We already knew that Konami's upcoming and much maligned Metal Gear Survive will be an online only experience. We reported as much back in October, where our very own deputy editor Robert Ramsey joked, "Next they'll be telling us it has microtransactions and loot boxes."
Well, we're certainly getting the former.
Speaking with Gamespot, Konami reaffirmed that Metal Gear Survive will require a constant Internet connection across both the single player and multiplayer, but it was also discovered that microtransactions will indeed be present in the game. You'll be able to purchase in-game currency, which in turn can be used to acquire boost passes that increase things like Battle Point acquisition. It's no real surprise, especially considering there were in-game purchases in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, but it's still another mark against the new title that's already struggling to win favour with fans.
The beta is due to begin tomorrow. Will you be checking out the latest Metal Gear? Penny for your thoughts in the comments below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 35
@ShogunRok Pretty much your gif 100%.
Sometimes you do just want to be in the meetings where these things are decided.
"Ok, so what do people like about Metal Gear solid?
Well, largely Kojima's writing and design.
Ok, so he's out, let's just reuse the MGSV engine/assets. Now, what other things are gamers bored of?
Great, they're in. Do people like online only games?
Not really no, people have a lot of problems globally with a stable connection.
That's their fault. Online only, that's in. Finally, what is the number one hot topic amongst gamers at the moment - you know, the kind of thing that has affected sales numbers on recent titles.
Micro transactions?
Hell yeah, pay to win baby! Throw that into the release etc. etc.
Yeah coz this game would have gone on to sell bucket loads without microtransactions, right?
Badwill surrounding this game deserved or not, I can see why they are including MTs. This game seems to be all about getting some money back in to cover the no doubt expensive development of the Fox Engine.
at least it's not full price
Derpy derp derp
@kyleforrester87 Or they could use the amazing fox engine to release more games from their back catalouge. Just imagine Rocket Knight Adventures or Contra as a modern day game!
@Quintumply when did the micros get put into MGS PP? I dont recall them being an option when I was playing the game.
that's it Konami keep digging
@themcnoisy Yeah well obviously Konami are not inclined to do that. This seems like the least effort possible approach, perhaps even continuing an online mode that was originally conceived and part way through development for MGS5.
But it has to be said in fairness that it doesn't look like a particularly awful game.
@JoeBlogs Lol - that is a harder one to work out. Probably something like:
"Hey Hideo, thanks for your time"
"No problem"
"Ok, so this PT demo that is out there on PS4 that you are working on as a game".
"Sure, I believe it is very popular and is getting rave reviews"
"So, well yeah. I mean some people like it and yes Silent Hills is one of our biggest brands and we have a new film coming out and its like the most downloaded demo ever and all that but we really don't see it as part of our future"
"Why not?"
"Well firstly, you are the Metal Gear guy, not the horror guy"
"Secondly, how the hell do we make a Pachinko game out of PT? I mean, it would scare the living crap out of the grannies gambling".
"With all due respect si--"
God I want this to fail.
Doesn't matter because I wasn't planning on buying it anyway because it is a Konami game. They should have kept making pachinko machines and stayed out of the video game industry, no one missed them and everyone was happier when they were gone from this industry.
All they need is to add loot boxes and this game might actually upset every single person in the world.
From all the coverage Ive seen on it there doesnt seem to be a competitive element to it, only co-op. So it wouldnt affect my experience of the game if someone I got paired in the online portion spent real money to get things faster

I bet this will end up on ps+ after it - 'fails to meet sales expectations.'
Please no one buy this travesty.
Welp, looks like Konami has fully Konami-d Metal Gear.
Konami is hopeless.
Jim Sterling cant wait for Monday.
@themcnoisy Yeah you can buy Mother Base coins or some other nonsense.
Wasn't on my wanted list anyway and this news just makes me want it even less...
I'll still be playing this, but not until it's $15 dirt cheap.
Microtransactions have been around in MMOs for several years now, and nobody really complained about it. So I don't get the sudden major uproar, it's something you should expect from a multiplayer game by now.
Even though they have made the game playable in single-player, it still screams 'multiplayer' to me, especially by being an 'always-online' game.
@Rudy_Manchego 🤣 OMG, I’m dying. Lol.
Just in case we needed another reason to hate this title?
You keep digging that grave of yours, Konami.
As if i needed another reason to not buy this....
Did everyone forget about the Microtransactions in MGSV?
I've heard a rumour that to get the Platinum you have to send Konami your card details, pics of your wife, and the head of a baby koala bear.
Not sure I believe it though.
Ha thanks - I should probably have been working instead of writing imaginary conversations!
So always online singleplayer and microtransactions sometimes i think Konami loves to be hated.
@manu0 the price is your soul
@Rudy_Manchego **hands you a cookie**
I want to buy... One Million Troobs!
If you buy this game full price please think about wtf you're doing
Is Konami mental? It seems like they WANT their game to fail lol
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