January 2018’s PS Plus lineup may have leaked a few days early, assuming a video on PlayStation’s official Facebook page in Holland is accurate. A screen grab circulating on Reddit shows the first season of Telltale’s excellent episodic Batman adaptation and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided as the headline PlayStation 4 games – two strong picks from where we’re sitting.
Now before you get too giddy it’s worth noting that we haven’t been able to confirm that this is the lineup, and there’s no one available at PlayStation PR to check in with. Our gut feeling is that this isn’t a fake, but you never know these days. All should be officially revealed next week (27th December), so keep your eyes on the site for the full, confirmed selection of freebies.

In the meantime, do let us know if you’d be happy with these.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 51
I would be happy with Deus Ex - never got round to purchasing it so would be happy to pick this up via IGC. Don't like the TellTale episodic adventures so probably won't bother with Batman. Its You has been offered for the past couple of months and as I had NO interest before, that won't change in January either - assuming these are our options of course
Bought them both a long time ago, good games.
Weird that Batman is currently on sale in the PS store, so I wonder ...
But if true, I am interested in Dues Ex. Already played (and really liked) Batman.
I already played and enjoyed Batman but would give Deus Ex a go for sure.
Deux Ex I'm interested, however I'm not a fan of tell tale games. They aren't my cup of tea and the choices really don't seem to matter.
I actually picked up Deux Ex, thought about buying it, and eventually put it back just last week, so this is great.
I'll definitely try the Batman game too, even though he is one of the most boring and cringy superheroes in existence IMO.
@KirbyTheVampire The series is actually more about Bruce Wayne than Batman so maybe less cringy?
I wish they'd ditch that's you already. It's not a new game.
@get2sammyb That is quite a bit better, yes.
Both great games for those that haven't played them. Deus Ex deserves a much wider audience and was way better than some gave it credit for. Square better let eidos finish the story though!!
Already own Batman but ain't gonna say no to Deus Ex
Already have Deus Ex (didn't finish it dunno why) but I'm really happy with the Teltalle Batman game
The telltale Batman game was one of my low points 2017. Batmans gone downhill ever since the awesome Adam West, culminating in the current super boring and serious super hero generation. We need more fun in the series. And more importantly, Bruce Wayne to take his billions to the cayman islands and retire.
Thats You is so 2017, ditch it already!
@AllTheReddist If it's just the fact that you don't think the choices matter that's putting you off, I'd recommend playing Tales From the Borderlands, which is by far and away Telltale's best game in my opinion. The choices don't matter in the most catastrophic way, but I really enjoyed the way they were implemented in the final episode. Give it a go if you've ever got the chance!
Pity as I've already got these but considering the backlog I'm about to have it's probably just as well.
@themcnoisy While I respect Adam West's Batman it did give people the wrong impression on who Batman is as a character, he was always meant to be a brooding dark knight. Comic book superheroes in general spent decades trying to be taking seriously to where we are now. Tbh the MCU often hits the right balance between lighter and darker tones, though I'm hoping Infinity War is much darker.
Are you serious? I bought the Batman collection bundle thing in the bloody January sale yesterday!
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Would be nice, I’ve not picked that up yet. I have Batman but haven’t played it yet. No biggie there as it’s Telltale so I’m sure it was $5 or something.
@adf86 To me comic books were fun and the characters are comic book characters. I enjoyed the first Iron Man, the first reboot of Spiderman with that Toby guy as the lead actor, the first Transformers even. Basically any of the first origins stories as they are usually more grounded and have a slight basis in reality. The latest films have all been throw away garbage, who cares if Iron man and captain America dont see eye to eye? Worst drama set up ever. Worst of it all, we hardly ever get original IPs like Terminator, Predator, Aliens which all came in the 80s as an example, sci fi but good sci fi. Its all rehash gobbledegook marvel crud these days.
Well if it's true I guess it means I can get rid of my disc copy of Batman.
Not bothering to download either. They never are.
“Please don’t allow me to continue to be able to download a free game that’s being offered as a bonus.”
I will download Deus Ex, if true. I've been looking at that game since I got my PS4.
I have the two games and both are great, would be a solid lineup if it's true.
I already own Mankind Divided but have been wanting to try out Batman Telltale, thanks for the info!
Great line up and fortunately I played them both ages ago so no need to add to back log.
Just picked up Deus Ex and Telltale games have poor quality control these days and often the choices make no difference to what happens so I'm hoping for something else.
Nice one. Would not be surprised if this was real.
Deus Ex: MD was down to £5 at Argos. Almost bought it a couple of weeks ago, but they were out of stock.
The PlayStationGods are smiling upon me .
Already own Batman. Not interested in That's You. Hope for better on the vita front. Can't remember the last game I downloaded for it.
Nice, I don’t have either!
@Fight_Teza_Fight Forma.8 is free this month on the Vita, good fun.
I bought Deus ex awhile back but have never really played it. Just wondering, is it set up like Wolfenstein 2? A hub area that u can get side quests from and go back to areas you have already visited? Or is it something else?
@LieutenantFatman Just watched the trailer. That does look good, thanks! I've been getting more selective with the games I'm downloading. My vita backlog is 100+ games deep.
@Fight_Teza_Fight no worries. Most of the vita games over the last few months on ps+ have been pretty bad so easy to miss.
NO thanks on either one of those.
I played it when it came out, so my memory might be a bit foggy, but you can't go back to the other areas once you return to the hub.
The hub area is fantastic, and this is where all the side quests are. The main missions tend to be in the outside areas, and as I said once they're done you don't generally go back unless there is another specific mission in that area.
The core game is great, but unbalanced - progression felt forced/weird, probably to accommodate MT economy. Also forgettable, cheap online mode.
I'd probably be interested in both of these, if I can find the time to play them. I'm sure I can squeeze them in.
Message to Sony - if I download That's You, will you leave me alone?
@themcnoisy Imagine an open-world Adam West Batman game!
@Gremio108 Yes, this would be amazing!
Id be quite happy with this lineup. Batman i already have and it was awesome. I plan to get the 2nd season. I enjoyed deus on ps3, hope its good on 4!
What's the deal with telltale always getting plus games, must be cheaper option for Sony? I used to really enjoy telltale (1st Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us, Borderlands) but got sick of the formula, and quality seemed to lose its consistency.
Damn I was planning on buying both seasons of Batman from the flash sale for 15.00 now I don't know
@JoeBlogs I don't know, everything about him just rubs me the wrong way, especially since so many people love him for some reason. He's such a generic character in so many ways IMO.
But yeah, DC in general can be cringe city a lot of the time.
Not bad, but I already own both sadly. :/
@JoeBlogs for me its Superman.
@Kyroki Why its a extra free bonus game otherwise you will get 2 games.
@get2sammyb can appreciate what you’re saying but the negative feedback on these games offered as “free” are negatively fed back on as Sony insist this is a good reason to now pay £50 a year for something no better than the service we already had for £0 a year on PS3.
Took me ages to stomach the fact Sony wanted paying for something that was included for with every console for free to the money whore’s at Microsoft waded in. The sweetener is that Sony give you “free” (perpetual rental of a licence that expires if you fail to maintain your paid subscription - definitely not free) games every month. When these “free” games are crap.... bit of a slap in the face, particularly coming strait after a massive 25% price hike for that subscription.
@KingSandyRavage The PSN is infinitely better than it was on PS3, so I already disagree. And both of these games are good. So? If you don't like it, then don't pay for it.
@get2sammyb gaming online you have no choice but to pay for it, so that’s a pointless to say in the first place as THAT is the sole and main reason everyone with a Playstation buys PS+. It has been modified so 50% if your console is pointless if you don’t have it.
The very fact that PSN used to be free makes that version infinitely better than its current form. To current version is the same software with the minor integral developments you expect with any software over the course of a 10 year lifespan. Any technical comparison between PSN on PS3 and PS4, you’re just being facetious when you blatantly know and understand the basic point being made.
@KingSandyRavage If you say so. My point stands: if you don't see value in the service being offered, then don't pay for it. You purchased your PS4 knowing that online multiplayer would require an annual subscription fee, so you're either going to have to pay for it, or (if you don't see value) stop giving Sony your money.
i just saw the post on facebook as its sponsored on the Playstation Page. says this... no word from PS Blog or youtube... i think someone hacked the facebook page and services and revealed it because its 1-2 days early... what is worse is that there is idiots who posted on the post that we normally get the titles of the First Thursday... NO ITS TUESDAY... whats worse is people thought they would be up now and decided they might be up tomorrow... how are people so stupid, how long have they had PSPLUS for.
Yet again - the Leaks were accurate...
@get2sammyb not sure which point you think you’ve made that you believe stands?
But the predicament isn’t as simple as do or do not as a vital piece of modern gaming is now locked behind a subscription service, and they know that which is why that aspect is now part of the service where in the past it wasn’t. Clever on their part but blatantly money grubbing.
However as a consumer having invested my cash into a product is is wholey my right to endorse it or slam it for the rip-off guised in fake “benefits” that it really is.
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