Holy crap, it's finally happening -- Knack is coming to PlayStation Plus! Or at least, that's what this fresh leak tells us. Spotted on the PlayStation Store by eagle-eyed ResetEra user bombshell, February's lineup includes the aforementioned Knack alongside whimsical puzzle-platformer RiME. That seems like a pretty solid selection to us -- and the source is legit. We see the exact same message on our own PS4.
It's a longstanding joke that Sony should add Knack to PlayStation Plus, seeing as it's a first party "AAA" title. Now that it's actually looking like a reality, we fear for the future of such a classic gag.
PlayStation Plus for February will be officially announced later today, so we don't have too long to wait until we find out whether this leak is accurate or not.
Would you be happy with RiME and Knack? Get knackered in the comments section below.
Update: February 2018's free PlayStation Plus games have now been confirmed.
[source resetera.com]
Comments 52
Wasn't RiME already offered a few months back or am I thinking of another game?
So not Dark Souls 2 but something even more praise worthy
@ReanSchwarzer7 not on Europe at least!
My god can't believe that they will give Knack! Is this real life?
Would be very happy with those 2 games. Have been tempted by Rime for a while but never took the plunge.
Knack I can buy, but RiME? No chance. That would be too good to be true.
I was holding out for a Switch performance patch, but I'll have it for free on PS4 .
RiME is a pretty recent game and a dam good one as well.
Good to hear Knack will finally be given away for free, only took them a few years.
I know alot of people hate on knack but it's actually really really fun and entertaining
Rime is a pretty recent title ... worth it for that alone. Never understood the baffling yearning for Knack to be on PS PLUS.... its supposed to be borderline atrocious!!
I would love if this is true because I don't have both games.
Nicky nacky noo
Rime? I've been almost buying that for months.. awesome
I picked up Knack in a sale last year for about £3.50. I thought it was awesome, good for those who haven't played it yet. I'll be very happy if we get RiME as I haven't tried that yet
I’d be happy with these!!!
I just bought Knack in one of January's sales on the PS Store for $5. Wtf is up with this timing?
Hey I'd be happy with that, two games I don't own yet.
@fluggy no, where did you see that? It's supposed to be mediocre, not atrocious! Besides people want that game for 2 reasons: it's a meme; they secretly want to try it
That's actually a good lineup to be honest.
knack was on the asian PS+ not too long ago, so that's not all that surprising. but rime? nice, did not expect that at all!
i already have Knack, got it free with my PS4 and it's not as bad as people make it out to be
but it's not great either, it's an average platformer/beat em up type game but still worth at least one play through
Knack was my very first game for the Ps4 and I loved it..never did understand the hate it received.I still have Knack 2 unplayed which I bought in a sale.
Will be over the moon if that Rime turns out to be true though cuz like @Fight_Teza_Fight I was going to pick this up on the switch but was awaiting a patch
Never understand the hate Knack gets. Its not an amazing game but its not as terrible people make it out to be. I enjoyed Knack and enjoying playing Knack 2
I've never bought Knack, even when it's been on sale for like 40p or whatever, just because I knew that one day it would come to PS Plus. Finally.
I hope it's true. I almost bought RiME yesterday. Knack is also solid. Underrated launch title IMO.
Not what I expected but okay. Would have much rather have Dark Souls 2 but eh, what can you do? I do hope that they would also offer Killzone Shadowfall and The Order.
Why would anyone be excited about Knack? Game is 5 years old... if you waited that long to play it you have some patience. I remember when Plus used to give us games that had not been released yet... those were the days ie new Indie games. At least Rime is more recent.
So a game that people roundly savaged when it came out, is now the best thing to ever happen to PS+. You people...
For what it's worth, I bought and enjoyed it at launch, but sold it off a while back when it started gathering dust.
It would be hilarious if North America gets Dark Souls 2 while Europe gets stuck with Knack instead.
Salty like fish & chips.
Really though, I'm quite pleased with This, not titles I'd buy but I'll definitely play both. Good times!
Can't check it on my own system, but if it shows up on Store UI for others, why not. We should know in some 10-20 minutes.
I sure didn't expect RiME so s- oh wait, I forgot, it released earlier on PS4, didn't it. Unlike with Vita titles, this one has fewer odds of getting in the way of a possible Switch purchase for me, but I might as well try it out when I can. And confound Sony for robbing Push Square commenters of a monthly meme! Unless they turn to requesting Knack 2 now. XD
Great news. I wanted to play Rime but I wasn't sure if it'd be worth it, so this is the perfect ps+ game for me.
Exactly my thoughts. Rare to have 2 games I don’t own but am willing to try on plus.
Cue the delightful community over at psblog saying ps plus is officially 'knack'ered
@chucknorris078 "if you waited that long to play it you have some patience"
I thought it was called "backlog" in gamerspeak.
@bindiana hate bandwagons tend to work like that.
Now we just need knack 2.
Way too late for Knack to be added. Should have been just before the (totally unwarranted) sequel. Now, it's just lame. I mean, it was always lame, but this is just a dumb time.
RiME is so much more current, that alone makes it a better choice. It's also a game I was personally interested in but would never buy, so that's a perfect use of a Plus space.
Weird how RiME went from a Sony published title to not, and now on Plus.
Id be very happy with this. Rime looks quite good
The first Knack game is actually better overall than the second, it's a fun game.
I'd love to get RiME for free...
Mind = blown.
@ShogunRok PlayStation just confirmed this line up is correct on twitter
It's official! KNACK IS BACK BABY
and also Grand Kingdom (cross buy).. very good month
I'd like to have both of these on Plus.
I'd thoroughly recommend Rime...an absolutely fantastic experience and a personal GOTY contender for last year!!
28 NEGATIVE (ie under 40%) reviews on metacritic!! Thats sub mediocre ... atrocious in my book!!
@fluggy well zelda botw is full of 10/10 and for me it's an 8...so xD
Oh great ... thats ... just ... HANG ON!! ... WTF has that got to do with anything??!!!
@fluggy yo, chill! Smoke something or whatever!
That has gotta do with reviews don't always tell the truth about a game! That's why some games have good critic scores and bad fan scores or vice versa
@AFCC The reviews for Zelda did tell the truth about it!! It got superlative reviews across the board!! BotW got 106/109 positive reviews!! Knack got 9(!!!!!) positive reviews out of 83! ... 9/83!! Your comparison system seems unbearably, unforgivably, wretchedly flawed ... at best!!!
@fluggy ok bro! Go back to the switch please and leave me alone lol
I'm giving you my opinion, you come to me all mad, my god! Knack is the worst game in existence, it sucks.
@AFCC ..
... i'm going back to Horizon:ZD .... i'll leave you with Knack!
@fluggy already finished dude! Enjoy the game
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