This is the twelfth week of our Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament. 128 characters enter, but only one will be crowned champion -- and you decide who that champion will be.
If you want to know more about the Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament, be sure to click through here.
Previous Results
(Click the image to enlarge, percentages are included)

This Week's Matches
We have four matches lined up today. All you have to do is vote for your favourite character in each of the polls below. The winners will move onto the next round. The losers are out of the tournament.
Votes for these matches close next Wednesday, on the 17th January.

Match 45: Cole MacGrath vs. Sol Badguy
Cole MacGrath
Series: inFAMOUS, PlayStation All-Stars
First PlayStation appearance: inFAMOUS, 2009 (PlayStation 3)
Sol Badguy
Series: Guilty Gear
First PlayStation appearance: Guilty Gear, 1998 (PSone)
Vote for your favourite character! (191 votes)
- Cole MacGrath
- Sol Badguy
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Match 46: Mitsurugi vs. Crash Bandicoot
Series: Soul Edge, SoulCalibur
First PlayStation appearance: Soul Edge /Soul Blade, 1996 (PSone)
Crash Bandicoot
Series: Crash Bandicoot
First PlayStation appearance: Crash Bandicoot, 1996 (PSone)
Vote for your favourite character! (193 votes)
- Mitsurugi
- Crash Bandicoot
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Match 47: Captain Price vs. Isaac Clarke
Captain Price
Series: Call of Duty
First PlayStation appearance: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, 2007 (PlayStation 3)
Isaac Clarke
Series: Dead Space
First PlayStation appearance: Dead Space, 2008 (PlayStation 3)
Vote for your favourite character! (185 votes)
- Captain Price
- Isaac Clarke
Please login to vote in this poll.

Match 48: Dante vs. Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Series: Devil May Cry, Marvel vs. Capcom, Shin Megami Tensei
First PlayStation appearance: Devil May Cry, 2001 (PlayStation 2)
Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Series: Assassin's Creed, SoulCalibur
First PlayStation appearance: Assassin's Creed II, 2009 (PlayStation 3)
Vote for your favourite character! (193 votes)
- Dante
- Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 47
Crash wipes the field this week.
Voted for Captain Price, as he assured me that my fruit killing skills were remarkable.
I hope new Dante is also in this competition so he can face off against old Dante in an epic clash of the Dante. DANTE.
Dante vs Ezio is a tough one. I actually prefer Ezio; I imagine this one will be close-ish.
@johncalmc New Dante isn't in this competition on a matter of principle.

I voted for Mitsurugi. I know Crash is the icon, but I was always a fan of Mitsurugi.
Captain Price has a personality and he's the iconic COD character, with the best mission in all FPS games! Isaac Clarke is a guy that grunts a lot when he gets hit and...doesn't do much more
@AFCC He also gets cut into pieces during death animations.
Poor Mitsurugi.
@AFCC its not so much a personality competition as a what game have you played competition in the early stages. Or so it seems. Gonna be brilliant next round and the round after when the big boys and girls face off with each other!
Come on Ezio, Come on captain price, bring back Cervantes!
John Price - "Right...what the hell kind of name is "Isaac Clarke", eh? How'd a muppet like you pass selection?"
All the C's for me. Cole, Crash, Clarke and Creed.
@ShogunRok Yeah he is made of paper! Shame
I voted for Captain Price over Isaac, based on Price being a trained soldier who knows about tactics and stuff.
Voted for Dante over Ezio, since Dante is more of an action guy, who has guns and a really big sword, ... plus the dude can almost float in the air.
Voted for Mitsurugi over Crash, but in hindsight I do think Crash would win.
And Cole MacGrath ... the guy can shoot missilies from his hands and become invisible, just to name a couple of the things he can do.
inFAMOUS needs to get rid of the hipster and bring back Cole.
@Splat i liked Delsin but i loved Cole!
Ezio is the only reason I have positive impressions about AC.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi He's in the gutter alongside his mate Mitsurugi.
Nothing against Dante, but prayers for Ezio!
I dont see Ezio as a PlayStation character plus he is in the past.
All the people voting against Sol Badguy have never played Guilty Gear. At least he's losing to a respectable opponent.
It sucks to vote against Mitsurugi, but c'mon, Crash man.
I prefer Dante to Ezio, but both are good characters.
Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
I love me some Captain Price, how can you not with that fabulous facial hair however, Isaac Clarke was also a tremendous character, a believable everyman, a simple engineer thrown into fulfilling the role of saviour of the universe.
Dead Space was an utterly incredible game, I would love a remake in fact.
Seems daft that most of these characters aren’t actually Playstation characters, vast majority are just video game characters with very little that you’d actually class as a “Playstation” character. You’d could apply most of that roster to an XBox character list as well.
Crash Bandicoot is literally one of the most characterless characters ever created by anyone ever.
Two of the games in its history were brilliant. But the character? Come on.
@KingSandyRavage Every single character on this list has appeared in a PlayStation game, and many of them have appeared in multiple PlayStation games.
Therefore, they are PlayStation characters.
@get2sammyb not really.
You say Playstation characters, you think: Cole, Kratos, Nathan Drake, Aloy.... not much else really.
You say Video game characters; you think most of the characters on that list. “Playstation characters” sort of implies brand exclusivity to Playstation.
Fair do’s though, as an exclusive list would be too short to warrant weeks worth of polling 😜
@KingSandyRavage If you say so.
@get2sammyb ?😮?
If Playststion didn’t create the characters how can they be Playstation characters??? It’s like saying Daniel Radcliffe is a Warner Bros actor. It’s retarded.
@KingSandyRavage Would you say Bayonetta isn't a Nintendo character because she wasn't made by them?
If a character features on a system that you own and the character makes an impression on you, do you not draw a connection between the system and the character?
Ex. I played Bayonetta on PS3. She is one of the most memorable characters on PS3. Hence Bayonetta=PS character.
On topic...
Can't believe Ezio is losing.
Ezio Auditore da Firenze is one of the best written characters in gaming history. From birth to death. You see it all.
@Fight_Teza_Fight wouldn’t say Bayonetta is a Nintendo character at all no. Neither is it a Playstation character.
There’s no connection to be drawn in that respect. If I played street fighter II on the SNES or on the Mega Drive, you don’t sit there saying Ryu is a Sega character do you? But I I asked you to name some sega characters you’d instantly rattle off names such as Sonic, Alex Kidd, Billy Hatcher, Ai-Ai, Ecco etc etc.
It’s just a real tenuous grasp at trying to get a bit of identity for a games console that isn’t from a games company. There’s only character out of 10 today that I couldn’t have completely experienced on another format.
And I agree, Ezio should be winning flat out. Best character in that franchise and ultimately has way more depth to the game, world and character than Dante. I think bithvganes are great but in terms of character? Ezio baby!!!
Sol, Mitsurugi, Isaac and Dante.
I love both Crash and Soul Calibur games but Crash as a character is at best bland and at worst annoying. And Dante is a Kamiya character. Isaac is named after two great writers and I prefer Sol over Cole.
I get your point and your avatar is a great example. If Batman stars in many videogames, is he a videogame character?
@sinalefa exactly!!! Wow a sensible person that doesn’t argue for the sake of arguing. You are a rare and welcome breed sir.
@KingSandyRavage If i have to choose between Dante and Crash Bandicoot then Dante has more meaning for me then Crash because i played all the Devil may Cry games and no Crash Bandicoot games. On the PS1 my favorite games where Twisted Metal 2 world tour, Metal Gear Solid, FF7/8/9, Koudelka, Dino Crisis 1/2, Parasite Eve 2, Resident Evil 1/2/3, Legend of Legaia and my all time favorite Legend of Dragoon why is Dart not here. 😱
For the record, I for one think this tournament has been really fun to participate in, no matter what it’s titled and the semantics affiliated with it. The roster is great with a lot of variety and we all participated months ago with our nominations of characters we wanted included. Hail The Ultimate PlayStation Character Tournament! I really look forward to the future rounds.
It feels like gathering with your buddies at the bar and debating who the greatest baseball player to wear a NY Yankees uniform was.
It would be good to see a table of the overall scores for current leaders who'll go through to the next round.
@get2sammyb wait!!??
I heard Metallica on itunes earlier!
Does that mean Metallica are now an iTunes band!!??? 😮
And I watched Kong: Skull Island on Sky Cinema!!! Does that mean Kong is now a Sky film!? More so is Kong now a Sky character!!!? 😮 or would it make sense that he’s a Universal Pictures character??
@KingSandyRavage Are you still talking?
@get2sammyb ooooo nice retort...... because there is no real answer except agreement. AND THATS THE GAME!!!
Can ya feel that buddy!? Can ya!? Huh!?
I have exorcised the demons!!!!
This forum..... is clear.
Mic drop.
now I’m done.... time for a lie down haha 😂
@KingSandyRavage * Exorcised. Enjoy your sleep.
@get2sammyb thank you. My Engleesh, it not so good
Bit like your poll concept
@Lovespuds He just gruntled his way through the games! I love the Dead Space series (3 a little less) but ..come on, Cpt Price! CHERNOBYL MISSION PLS
We need breathalyzers for computers.
@get2sammyb Just for balance, I am really enjoying this tournament so far, nice work to all involved, cheers. I'm sure you're all really looking forward to the next angry rant regarding the semantics.
@LieutenantFatman Haha, it's all good. I enjoy it too.
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