This is the ninth week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be.
If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click through here.
Previous Results
(Click the image to enlarge, percentages are included)

This Week's Matches
We have four matches lined up today. All you have to do is vote for your favourite character in each of the polls below. The winners will move onto the next round. The losers are out of the tournament.
Votes for these matches close next Wednesday, on the 27th December.

Match 33: Ethan Mars vs. Kanji Tatsumi
Ethan Mars
Series: Heavy Rain
First PlayStation appearance: Heavy Rain, 2010 (PlayStation 3)
Kanji Tatsumi
Series: Persona
First PlayStation appearance: Persona 4, 2008 (PlayStation 2)
Vote for your favourite character! (170 votes)
- Ethan Mars
- Kanji Tatsumi
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 34: John Marston vs. Nathan Drake
John Marston
Series: Red Dead Redemption
First PlayStation appearance: Red Dead Redemption, 2010 (PlayStation 3)
Nathan Drake
Series: Uncharted
First PlayStation appearance: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, 2007 (PlayStation 3)
Vote for your favourite character! (185 votes)
- John Marston
- Nathan Drake
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 35: Chloe Price vs. Leon S. Kennedy
Chloe Price
Series: Life Is Strange
First PlayStation appearance: Life Is Strange, 2015 (PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4)
Leon S. Kennedy
Series: Resident Evil
First PlayStation appearance: Resident Evil 2, 1998 (PSone)
Vote for your favourite character! (181 votes)
- Chloe Price
- Leon S. Kennedy
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 36: Agent 47 vs. Garrus Vakarian
Agent 47
Series: Hitman
First PlayStation appearance: Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, 2002 (PlayStation 2)
Garrus Vakarian
Series: Mass Effect
First PlayStation appearance: Mass Effect 2, 2011 (PlayStation 3)
Vote for your favourite character! (181 votes)
- Agent 47
- Garrus Vakarian
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 49
Hey everyone, just a quick note: despite it being the holidays, there will still be an Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament article on the 27th December. Make sure you stop by!
Go, Chloe! Go! Please. Please, Chloe.
Tough draw for John Marston, that could be worthy of a finale.
Nathan Drake is beating John Marshton massively. Can we please keep it that way!
John Marston would have gone far in this tournament, but Drake is going to body him sadly.
Agent 47 vs. Garrus Vakarian, the ultimate showdown...
@whizzkidd I'm having visions of Agent 47 ending up in an airlock and being spaced.
Love Persona, but I voted for Ethan. Sorry, not Sorry.
Ain't no stopping Nate.
Ethan Mars. Good God.
@johncalmc @Fight_Teza_Fight Press X to Jason!
Chloe... oh come on, she is awesome.
Nathan Drake is the most overrated, boring, and cliché video game character ever. Come on Marston, one of the greats!
"My side ain't chosen. My side was given."
This is a really strong week for first round matchups. Reluctantly voting for Drake over Marston, surprised the poll is so one-sided early on.
Should've had Nahman Jayden instead of Ethan.
And Chloe is horrible. I'd vote against her no matter who she was coupled up with.

I'm surprised that John Marston is doing that badly. Sure Uncharted is good and all, but Marston is a way more interesting and badass character.
John Marston is awesome, but Drake is one of PlayStation’s leading figures. I have to go with Drake here.
I hope Chloe can catch up to Leon. 😟
Most of these were pretty easy decisions in my book, except for Hitman vs Garrus.
Poor John Marston
Ethan Mars will Jason and Shaun his way to the top
Tough draw for Marston, although I thought he'd be doing a little better!
I voted Ethan Mars (JAAAAASSSSOOON), Drake, Chloe, and Agent 47.
Ethan, Drake, Leon and Garrus. Second one was tough but Uncharted is way too important for me.
Also, I dont get how profanity is censored in the comments but offensive gifs get a pass.
John Marston is a good character but a touch overrated, he doesn't really change over the course of RDR (hardly any of Rockstar's characters do, a problem the Witcher had too) plus for such a so called badass he was easily manipulated by pencil pushing government types. Drake meanwhile went from cocky, arrogant treasure hunter to doubtful out of his depth thief then selfish, deceptive rogue to finally family man.
Just Drake for me here. I have Persona 4 but haven't played it anywhere close to Kanji's appearance (beyond the intro, I mean) yet.
Whoever voted for Leon Kennedy over Chloe Price should put down their pads and walk away from gaming forever.
@Ryno I mean...John just kinda does what people tell him to do, but okay...And not in a video game sort of way, but a storyline sort of way. His character is bland.
@Ryno I agree but what do you expect on a PS site? I honestly find the whole Uncharted series overrated.
This week has too many one sided votes. I doubt any of my votes will win.
Garrus or we riot.
@nhSnork you are missing the greatest character based dungeon interludes in the history of gaming. Kanji is a class act man, amazing character and regardless of how this vote transpires the writing aroubd Kanjis character are some of the best I have read.
I voted for Nate. John Marston is sort of boring and a stereotypical good guy. He just kind of walks around and runs errands for people and generally doesn't have much of a discernible personality beyond being a cool cowboy guy.
Nate didn't really have much of a personality either, but they fleshed him out quite a bit in later games, and at least he wasn't just monotone and boring to listen to.
I think the feeling of Uncharted being overrated comes more from those players that might not have played the games upon first release. The Uncharted games have influenced/created a whole new action/adventure genre. Same can be said about TLOU, keeping in mind the games of that era, TLOU knocked genre doors down.
We have so many great games and such better storytelling these days, these classics can seem overrated for sure, but in their time and day, wow! Go Nathan! Go Garrus! Garrus is amazing, btw. My FemShep always had Garrus at her side.
I don't understand the hate for Drake here. Apart from being overated which you could claim about almost any very popular character, what's so awful about him?
Yeah, I'm not sure how you could call Drake a "cliche" at all. Like, maybe if you'd only watched Uncharted trailers you'd think so, but he's popular because Naughty Dog made him more than your average video game action hero.
I LOVE both Drake and Marston ... It was sad that they had to meet so early, especially considering he could have gone much further in another bracket. Had to go with Drake though. Too many good times spent over the years, games and systems not to give him the nod. RIP John!
@get2sammyb @LieutenantFatman It's probably because he's an unrelenting, mass murdering psychopath. Or something. Even though everyone shoots him on sight anyway.
I like Nate, but choosing between him and John is tough. I think I'll skip that match. Everything else was an easy vote.
@DerMeister I guess that is an action film cliché where the protagonist killing bad guy mercs gets a free pass. Doesn't really fit with his personality I know.
@Bliquid I get it, their efforts didn't really hit home for you and you weren't convinced, that's fair enough. I feel the same way about a lot of games. Personally I think ND do it better than most when it comes to making interesting characters but there is always room for improvement.
I like John Marston, but come on, Nathan Drake is probably the biggest character of PlayStation nowadays. Of course that Nathan is my vote.
@Kidfried You wouldn't say that if you knew Garrus, it's actually impossible to hold a grudge against him.
Kanji is one of the greatest characters of all time! Go Kanji!
I also picked Leon (my favourite Resident Evil character), Garrus and Nathan Drake.
@get2sammyb No! Never!
Ethan Mars for PlayStation All-Stars.
To me the only time Chloe was really special SPOILER ALERT was when she was in a weelchair and begging to die! In the rest of the game I felt like she was just and edgelord yawn
@get2sammyb interesting. I thought a lot of these Internet cool kids would've gone the John Marston route
@DLB3 Your right, but despite RDR been an open world with plenty of story I honestly felt John Marston just didn't change over the course of some pretty big events, I felt The Witcher 3's main cast aside from the Bloody Baron had the same thing too. It's the be all and end all of course but in something like this character tournament that's why Drake got my vote.
John Marston was an insta-pick. So many hours spent on that game so sad he's getting killed... again.
@get2sammyb You guys should do a similar tournament with characters you dislike more. Bubsy Vs. Big The Cat anyone?
Hitman and Garrus...so close
@themcnoisy oh, I'll be sure not to miss out on it all. I just grabbed P4G early when I bought a Vita and merely "tasted" the story and gameplay (with quite positive impressions as it is). I still have a sizeable backlog in Persona (as in, I'm still in the last dungeon(s) of the first game), and I don't want to skip ahead when all four entries are so conveniently accessible in their portability. There are many franchises that make it feel like a luxury to this day.
@DLB3 No that's fine and your not wrong of course. I was more explaining (overall) why I voted one over the other.
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