It’s just a few days until The Game Awards and PlayStation Experience get underway, which means the light of the Christmas holidays aren’t far behind. Despite all of the big releases already being out, this is a surprisingly busy part of the year, as Game of the Year awards are determined and festive content is hammered out. Still, there’s plenty of time for some good ol’ gaming, too.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I’m trying to work my way through a handful of 2017’s smaller titles before I absolutely have to make a decision on my Game of the Year, so it’s The Sexy Brutale that I’m playing this weekend. This is a delightful little game, and I do like the time-based puzzles, but it’s not drawing me in quite like the voyeuristic virtual reality adventure The Invisible Hours did. Still undeniably cool, though.
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
I've gone and splashed some cash in these recent PlayStation Store sales, so I'll be trying out a few different games this weekend. I'm surprisingly hyped to get started on Stardew Valley – usually not my kind of thing but I've heard so many positives from other people. If I'm not hopelessly addicted by the end of Sunday, I'll be demanding a whole £7 from Sammy.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
I’m out and about, so it’s a Switch game weekend while I’m away from home. With Super Mario Odyssey to finish, and a questionable decision to pick up Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – like I have time for an 80 hour JRPG – I’ll certainly have plenty to keep me occupied.
Gabriella Petty, Reviewer
It’s a busy time for me due to exam season but nonetheless, I’m still managing to squeeze in small doses of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus here and there and seem to be enjoying it a lot. After that, I’m planning on finishing a game called République – it’s a third person action adventure game with a reliance on stealth, but it has some cyberpunk elements to it too which has me intrigued. I’ve only played an hour of it so far but I’ll see how it holds up.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
My copy of DOOM VFR just arrived so I'm gonna be digging out my headset for the first time in a little while, and my friend and I are trying to power through one of the arcade modes in NHL 18. Fun sure, but pretty annoying, too.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
I am currently making my way through Star Ocean: The Last Hope for the third time. Running in 4K and at 60 frames-per-second on the PS4 Pro, it’s never looked or played better. Review coming soon.
Stephen Tailby, Reviewer
I’m hoping to finish one game and start another this weekend. I’m nearing the end of The Sexy Brutale, which I’m really enjoying my time with, and once it’s done, I’ll swap my mask and pocket watch for a pack of seeds and a hoe in Stardew Valley.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
Since the weather has turned to the cold side of things what better excuse to stay indoors and play some games, and that's exactly what I will be doing. Looking to wrap up the campaign on Call of Duty: WWII, and hopefully start Horizon: Zero Dawn in between some Super Mario Odyssey.
Pretty big WAYP this week, so let's follow it up with an equally large comments section. What are you playing this weekend? You know the drill!
Comments 51
playing some nioh after finishing my play of horizon (9/10 game btw,not my goty because of yakuza 0 and the slightly better p5 but i will probably play ng+ someday)
Assassin's Creed Origins for me, my favorite Assassin's Creed game thus far. I'll also be playing Battlefront 2, I'm a bit leary, but I'm hoping that it's a decent game, despite the microtransactions debacle.
PS4: Final Fantasy XII
PSVR: Skyrim VR
PSVita: MGS2
Switch: Zelda BOTW
I hated FFXII on PS2. 10+ years later I kinda like it... (even Vann) .
Also just got the paraglider in Breath of The Wild, so now that I'm out in the open world, I'll probably just start hunting down shrines.
With Cuphead finally finished yesterday, I've decided to finally go full in on Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Going to be dedicating any free time to my new obsession, NieR Automata. I’m right in the thick of my first play through, and just like people told me would happen, the game keeps getting better and better.
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered! Such a lovely little game. I want to fully experience it before VC4 comes out next year.
I got Elex on Black Friday and while I won't deny that it's flawed (incredibly so in some respects) I've found myself hooked when it comes to quests and interacting with characters. I've always had a soft spot for flawed gems so I tend to enjoy Piranha Bytes games in general.
I also got The Evil Within 2 in the BF deals so I've decided to replay the first to freshen my memory before jumping into it.
I've only got one metroid (presumably the queen) left to vanquish in Samus Returns so I imagine that will be finished today. Such an awesome game and a surprise late gem in the 3DS library.
After that I'll return to Pokemon Moon, which a year after starting it I still haven't finished. I don't know why but I've never really got into it properly, which feels odd to me because I generally love Pokemon. It feels like something's missing compared to the 2D entries.
I'm glad to have got back into Trails in the Sky SC but man are the boss battles made difficulty being accompanied by some photographer broad.
Also continuing with Assassin's Creed Origins. I really want to just focus on the main story but my level is too low, which seems to be necessitating the completion of some rather dull side quests.
I'm on my last chunk of Dark Souls II DLC and then it's the big decision - whether to start playthrough number two or save it for the New Year. Who am I kidding? I'm going straight back in.
Xenosaga Something 2 on switch and Star Trek Voyager reruns.
I'm still playing Bloodborne. I finally got the Rakuyo for my skill character so I'm going to have some fun with that.
This weekend, I have been mostly eating... Sudden Strike 4 dlc; The Road to Dunkirk, with lashings of PSVR Skyrim/Doom tomato sauce.
I'll be concentrating on concluding my quest with my beloved Aloy In The Winter Wilds,playing some of the campaign in Call Of Duty WWII (gotta say Infinite Warfare Campaign is sooo much better),playing with a cheerful little ex plumber on the Switch and doing some Hitman Go which I bought in the sale.
It'll be all about Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Will hopefully be able to get pretty far into the game.
I might jump back into Mario Odyssey or Splatoon 2, or both.
Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart 8 on Switch. Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and Street Fighter V for PS4.
Assassin's creed origin & destiny 2 trial on ps4, wonderboy the dragon's trap, the mummy demastered, and shantae half-genie hero on switch.
At my in-laws this weekend so maybe a little Pokemon Moon on my 3ds or arena grinding for some Mythic Wonder Woman shards in Injustice 2 mobile
I'm going through the Uncharted trilogy. Thank god 2 is way better than Drake's Fortune...
Believe it or not Star Ocean: Second Evolution (PSP)! The definitive version of the best Star Ocean game to-date.
I’ve got three exams to study for coming up next week, but I might be able to squeeze in some gaming at night when I’m too tired to study, but too awake to sleep. Last night, I managed to make some progress in The Frozen Wilds after completing the opening mission a couple weeks ago. I’m enjoying it so far and forgot how smooth and fun the combat is. However, I’ve been playing Shadow of War a lot lately and just finished the end game to get the true ending, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I only need a few more trophies in that game for the platinum, however, I just love it so much and do not want to be done with it. I might hold off completing those last few trophies so that I come back when the DLC is released with more to do. Such a fun game. I’m also sprinkling in some WWII action in there, and prepping myself for the Curse of Osiris DLC for Destiny 2 on Tuesday.
@Kidfried 5 chapters. I can't imagine getting bored with it, but we'll see. I'm taking it slow, and intend to do all of the skirmishes and extra DLC content in addition to the main story.
@andreoni79 Even the UC game on the Vita not developed by ND is still better than the first Uncharted.
Splatoon 2 and Binding of Isaac Rebirth, with a bit of Arms and Mario Odyssey.
Maybe The Show 17 will finish downloading. And after that I will be able to dl The Evil Within 2.
@Ralizah I breezed through it on Hard in few hours and I played it repeating to myself "it's 10 years old, it's 10 years old..." to ease the pain. Nathan moved like his shoes were too small and the entire world was covered with butter.
Still some south park TFBW, xenoblade chronicles 2, which is kinda slow to me. I'm new to the series. Still blasting through titanfall 2 which is awesome!
For now, only Wolfenstein 2.
@Kidfried Sure thing!
I will say: I'm not quite sure I understand why driving a tank into an enemy soldier doesn't hurt them! Took me by surprise when I first discovered this.
@andreoni79 Not to mention the lack of any interesting set-pieces. And the horrendous final act. Not a fan of UC2, but it's unquestionably superior in every possible way.
Come to think of it, pretty much all of the best Naughty Dog games are sequels. I feel like they're way better at iteration than innovation. Perhaps that bodes well for TLOU2?
Late to the party. Firstly I am going to try and get my VR legs back. I haven't been using it for much movement intensive action for a while and Doom VFR put the twirlers on my head. Other than that, more chillaxing In Mario Odyssey.
@Ralizah That's an interesting opinion.
Probably finishing the campaign on BF2 so I have enough credits to buy some bloody hero crates so I can get crafting parts to level up trooper units. So convoluted I know....I love the game play but the progression infuriates me
@andreoni79 Uncharted 1 is probably one of my least favorite games ever. I wish I had never bothered with it.
agents of mayhem euro fishing
I have got a lot of exams to study for this week, but I may be able to start Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and finally platinum Uncharted 4.
I've been picking away at wolfenstein 2 and finally hit "that" moment in the campaign where things get interesting. Also been getting back into R6 Siege and AC origins.
@KirbyTheVampire yikes! what didn't you like? I loved the controls, the songs, the action scenes... maybe because I played it when it came out on the ps3, but it couldn't have been that bad...
Skyrim VR and Doom VFR!
@sdavala I didn't like anything, lol. That's just me, though.
Playing through Uncharted 3 and possibly defeating the 7th palace boss in Persona 5. I'm actually liking UC3 better than the first two. All of the mechanics feel so much more refined and everything is just buttery smooth from the controls to the way the cutscenes blend into the gameplay. As for P5, I'm really just looking for reasons not to finish the game because I don't want it to end.
@sdavala Drake's Fortune has not aged well, even with the updated PS4 version.
Will finnish resident evil 7 for the first time, and close to finnish ac:origins so maybe i will see that ending too before monday
@7yL3rB UC2 is OK, at least they added some stealth and a good variety of locations. Glad to hear UC3 is even better because the first episode really shocked me in a negative way. I never played any UC so the trilogy for € 20 was a must buy for me but playing those games I feel as a student reading a novel he doesn't like just because of an exam...
Finally I finished Mad Max. It was really good.
Now I need to continue with my remaining backlog
Dishonored 2
Assassin's Creed
God of War 3 Remaster
Until Dawn
And I just purchased Uncharted Lost legacy , Order 1886 and Infamous First Light in a buy 3 get a 50 percent PSN sale.
PS Plus Asia for Dec also comes with Ratchet and Clank which I almost bought .
My backlog is ridiculous. Should be finishing up HZD, but kinda fell off the wagon and started Xenoblade 2 instead.
I've been plugging away at finishing Trails in the Sky SC, getting near the end I feel. While it's a good game with a very good story, I'll be happy to finally finish it after 3 attempts! During the week it'll be more CoD:WW2 (they've finally populated HQ!) and maybe get back to AC:Origins which isn't really grabbing me like older AC games but I want to keep at it. Think it's the setting which isn't doing anything for me yet
@KirbyTheVampire splatoon 2 xD
AC:O and maybe a little Madden.
GT Sport, I've been pretty obsessed with this game. Like everyone else I was not thrilled with the lack of content at launch, but with more single player content and cars on the way I have been really into it!
The free car everytime you complete a daily workout, about 5 to 6 normal races, really keeps me playing frequently.
I just really hope they add more tracks, and in particular, original circuits from previous games!
Persona 5. Most stylish game I have ever played.
I started playing Among the Sleep, Ratchet & Clank, and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
Hoping to beat R&C and UC4 before January, don't have alot of free time.
I'll take my time with Among the Sleep, already watched a complete Let's Play walkthrough on YouTube earlier this year or last year.
salt and santuary
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