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With a stellar January almost over, it's time to look to the future of February and see what upcoming PlayStation 4 titles have caught our eye. As if we haven't said it enough times already, 2018 is looking seriously stacked, and many of the games that we're already anticipating are actually set to launch within the first half of the year. With that in mind, let's take a peek at what February has to offer on PlayStation 4.

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Shadow of the Colossus (PS4 Exclusive)

Publisher: Sony
Developer: Bluepoint Games
Release date: 6th February 2018

A remake of a PlayStation 2 classic that's considered by many to be one of the best games ever made, Shadow of the Colossus has been reformed from the ground up by porting specialists Bluepoint Games -- and it looks incredible on PS4. We have little doubt that this will provide the perfect opportunity for those who have never played the original, and to be totally honest, we just can't wait to experience it all over again.

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The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia (PS4 Exclusive)

Publisher: Bandai Namco
Developer: Natsume Atari
Release date: 9th February 2018

A beat-'em-up based on the manga and anime property of the same name, The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia looks like clean and colourful fun based on what we've seen of it so far. Boasting a roster of unique characters and a pretty faithful recreation of the property's art style, this could be yet another solid anime adaptation to add to the PS4's already robust library.

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Dynasty Warriors 9

Publisher: Koei Tecmo
Developer: Omega Force
Release date: 13th February 2018

We're all still wondering whether moving to an open world structure will actually work out for Dynasty Warriors 9, but we're willing to give developer Omega Force the benefit of the doubt for now. It's been a good few years since we last got a mainline Dynasty Warriors title, but with an ever-expanding character roster coupled with a revamped combat system, this upcoming hack and slasher will hopefully bring the series back with a bang.

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Publisher: Deep Silver
Developer: Warhorse Studios
Release date: 13th February 2018

An open world, first person, hardcore action RPG, Kingdom Come: Deliverance has been turning heads for a long while now, and the finished product is finally closing in. Unlike most other titles in the genre, you won't find magic and monsters here -- Kingdom Come aims to provide a realistic medieval experience, complete with deadly sword fights and suitably dodgy moral choices.



Publisher: D-Pad Studio
Developer: D-Pad Studio
Release date: 13th February 2018

Ten years in the making and previously only available on PC, the critically acclaimed Owlboy is a gorgeous pixel art platformer with an open world to explore. Classic platforming is mixed with owl-human Otus’ ability to fly, and you can recruit his friends to help you out in combat. There are also dungeons to navigate and big bosses to battle, so there’s plenty to enjoy for you platforming fans.

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Secret of Mana (PS4 Console Exclusive)

Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Square Enix
Release date: 15th February 2018

A Japanese RPG classic that's being remade with 3D graphics, Secret of Mana will hopefully breathe new life into a game that holds a special place in many a heart. It's safe to say that the genre has come a long way since the original first released back on the SNES, but nostalgia is a powerful thing. And with just the right amount of respect, Square Enix could introduce this colourful fantasy adventure to a whole new generation.

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Publisher: EA
Developer: Zoink! Games
Release date: 16th February 2018

Much like Unravel before it, Fe is another whimsical smaller game that's being published by EA through its EA Originals program. Boasting more bloom than a country glade in summertime, Fe's looking to be a heartfelt and cuddly title revolving around exploration and discovery.

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Metal Gear Survive

Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Release date: 20th February 2018 (NA), 22nd February 2018 (EU)

Over the last few weeks, we've been cautiously pointing out that Metal gear Survive kinda looks... Okay. Maybe even pretty good. Yes, it's always online. Yes, it has microtransactions. Yes, it's Metal Gear without Hideo Kojima. But before we talk ourselves out of the proposition completely, it's still worth noting that the crafting-heavy gameplay that we've seen so far at least seems promising.

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Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet

Publisher: Bandai Namco
Developer: Dimps
Release date: 23rd February 2018

Popular light novel and anime property Sword Art Online has been adapted into three PS4 titles thus far, but it's Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet that looks to be the most ambitious of the bunch. A third-person shooter and RPG hybrid, we like to think of it as anime Destiny. Your own custom character features in an original story, and the whole thing can be played online with your waifu-loving pals.

So February is looking pretty strong from where we're sitting, but what games are you most looking forward to? Vote in our poll, and then feed us your thoughts in the comments section below.

What PS4 game are you most looking forward to in February 2018? (93 votes)

  1. Dynasty Warriors 9%
  2. Fe%
  3. Kingdom Come: Deliverance%
  4. Metal Gear Survive%
  5. Owlboy%
  6. Secret of Mana%
  7. Shadow of the Colossus%
  8. Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet%
  9. The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia%
  10. Other%

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