As a series, Final Fantasy is fit to burst with memorable characters -- and a lot of them happen to feature in Dissidia Final Fantasy NT. The PlayStation 4 brawler has a sizeable roster of many recognisable faces, but just who has made the cut? We've put together this handy little guide to let you know whether your favourite fighters are confirmed playable.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Confirmed Playable Characters
Heroes (17)
- Warrior of Light (Final Fantasy)
- Firion (Final Fantasy II)
- Onion Knight (Final Fantasy III)
- Cecil (Final Fantasy IV)
- Bartz (Final Fantasy V)
- Terra (Final Fantasy VI)
- Cloud (Final Fantasy VII)
- Squall (Final Fantasy VIII)
- Zidane (Final Fantasy IX)
- Tidus (Final Fantasy X)
- Shantotto (Final Fantasy XI)
- Vaan (Final Fantasy XII)
- Lightning (Final Fantasy XIII)
- Y'Shtola (Final Fantasy XIV)
- Noctis (Final Fantasy XV)
- Ace (Final Fantasy Type-0)
- Ramza (Final Fantasy Tactics)
Villains (11)
- Garland (Final Fantasy)
- The Emperor (Final Fantasy II)
- Cloud of Darkness (Final Fantasy III)
- Kain (Final Fantasy IV)
- Golbez (Final Fantasy IV)
- Exdeath (Final Fantasy V)
- Kefka (Final Fantasy VI)
- Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
- Ultimecia (Final Fantasy VIII)
- Kuja (Final Fantasy IX)
- Jecht (Final Fantasy X)
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Confirmed Summons
- Alexander
- Ifrit
- Leviathan
- Odin
- Ramuh
- Shiva
- Bahamut
Comments 26
@Sarfa Yeah this is currently the full launch roster. We can assume they'll be adding more via DLC or updates (more than likely the former).
Agree it's weird that Gabranth and Yuna haven't made it in.
Putting Vaan in there instead of Balthier is absolute madness.
@LieutenantFatman id prefer Basch over Balthier to be fair though
@SuperSilverback @LieutenantFatman I'd prefer anyone over Vaan.
@SuperSilverback @LieutenantFatman Okay, except maybe Penelo.
@ShogunRok Cant understand that Tifa isnt in the game.
@Flaming_Kaiser Yeah I'm sure Tifa is up there with the most requested characters. She could end up being DLC, you never know.
@ShogunRok @Flaming_Kaiser I'm pretty sure they're going to add the cast from 012 at some point, which includes Tifa. I'm also curious what other characters we'll get down the line.
@ShogunRok Im sure a lot of fanfavourites will be DLC.
@ShogunRok Im one of the few that actually doesnt hate Penelo aha. To be honest im the biggest Gabranth fan.......
@SuperSilverback Same, I always thought the story between Basch and Gabranth was one of the best subplots in the game.
@ShogunRok Oh im sorry im meant not hahah! Gabranth was a bitta of a punk, and i still dont know he chose to work with the empire after they destroyed his home. It never really explains that well......or it did and ive never noticed...
Those heroes are basically the Theatrhythm ones, except for obviously the newer ones.
Laguna! Where are youuuuuuuu?! ;_;
@SuperSilverback You've broken my heart
@sinalefa all but four of these characters have been in the Dissidia franchise which predate the Theatrhythm series.
Kain...villain, what?
@ShogunRok i hope you can forgive me someday
Gabranth definitely needs to return, and I wouldn't mind if Zack and Genesis made it in, too (or at least Alt costumes for Cloud and Sephiroth, respectively!).
Also, any Crystal Chronicles fans out there? I desperately yearn for either Alhanalem or Amidatelion to join the fight! Gimme my birb-armors!
@viciousarcanum Kain is a villain in the context of Dissidia isn't he?
Then I guess that is why they chose them for the rhythm game lol. This would be my first Dissidia. Thanks for the info!
They shouldn't bother putting in XI and XIV characters so we can have Vincent/Tifa/Anyone from VII except Aerith and maybe Laguna or Celes. In fact, just remove those characters after X(Baltier would have been OK but ew Vaan) and replace them with characters like Auron or Beatrix. Cool characters. Noctis was OK but a bit too shadow the edgehog for me whenever he said 'damn'. Give me Barrett's &#!% any day.
@ShogunRok not if this is a sequel to the other games which it is, Kain was on the Hero side so it seems logical to think he will be on the hero side here too
@nessisonett sure lets have a Final Fantasy anniversary game ignore 5 games in the series just to put in other characters form games already represented
if you can't tell i'm being sarcastic, we don't need extra characters from games at least in the initial line up as they can always be added via DLC later but what is needed is at least ONE character from each main numbered FF game which is what we got
@FullbringIchigo Hmmm, it's just that there's a picture with all the heroes and Kain isn't there. Maybe he's neither.
@ShogunRok possible in FFIV he was kind of an anti hero
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