A very quick pre-Christmas confirmation from the fine folks at Atlus: remaster Catherine: Full Body will release on Western shores. There’s no word on a date, price, or platforms – but it’s safe to assume at the very least that the PlayStation 4 version will launch in Europe and North America. The jury’s still out on the PS Vita edition, but we’d be surprised if it didn’t get a digital release.
For those of you who don’t know, this is much more than your average remaster, adding new story elements, puzzles, and even an entirely original character, named Rin. If you haven’t seen the latest trailer, then you may want to give that a glance. “Vincent’s love life has never been so complicated and dramatic,” the press release reads. Indeed.
The title’s due out next Winter in Japan, so expect the Western release to follow soon after.
Comments 59
People are already freaking out because the new girl MIGHT be trans...like ffs, what's so bad in that? They say the face he makes is offensive lmao...I don't understand this sjw world we live in now
@AFCC what makes you think it's sjw that have an issue with this? I'd say it's the opposite.
I don't even know what SJW means, always assumed it's a term silly trolls used. Anyway, great news we will definitely be getting the chance to play this.
@naruball I doubt the non-sjw's are the ones complaining that the face he makes is offensive.
I for one am really anticipating this. Catherine was honestly one of my favorite games on PS3 and even if it never gets a true sequel, I'm glad Atlus is doing more with it. I just hope it doesn't lose sales because of bad publicity.
Physical Vita or i riot!
I doubt most people are complaining about the face, or at least as many as those who have a problem with a video game character being trans.
I never played the original because I was put off by the puzzles (people said they were quite difficult) but might get this. It seems quite eccentric! I wonder how the vita version will look/run?
@Bliquid What grinds my gears is the fact that nowadays people get offended because of stupid crap like this...I am totally fine if they make fun of a straight, trans, homo, wtv wtv...it's a MADE UP story, they can do whatever they want! I hate this social justice warrior era we live in...
@naruball I swear I've seen countless offended people on some posts about the trailer that say that the main character is being offensive cause he is shocked about having sex with a trans...like for real, I'm not making this up! Does this make any sense to anybody? If you're straight and you discover that you had sex with a trans, wouldn't you be shocked/disgusted too? Like people nowadays just want everyone to be accepted and that's FINE, everyone can make their choices, but please don't expect me to have sex with a trans and like it lmao does this make any sense?
@naruball It's not the opposite who are getting offended, trust me.
I can't wait to replay this. It's probably a 2019 release though.
Just a quick reminder to be respectful to one another in the comments, please. (I'm not saying anyone's been disrespectful here, but worth reiterating for future comments.)
Let's not go too deep into what was shown in the trailer — it's too early to be making assumptions based on what little footage/evidence we have.
@AFCC So if I have this right, you're offended that someone you don't know on the Internet was offended that the character in this video game was offended? Something like that?
This is gonna be like that part in BotW where they poked fun at cross-dressers by having Link dress up like a lady and having the feminine bearded men. Regardless of whether it is a bait and switch, I'm sure some people will find it offensive and reasonably so. I imagine these types of jokes probably don't help trans people.
@DLB3 A popular term for those involved in hate speech, nasty stuff, thanks for the heads up.
Let me just voice my opinion on this matter. Yes, there is an issue if the new Catherine (Quatherine) is a trans. Why? Because the original Catherine didn't have any of this diverse nonsense. The world of video games doesn't require any of the political views nor this movement to satisfy the ones on the left, these people who want diversity don't even play the games, so why bother? While you're at it, make Catherine black and make Katherine a dwarf. Why not, isn't diversity great?
You can make a diverse game if the game is brand new, Catherine isn't new and I'm not looking forward to it if it's different from what the original was. Keep it the same way it was, it's that simple.
@Callmegil Change is so scary, isn't it?
@Callmegil Well, Erica in the original version was Eric at one point, so Rin being a trap/futa or whatever isn't out of the ordinary.
@Orpheus79V I don't remember Vincent plotting Erica at any point of the game
@lukech Devastating
@Callmegil True, but it was still a thing that was there.
Oh boy, this topic.
I'll take a middle-of-the-road approach.
1) Paranoia about "SJW influence" in games is so over-the-top. When it gets to the point where you scream about "SJWs!" any time a non-white, trans, or gay character is included in a game, it's probably time to re-evaluate your own likely bigoted viewpoint. Culture changes and evolves and, inevitably, products of culture, such as video games, change along with them.
2) At the same time, while I don't care for the term, "SJWs" are most certainly a thing (they don't call themselves this, of course, but it most definitely refers to a particular sort of person), and they have been infiltrating and destroying hobbies and subcultures for years now. It wouldn't be a problem if they were just pitching ideas and trying to influence culture in a certain direction, but they inevitably try to seize power and proceed to censor and shame anyone who disagrees with their beliefs. Think pre-dissolution NeoGAF. They also like to fundamentally alter pre-existing characters and products in ways that align with their political beliefs.
On topic: good to hear it's coming over. I'd be incredibly surprised if we didn't get a limited physical release of Catherine on Vita.
@Orpheus79V I must have given the impression I have a problem with trans. I don't, my problem is that Vincent wasn't plotting a Trans. This changes the character of Vincent if it's taken to the way it's being led off to. If the game was new with different characters, different story and different direction, that's fine, extra fine, something new. But please, don't change the original game.
@Callmegil Adding new story elements and a new major character sounds like they are changing the game to me. I think you're too late.
@Ralizah You lost me at pre-dissolution NeoGAF. But the trying to censor and shame people sounds like the current US President, is he one of the people you're alluding to in your second point?
@LieutenantFatman It doesn't change the whole direction of the game, the person who commented after you understand it better.
@Bliquid Adding Rin as a proper female wouldn't be a big deal as it is as a trans/ shemale, you have addressed it in your why.
In this comment section I'm seeing a lot of terms that are wth but I gotta ask what the heck is Fluid Gender?@Bliquid
@Callmegil I really don't get the issue here, the original game is still on the PS3 and can be played at any time, it still exists. This version is clearly intended as a remix with several new elements, it's not meant to be a carbon copy. Why is it a big deal?
@LieutenantFatman I already explained why, in my very first comment. You can play it on PS3, but newsflash, many people don't have one or the PS3 version because they have a PS4.
@Callmegil Well I hope they make the game they want to make and they don't let anyone censor their new ideas.
Having never played Catherine before, I have to ask: does the story follow a particular narrative path, or are you allowed to change the direction of the story by making different choices?
@Hapuc A gender fluid person doesn't believe they are either fully male or female psychologically or socially. They'll often display a combination of masculine and feminine traits, and they usually feel this is a way for them to more authentically express themselves. It's a way of rebelling against what are perceived to be oppressive, socially-prescribed gender roles.
@LieutenantFatman No. Trump doesn't have enough tact to censor and shame people effectively. Which is a blessing in its own way, I suppose.
@Ralizah You change the direction of the story by making different choices. Even in the PS3 version, there's quite a few different endings. You can potentially change the fate of a lot of side characters you meet as well.
@LieutenantFatman That's really cool. I'm looking forward to playing this!
@Ralizah Ummm ok but that's mental thing(that's them believing that they are neither) it's not biological male or female are different genders I don't get that fluid.
And that rebelling whaaaaat why are they rebelling against Science or human nature for that matter.
@Hapuc They're distinguishing gender (which they believe to be a social construction) from physical sex (which is biology). From this perspective, they're rebelling against what society dictates "men" and "women" are supposed to be by rejecting the classifications altogether.
I have always wanted to play this because the non puzzle stuff sounds interesting but I hate puzzle games.
@Ralizah Wut why would people think Human Nature/Biology is social construct that doesn't make any sense and it's borderline irresponsible/stupid because if they believe that,they will teach next generation of children that there isn't only Male or Female when it's completely wrong there are only 2 genders wth how can anyone even try or why to dispute that.
@Bliquid I'm more puzzled to be honest how can someone rebel against people that have diplomas/masters degree,that have spent years and countless hours in to that particular studies that know biology like the back of their hand...and then those um fluid people come and read something online "Someone's" opinion and say yea I believe that guy even though he has no idea what is he talking about but yea I will believe him more then an expert.
@Bliquid What would you think of someone thinking they should have been born an amputee and asking to get a limb cut off? It's a pretty similar thing to being transgender, when you think about it. I'm not saying anything, I just find it an interesting discussion and enjoy hearing where various people draw that line.
Drop its undies.
Oh, you guys and your headlines, lol.
@KirbyTheVampire Let me ask you a question: do you identify as a male on a psychological level? If so, is that because you happen to check what's between your legs every so often, or is it because there is a deep-seated sense of "maleness" to your identity?
If it's due to a psychological sense of "maleness," it's probably because, neurologically, you're a male. Your "brain sex" is male. While culture informs the development of one's perception of gender and gender roles, there's a lot of research out there to support the idea that transsexuals/transgenders (not people who are 'rebelling against society,' but people who honestly feel like they're 'stuck in the wrong body') have brains that react like the brains of people who are the opposite sex. Making them something more like the opposite sex on a psychological and neurological level. And since the nervous system is the thing that most primarily informs our sense of self-identity...
Since there's no effective cure for someone born with these kinds of neurological differences, the most humane course of treatment is to allow them to gradually transition, either physically, socially, or both, to living as the opposite sex.
Of course, you need to be absolutely certain that a person is actually transgendered and not just "in a phase," which is why I think allowing children or those who haven't seen a therapist for a period of time to transition is totally unethical.
If you're interested, here's a pretty basic write-up on the issue: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-there-something-unique-about-the-transgender-brain/
@Ralizah @Bliquid I wasn't saying it's totally the same, because cutting off a limb is definitely more extreme. I just meant that it's similar in the sense that it's people who feel their physical bodies are wrong in some way, and thus get surgery to change it, but people's responses to someone asking to get a limb cut off can vary from "He/she is mentally ill" to "He's just not happy with his body, just like a transgender person", although the latter opinion is more rare, of course.
Either way, I wasn't trying to offend people or say that all body modifications are on the same scale or anything. I just think it's an interesting topic.
@Callmegil The thing is, they're changing the story anyway. Doesn't really matter who they add, as this is more than just a remaster — it's got brand new scenes, etc. So it's not going to be the same plot anyway.
@KirbyTheVampire But people aren't born identifying as amputees. That part of a person's identity is learned from living with a physical disability. EVERYONE experiences brain sex to some degree, though, even if they try to rebel against how they socially project their gender identity.
Not to mention there's a biological basis for transgendered people existing, whereas a "whole" person identifying as an amputee is simple insanity or delusion.
@Ralizah Fair enough. It's still a comparison I see get brought up though, which is why I mentioned it, but yeah, I don't think that's a feeling most people are born with, if any.
@Bliquid Still, I think someone asking to get a limb cut off should go through therapy and whatnot, rather than have their wish granted. But yeah, it's interesting to think about.
@Bliquid Lul wut ok ok.
You told me"I’m a little puzzled by your disbelief in “rebelling against science or nature”."
I'm asking you why are those Fluid people rebelling against people(Scientists)who have spend Countless hours,have master degrees,awards etc etc and they say there are only 2 genders no more why don't they believe that.
And why are fluid people rebelling...why do they think they are oppressed who is oppressing them?
And every comment that I read from you in this thread everything points to me that it's a mental thing not biological,if it is mental than that's totally different thing.
I appreciate we're having this conversation in a mature and respectful manner, but is this really the venue for it? We don't even know if Catherine: Full Body will include a transgender character yet, and this article is about the Western release of the game first and foremost.
@naruball the internet loves traps
I get that the girl in the header image is holding her dress up with her mouth, but I can't get the image of her chewing on the edges of it like a goat out of my head!
@get2sammyb Last post on the issue, boss. I promise.
@DLB3 I would say the second group is worse, even if they're fewer in number than the first, because, as I said, they have a tendency to occupy positions of power and make life miserable for people they don't like. As such, a smaller number of them are able to have a much larger impact on the world around them by abusing their assumed authority. Anti-SJW types can be annoying and rude, but they're less likely to destroy entire communities or harass you because you disagree with them ("harassment" being sustained attempts to damage your standing in a community and/or attempting to silence you or drive you away, as opposed to aiming a sarcastic comment or insult at you here and there).
And thanks, I always try to be reasonable, even if I'm not perfect at it. People can be so insane and intolerant when discussing these issues, and I don't really want to contribute to that. I've always liked the idea that reasonable people from opposite ideological viewpoints can come together and talk issues out like rational adults, even if examples of this happening are becoming increasingly rare.
@LieutenantFatman No, I'm not offended...I'm baffled! How can people almost organize parades out of 5 seconds in a trailer for a videogame? I just hate that nowadays everyone seems to be 100% flawless and defends all the minorities etc etc...and they're not lol
@Bliquid Glad I'm not alone!
Anyway, guys, sorry to bring the conversation to this topic and getting everyone mad or something! I was just really pissed off...
I want to meme really really badly, but I know it isn't appropriate for the site...
All in all I did not get to play this game when it first released, so I'm really looking forward to it!
Man this is why I like playstation, interesting japanese games usually coming to the west
I didn't buy this on previous generation because of its difficulty, if this release isn't as hard, I'll get it.
Looks like I’m playing this again. Wasn’t there a rewind function on the original? I can’t remember.
@shonenjump86 yep, infinite rewinds on easy but more strict with them on default difficulty as I recall.
@LieutenantFatman thought so, thanks for clearing that up for me.
@Bliquid Yeah psychological thing whatever you wanna call it.
Still you never told me who is oppressing them and why do they feel they are being oppressed.
But since you want to go with that route let me tell you something you arguing with your feelings is the worst thing you can do,both of you guys that replied to me didn't provide one ounce of sensible and coherent explanation why do those people,
1.Don't feel like they male or female but both.
2.Why are they oppressed and who is oppressing them.
When you get those answers and I mean real answers that science has provided then get back to me when you reply to me with your feelings and how you feel about this particular stuff you don't hold any credibility.
@get2sammyb If it's a remaster, the story won't be changed drastically. I don't mind what they don't with the story, I mind how they handle the character's initial principles. That's what I'm bothered by. If Rin isn't a trap and they maintain Vincent's initial sexual orientation, good enough for me.
Edit: Also, yea. Apologies for expanding this subject, I just saw a lot of comments talking about it and I really wanted to have a short word on this matter. Even though, it's not related to the article.
I logged in and there were 69 comments. With that title. I had to take a picture of it.
Who cares if that new character is trans or not, is she is trans so what, if the main character is surprised so what, if the atlus adds something new to the mix instead of just releasing the same game as the last time what's the problem especially since we can play the original version anyway. Its just a story, a game they can portray the characters however way they want its their right.
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