Sony's gone ahead and detailed the mini PlayStation 4 controller that it announced not loo long ago. Manufactured by HORI but officially licensed by the PlayStation maker, the Mini Wired Gamepad is designed with younger players in mind, but we imagine that it could also be a nice fit for those who find the standard DualShock 4 a bit clunky.
As its name suggests, the controller is wired, although the wire itself measures in at a respectable ten feet. Sony says it's 40 per cent smaller than the DualShock 4, and naturally, it comes with all of the same buttons. However, because of its size, it is missing some features, namely a light bar, a headphone jack, a speaker, motion sensors, and vibration. It's retailing at $29.99 in the US, so it comes in cheaper than the regular DualShock 4.
What do you think of the Mini? Avoid hand cramps in the comments section below.
[source playstation.com]
Comments 23
Ugly. Looks like that Dragon Quest controller. If its cheaper than the normal DS4,then maybe.
Nice idea and i know a couple of friends whose kids struggle with the DS4's, so if it lets them game properly then good stuff.
Personally, the standard pad is fine for me, and even though i may have entertained it, the lack of headphone jack especially is a bit of a killer, although i completely understand why...
I already have 3 DS4 so not interested.
Yuck. Reminds me of the horrible classic controller on the Wii.
It looks like overpriced plastic crap.
@Neolit You could say its for people with smaller hands maybe kids.... Its half the price so i think there is a market for it. I have a smaller controller from Nacon i like it €39,99. They are not going to make a expensive controller its a pity but why should they stop 3rd party developers making something new.
Might be nice for a PC controller
These have been out for awhile here in the UK.
No touch bar might be an issue for a lot of games. I guess they see a market for this, but it certainly doesn't look comfortable for adults.
Wired? What is this, 2002?
@Eternallover21 We'll try and get one to review for you lot.
Those shoulder buttons are unacceptable and their very existence offends me. Fire it into the centre of the sun immediately.
My friend is reminded of the NES Controller
Me: Wii Classic Controller
The main value I see in this is a cheaper option to play something like Gang Beasts with all my kids without spending a fortune on 4 regular priced controllers.
Looks 40% smaller but 400% more crap. Poor trade off. The PS4 controller is poor enough as it is, shouldnt they be working on improving on that?
Just buy the Nacon smaller one only the shoulder button in a angle why.
Looks good for little hands. The DS3 is smaller than the DS4 and if BC to a PS4 may be usefull for some that find the DS4 too large.
Holding this mini would probably have me thinking i can play Super Mario World with it.
Mine arrived a few days ago. Currently filed under 'junk'. Cheap, but not very responsive. Those trigger buttons are woeful
Looks better than the DS4, won't hurt your joints as much, and an actual Dpad.
Love Hori and this thing is going to perfect for my 4 yr old. She can manage ok with the DS4, but this thing looks to be a better fit.
Is it so hard for Sony to actually acknowledge the fact that some gamers have smaller hands and just release an exact DS4 copy but 40% smaller?
That would be perfect!!
It's all fun 3rd party developers are releasing weird controllers for people that actually like these gimmicks but I like the real deal. And a smaller version of the real deal would certainly have me throw some money in Sony's way.
@Ralizah - Had the exact same thought 😊
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