically in Devil May Cry. Good enough for me.
Here for Sora & Sir Daniel.
And I thought The Walking Dead had some big decisions involving Clem...
Poor Robbit. He still gets my vote.
Jumping flash wad vomit inducing in the best way! Also GO CLEM!
@Bliquid I reckon by now Eggman has probably featured in more games on PlayStation consoles as he had on Sega ones.
@Kidfried Well I played the first 4 - 6 hours or so of AC 4 and was very unimpressed with Kenway (and the game in general) and so I abandoned it many moons ago. I’ve recently started NieR Automata and am about 6 hours in and I’d say 2B gets my vote without hesitation or reservation. No question. All day. Every day. Even on weekends and holidays.
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