Dragon Ball FighterZ is shaping up to be a very impressive take on the still incredibly popular anime and manga property. A mostly traditional 2D-style fighting game crafted by Guilty Gear and BlazBlue developer Arc System Works, it's due to release on PlayStation 4 on the 26th January, 2018.
As Dragon Ball fans will know, the franchise has a catalogue of unique and interesting characters that the game can pull from, but which fighters have actually made the cut? We'd put together this handy guide on which characters will be included, and we'll be updating it whenever someone new is added.
Playable Dragon Ball FighterZ Characters
Confirmed playable characters (24)
- Goku (Super Saiyan)
- Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
- Teen Gohan (Super Saiyan)
- Frieza (Final Form)
- Cell (Perfect Form)
- Majin Buu
- Future Trunks (Cell Saga, Super Saiyan)
- Krillin
- Piccolo
- Android 16
- Android 18
- Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)
- Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue)
- Yamcha
- Tien
- Nappa
- Captain Ginyu
- Adult Gohan
- Gotenks
- Kid Buu
- Beerus
- Hit
- Goku Black
- Android 21
Confirmed non-playable characters (8)
- Android 17 (appears as part of Android 18's moveset)
- Chiaotzu (appears as part of Tien's moveset)
- Saibamen (appear as part of Nappa's moveset)
- Recoome (appears as part of Captain Ginyu's moveset)
- Burter (appears as part of Captain Gunyu's moveset)
- Jeice (appears as part of Captain Ginyu's moveset)
- Guldo (appears as part of Captain Ginyu's moveset)
- Zamasu (appears as part of Goku Black's moveset)
Comments 21
Nice reference to the Tournament of Power arc intermission.
If the leaked memo is right we've got a few nice characters coming up soon too.
We need Broly in there
Come on then, who do we want to see get added? It's unlikely but I'd love to see Dabura make an appearance.
@ShogunRok I'll bite.
Final Form Cooler, Tien, Yamcha, Janemba, Super Boo, Darbura.
These are the ones I want, not the ones I'm expecting.
@Cassetticons Aside from Tien and Yamcha, who are the ones leaked?
EDIT: Oh, you mean the one saying about costumes, Adult Gohan and the like? Yeah, it's fake. It makes a few smart guesses, but fake.
on a side note apparently if you have 18 and Krillin on the same team he replaces 17 in all of 18's special attacks, nice little edition if true
@ShogunRok i would like Cabba, Caulifla and Kale, get some Universe 6 Saiyans in there
also Shin (AKA The Supreme Kai), Master Roshi, Beerus, Whis, Champa, Vados and Limit Breaker Goku
also alternate costumes for characters would be nice such as Buu Saga Krillin (with Hair), Cell Saga Yamcha and DB Super costumes for 17 & 18, i'm not a fan of palette swaps honestly
@FullbringIchigo I do wonder if the DLC characters will be DBSuper-related. It would make sense from a business standpoint, but I guess it depends on how much they want to focus on DBZ overall.
@ShogunRok it probably will be mostly Z but i still think a few will be from Super, it would be dumb not too with the series currently airing and all
Garlic Jr is all that matters.....
Would love for Beerus, Hit, and Jiren
I'd love to see Jiren, Master Roshi, and maybe General Tao in the game!
Also, @ShogunRok Zamasu was confirmed to be an assist character for Goku Black, not sure if you wanna add it to the list! 😊
@Andr0idLife Nice, I'll add that in. Thanks!
@b1ackjack_ps as far as we know it's strictly 3v3. Any news about other modes will probably be shown at Jump Fest!
@ShogunRok No problem!! I'm PUMPED for Goku Black. Glad they chose him as opposed to making Zamasu the character. Far more interesting move set and visual flair.
Im hoping they add Pikkon.
Why does no one ask for Roshi?
Don't know jack about this franchise but I loved the beta and 24 fighters seems like a decent amount
I need dbz movie characters like garlic, final form cooler, super android 13, bojack, janemba, broly, gogeta (much cooler than vegito)
@AFCC We'll have 6 DLC charaters. I'll bet sweet money that both Roshi and Jiren will be 2 of them
@Athrum Hope so, he is one of the most iconic characters of the show
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