genDESIGN, the annoyingly capitalised studio formerly known as Team ICO, has once again teased its next title. You may remember that The Last Guardian maker hinted at a new project earlier in the year with an image that appeared to show a Yorda-esque lady and an ogre. Now it’s back with an alternative take on the same scene, as the white dressed woman stands atop a staircase with some kind of beast resting at the bottom.
Our money’s still on some kind of King Kong-style story, but there’s really not a whole lot to go on at this stage. Whether the developer’s continuing its collaboration with Japan Studio remains unknown; Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida has expressed interest in working with director Fumito Ueda again, but there’s no guarantee that will happen.
Hopefully we'll learn a little more about the project over the course of the coming year.
[source 8-4.jp]
Comments 22
See you guys in 10 or so years when this releases
Hopefully it won't take a decade to make Ueda-san.
Can we at least get some better concept art or some character designs, I'll even settle for just a description of the gameplay mechanic? I'm starting to hate when companies "tease" images of a game and then say absolutely nothing for months or years. If your not ready to reveal a game then don't mention it 10 years before release.
The only ones who can do that and pull it off without pissing people off is Fromsoft, and that's because they turn their teasers into clues to theorize about.
God I hope I don't have to escort some unresponsive AI around the world like the last guardian.
I hope it's not puzzle game like ico or the last guardian, for me 2 is enough. I like action oriented ueda game like shadow of the colossus.
Any game made by Fumito Ueda is a must-buy for me, can't wait for more details.
Hoping that this project is a ps4 game
dear god I hope their new game doesn't handle like the last guardian, nearly drove me insane.
Make it good. Make it right. Release it when it's ready. That's all I ask.
Automatic day one for anything with Ueda's name attached.
I've never actually played one of Ueda's games, though I am looking forward to the SotC remake. That's the one that seems most interesting of his games. Looking forward to seeing what this turns out to be, regardless of whether it seems like a game I can get into or not. The approach he goes for is unique. I think I remember reading somewhere that he'd like to one day make an FPS. It would be cool to see his take on the genre and since I love shooters that'd definitely be something I'd keep an eye on.
The look of the title where it says 2018 has a boy and girl like in ICO. Is that just their logo or is that the title of his game?
Personally I would prefer an ICO type experience rather than a Last Guardian experience but with an ogre. However, I have always been blown away with these games, so I’m happy to see what they come up with.
@Gamer83 TLG is very cheap right now.
Hopefully this one doesn't take 10 years to finally come out and end up not being good like another game I know
All the disguised The Last Guardian shade in this thread is why we don't deserve nice things. A masterpiece.
Looks like the girl from Shadow Of The Colossus where she laid? Perhaps a prequel/sequel?
@malbhet A lot of people get this wrong they could not get it working on the PS3 and the main lead left. The game was in limbo but because people kept asking they finished it.
Yeah, it just doesn't really look like the kind of game I'd like, so I haven't gotten around to playing it. Shadow of the Colossus seems more my type of game and all the great things I've heard about it over the years has me hyped for the remake. If I like it, I may decide to go out of my comfort zone and give TLG a try since it is the same creator.
That picture is reminiscent of the stone alter that Mono’s body is placed on in SotC, if I recall correctly. I say this is a prequel.
Another horribly controlled secondary charchter puzzle advenure incoming
Surprised by the Tlg hate in the comments...it's my favourite game this generation so far.
Now it’s back with an alternative take on the same scene, as the white dressed woman stands atop a staircase with some kind of beast resting at the bottom. https://soundcloudtomp3.io
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