The will they, won’t they saga regarding a potential PlayStation 4 port of PlayerUnkown’s Battlegrounds trundles into the New Year, with Chang Han Kim (the CEO of Bluehole's newly established PUBG Corp division) teasing that the company’s “final goal would be to launch the title on every platform”. It’s currently available on the Xbox One as a console exclusive – albeit in Early Access format.
“Early Access on Steam and Game Preview on Xbox One are like pre-release, so they don’t have a restriction on quality,” CH Kim told InvenGlobal. “However, PlayStation is very strict about this. There were cases where a game took six months more to launch even when it was already completed. We are still in the stage of learning the console development environment and console gamers’ taste. We need to think about other platforms after evaluating and completing the Xbox One version first.”
Reading between the lines, the scenario sounds simple: PUBG is exclusive to Xbox One while it is in Early Access on the console. Once the final version deploys, it sounds like it’ll almost certainly be ported to the PS4 – and perhaps other platforms, too. Of course, Fortnite: Battle Royale is proving to be a very compelling alternative on Sony’s console, so Bluehole may want to get a move on before Epic eats its lunch.
Comments 40
so basically while it's in early access it's a xbox exclusive
not that it matters it's boring anyway
Not interested in this game at all. Seems way overhyped to me.
Finish the game first, really.
They had better be quick - the wave of popularity will start to wane the longer that it is left outstanding.
@FullbringIchigo exactly. A Console Exclusive*
*During early access.
Nice for the Xbox brigade (and the PC master race) to do the Beta testing for the rest of us.
@Cassetticons My thoughts exactly! xD
Target a finished product first please. At this point, I get the impression that the team has done as best they can and the game is what it is.... it won't be long until another more experienced studio comes along and releases a similar/more functional game. (Fortnite already did it, but I'm referring to something more similar to the style of PUBG)
Reading between the lines - PUBG is an Xbox Exclusive and only when its up and running as a full game, will the Devs consider bringing it to PS4 IF they can. Their final goal 'would' be to get it out on all platforms but nothing is going to happen until the game is in its 'final' state on Xbox - ten they will consider if they can bring it to other platforms.
6months may be ambitious as the PC version is more than 6months ahead of the Xbox version and that's still not 'complete'
“...they don’t have a restriction on quality...However, PlayStation is very strict about this.”
Seeing this go multiformat onto PC, XBox One, PS4 and Switch with cross format play would be awesome and is where ALL online gaming should be headed.
No reason to not pool all the works gamers together.
I for one am shocked at the revelation that this game is not a real Xbox exclusive at all. They called it an exclusive and everything.
Personally im glad Sony has higher standards when it comes to the quality of a game released on their platform. We as gamers complained at the start of this gen about Day 1 patches and "paying for broken games" but that is EXACTLY what early access is, payibg for a broken game. So if PubG does eventually come to PS4 at least it will run properly... probably
@YummyHappyPills very bold statement but it’s one Sony need to wake up and see that it’s what the gaming world is wanting and they ostracsing themselves in the long term.
The ridiculously rapid growth in install base of the Switch, plus considering the hardware is more than capable of running PUBG; it would be folly to not include a release for it.
They can’t get a game running well on the XBox One as it’s their first real venture into it, but they’ll get there. PUBG has the potential to be the “Minecraft” of the online FPS genre. If they go full multiformat it could be huge. And if Sony don’t grow up, it’s a potnetial dint in their current position.
Glad that PlayStation is "strict" about this then, it's absurd to pay for an early-access game, you can thank the PC alienated community for this trend.
It's even more absurd for an incomplete game being nominated as goty candidate, a disrespect to another developers.
@johncalmc Xbox One doesn't have exclusives anymore, the first device ever without exclusives.
Pubg is finished on PC with ongoing updates, its just not very good. But thats a generational thing my sons mates are all playing it and seem to be having fun and compared to Fifa, Rocket League etc he isnt crying his eyes out when he loses. Seems more of a hang out game for him like minecraft a few years ago.
The running from the line adds a brilliant dimension. I said this months ago but that gameplay mechanic could and should be implemented in other games like battle mode in Mario Kart starting off on a big map and shrinking. So you are fighting on two fronts the map and the other gamers!
One thing no ones complaining about though is the lootbox system. Its stupid in finished games let alone what was an early access beta game. You can use BP the ingame currency to grab a crate which opens to reveal blue gloves (wow) but you can also buy keys so no idea what they are for as the the crates ive accrued open automatically. If the key system is implemented properley I dont think I will ever switch it on again.
@themcnoisy There are no keys in PUBG... You can buy crates from other people on the Steam Market place for around 50 cents and sell them if you don't want them.
No one is complaining about the lootbox system in PUBG because it isn't really an issue. You can't buy them from Bluehole and the cosmetic items don't give you any advantage at all. As in all of the useful camo items and ghille suits are found in game and disappear from your inventory after each match.
@PS_Nation They're strict and yet somehow Epic gets a pass. Seems hypocritical no?
@Constable_What Fortnite is a F2P game, unlike pubg that you need to pay for an unfinished product plus microtransactions. And you are still defending this practice, hahaha.
@PS_Nation PUBG doesn't have any microtransactions. Maybe do some research? Hahaha.
I just remembered ARK Survival is Early Access as well...
@Constable_What Microtransactions, lootboxes, same thing...
I'm glad that Sony doesn't allow lazy publishers to release an unfinished game and a broken mess just like what happened on the release of Xbone version.
@PS_Nation Those are not the same thing at all. You can't buy PUBG crates with real money (From Bluehole, you can buy and sell them from/to other people in the market place) . If you think Bluehole is lazy you've obviously not been paying attention, as they've made a lot of undeniable progress with the game since it release in Early Access on Steam and then released in full last month.
And Sony lets unfinished games on their storefront all the time as well. Ark Survival, and 7 Days to Die being the notable two that you need to pay for. Paragon and Fortnite (which is infested with lootboxes in the PVE portion that you must pay for) are two notable ones that are semi free to play.
The evidence does not support your stance at all.
@Constable_What Funny, many people are still complaining about pubg being an unfinished product and a broken mess on Xbone, you're the only one defending this game and this practice over here, I guess that you need to pay more attention. Even reviewers and some sites said that it's unacceptable how they dealt with the release on Xbone, being $20.
Both games that you mentioned are finished products, they are just not good games, that's all. Pubg is not so special as you think.
Finish the game first and then release it, simple as that.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Haha, that's true, but for some users here it's okay to release an unfinished product and you should pay for it, like pay for being a beta tester. xD
@Constable_What There are microtransactions in pubg, if you can buy crates for money - thats a microtransaction. Tbf when I was playing it was more to see what the fuss was about and I hadnt long got a new laptop about june or july last year. Played it on and off since then. I was 100% being shown keys a few weeks later, I dont know if they have retracted them but they were definitely there at some point hence the reason I mentioned it at the end of my comment. You can buy both crates for battle points and cash. I thought I was going crazy with the corresponding comments you have made and I agree RIGHT NOW its not an issue. But how many times have we said that in the past few years? Just take a look at the state of Rocket Leagues micro fueled aestetics and nerfed in game drops. That was a none issue once upon a time.
Just to say Ive gone on a tangent but any form of microtaxation in an early access game is a total joke.
@PS_Nation First I'm not defending it on Xbone; I'm not really defending it all (Nothing I've said is false and you've not provided anything to the contrary aside from subjective thoughts that are relevant to completely seperate debate). The state that it released on Xbox is horrible, but that's on Microsoft as much as it is on Bluehole.
If any thing about this is funny it's you not understanding that I'm calling out the fact that you seem to mistakenly think that Sony doesn't let unfinished games onto its storefront. You trying to shift the argument to something else that I'm not even arguing for shows you have no argument.
Ark Survival, 7 Days to Die, and Fortnite, are ALL Early Access. They are still Early Access on PC how can they, in all actuality, be considered finished on PS4? Stating anything else is demonstrably false. For god's sake man do some research, a Google Search, something, anything! 😂
Go be clear my argument is that Sony lets whatever they want onto their storefront as long as its beneficial to them.
@YummyHappyPills There are so many unfinished, unoptimised, broken games on the PS Store. It is not as strict as a lot of people believe.
@themcnoisy I think you're thinking of the Gamescom crates that were there for a limited time. That really angered the community, and I don't know what they were thinking then. They've walked them back since then and nothing like that has appeared in the game. I was one of those guys on the Steam forums, and there were a lot. I'd certainly drop the game like a bag if dirt of they implemented that again.
I don't personally consider the Steam Marketplace a place for microtransactions because the the dev only gets about 10% of the sale and people you can make Steam Wallet credit to buy other games (I bought a couple games with a plaid shirt I sold), but I I can see how that's the same principle.
It certainly isn't as egregious as AAA MTX, but I agree it is sort of a slippery slope.
And I absolutely agree that any MTX (I'd even say DLC) in an Early Access game is complete bull.
@YummyHappyPills So I had to look up Life of Black Tiger, given your obvious love for the game and the reviews on Metacritic are hilarious. Thanks for the good laugh today. The 1/10 official review from that Jim Sterling’s website had me in stitches, and then all the 10/10 [sarcastic] reviews from players just puts it over the top. 🤣
The internet never fails.
But yeah, the quality control guy at the PlayStation Store falls asleep at the wheel occasionally too. But apparently Chang Ho Kim from Bluehole feels Sony’s standards are stricter than most. His words, not mine. Clearly he hasn’t played Life of Black Tiger (which I am tempted to now download just out of sick curiosity) 😂
It's kind of weird. Microsoft are touting this as a big get, but Sony don't actually seem like they want Early Access games on PS4.
Might be a bit of an indication on were the two platforms currently stand.
Either way, I'm not really interested, but there is no denying PUBG is a popular game.
@YummyHappyPills ive seen those and there is no excuse for them.
@YummyHappyPills Maybe its because sony doesn't allow early access game, the game can be full of bug but as long as its complete sony allow it. Another maybe: early access game can be buggy and compromised ps4 security system.
They put it on the day switch revealed is a joke I think lol
@KingSandyRavage How will a Switch run this?
I played Fortnite i found it nothing special the Battleroyale setting was done after 3 games.
@Flaming_Kaiser ????
How can it not???
Have you seen PUBG running???
I think it’s more a question of When than How.
Is there some illusion that the Switch is running a similar spec to the Wii???
PUBG in terms of graphics and scale is an easy port on the Switch.
Even if, for arguments sake, the graphical fidelity was an issue, it’s irrelevant. Online gaming doesn’t demand graphical parity, it is merely the exchange of command inputs being exchanged over a network.
Simple example:
Street Fighter V runs on PS4 and a HUGE range of PC hardware with varying performance. Doesn’t change the online aspect one bit.
In addition, all PC games run online with high end running with low end seemlessly in the online experience.
The Seitch is selling as fast as the PS4 did and a developer adding another 10 million (and rapidly growing) user base to their potential pool of consumers and gamers would certainly be in their interest and serve only to make one of the biggest and most inclusive online multiplayer’s ever.
For some reason, I always think that guy's wearing a VR headset.
@YummyHappyPills ???????
Oh look
love that SONY is strict would hate to see a bunch of unfinished games in the store all the time! no interest in playing games that are not ready for prime time
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