It’s the Super Bowl this weekend, and for anyone who doesn’t support the Patriots or the Eagles, that old Alien vs Predator slogan comes to mind: “Whoever wins, we lose.” But while the dreams of a Blake Bortles versus Case Keenum face-off must be left in the past, at least there’s a Justin Timberlake half-time show to look forward to. Hopefully he does that NSync song where he’s peddling soda in the music video.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I've got a busy weekend planned so I probably won't find too much time for games, but I hope to hop onto Madden at some point in order to prepare for the Super Bowl.
Stephen Tailby, Senior Staff Writer
It's all about Monster Hunter: World. I've not been able to play as much of Capcom's beast-'em-up as I'd have liked, so I'm going to try and play catch up this weekend. I'm going to aim to reach the hunter rank necessary to earn the Watcher armour set for my Palico. Only a few days left!
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
I couldn’t really get into NieR: Automata last weekend, I just wasn’t in the mood. I shifted over to Rise of the Tomb Raider instead and really got into it. I remember starting this and abandoning it pretty quickly when it first came out on PS4, but I’m finding the game far more enjoyable in 60 frames-per-second on PS4 Pro.
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
PES 2018 is on the agenda for me this weekend like usual as I keep building my team that I'm still too scared to play anyone online with. I'll also be continuing my 100 per cent run on Yakuza 0 – excluding all of that stuff, of course. That's right, I'm staying out of the arcade.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
Football fever has its hold on me this weekend with the Super Bowl going on. So it will be NFL 2K on the Dreamcast for me and if I have time possibly some Assassin's Creed Origins on the PS4.
What are you playing this weekend? You know the drill by now; let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 71
Monster Hunter: World!
Me: I'll do one more quest then stop.
5 hours later...
Me: It's been 5 hours!?!?
I woke up in a Midgar mood so just watched Advent Children Complete. It's so much better than the original release. Like, it actually makes sense. I'd call it a good film for sure. Clouds a right hero.
As far as gaming goes I'm in pixel heaven with Celeste and FF6.
After I get home from work, Final Fantasy IX, mostly. I want to finish KH Chain of Memories and Batman Arkham Knight, but both of these games are either boring me to tears or tearing my hair out for different reasons.
Monster Hunter World. I have to get my hunter rank up so I can get that watcher gear for my palico.
I will probably play some more online Street Fighter V with Sakura, as well as play Mega Man Legacy Collection. I beat MM I and II so I’ll tackle MM III tonight.
Hoping to finish the story in FighterZ and play a few rounds in the arcade before jumping into Monster Hunter World.
That and some Job Simulator and Skyrim in VR.
I’m going to continue with Gravity Rush 2 and then probably try to split time with a shorter game from my backlog. I haven’t decided yet. Maybe I’ll post all my backlog games on a board, close my eyes, and toss a dart.
Continuing with FighterZ for me. Almost finished the Enemy Arc, so I've got the third arc after that, and mix it in with arcade, some online and desperately trying to get Hit as a lobby character xD
A bit more mgsv and Journey. Cheers @MDHegs for the recommendation!
I'll be sweeping up a few remaining trophies in Uncharted Lost Legacy for the plat. Also continuing my DQVIII playthrough on the 3DS, just hunting down Sir Leopold the evil mutt.
Switch: RIVE: Ultimate Edition
Wii U: Twilight Princess HD
@kyleforrester87 I need to replay that sometime soon. FFVI is an absolute classic.
I'm planning on playing more Iconoclasts this weekend, I had a dream last night about the next boss...I've never dreamt about a video game before...very strange.
@get2sammyb you're watching the Super Bowl tomorrow? Who are you rooting for now?
I am between PS4 games and waiting for Shadow of the Colossus. Therefore I have almost finished Resistance Burning Sky on Vita (which I am enjoying more then I should) and I might go back to a few more hours of TW3.
Didn't know about the Super Bowl. Tomorrow we have our presidential elections here.
I bought Celeste last night and played the first chapter. Loving it so far. Went with PS4 version for the trophies.
Playing monhun world and dragonball fighter z on ps4, finishing double dragon and playing wonderboy dragon trap on switch.
Also can't wait to try sotc on ps4, sony just emailed me 20% discount code for psn usa, I think this is the first time I've got discount code like this although I've been subbed to psplus for a loong time (about 5 years).
PS4: Monster Hunter World, Dragon Ball FighterZ
PSVita: Digimon Story CS- HM
Same as last week & likely for the rest of the month.
However I'm going to have to make some time for Shadow of the Colossus next week, aren't I?
It’ll be Vita action today with some Final Fantasy IV and might make a start on Terraria or Darkest Dungeon.
Tomorrow I’ll be back on the PS4 with some Monster Hunter, BF1 to check out the new dlc and Smite. Yes, I’ve fallen back down the rabbit hole of Smite and into the welcoming arms of our resident Smite experts @Kyroki, @TripleGK and @AlexStinton. It’s been great actually re-learning the game again, just need to find another god to play as!
For PS4, Street Fighter V Arcade Edition. I’ll be playing arcade mode to unlock new art work and getting in some online casual matches. DragonBall Fighter Z, I honestly don’t care for this story mode but I need to push through it. Get more practice and play some online matches. I want to play King of Fighters 14 as well. Then there is Monster Hunter World, gotta get in some quest. My PSN is shonen86, feel free to add me if ya wanna throw down on some friendly online matches. Or for Monster Hunter.
During the Super Bowl I’ll play the Switch. Get in some Neo Geo games and Resident Evil.
Monster Hunter: World
Monster hunting is in my veins now, it is who I am
@Rogueleader76 I want both teams to lose.
I've had this week off due to an op on tuesday and I also have next week off as its my holiday week so plenty of time for gaming
As for the games,unfortunately I'm grinding on I Am Setsuna for the Switch because for some reason they decided to make the boss either super hard or I'm super underlevelled.
I'm also playing the demo on the 3ds for Radiant Historia which is actually really good!Will most likely buy the game.
Daganronpa Another Episode and South Park The Fractured But Whole are the two ps4 games I'm still playing at the moment
@Ralizah yeah I'm really enjoying it. I remember less than like 5% of it, which is great. It's better than I previously thought.
What is a "super bowl"? Is it a giant thing to eat cereal? Also what sport is that where you play with an egg?
Anyway, I'm playing Fifa 18 in preparation for another weekend of football games
Ratchet & Clank + Tekken 7 story mode, to catch up with the shenanigans of the Mishima family.
@get2sammyb Out of curiosity who is your team Sammy?
@Tasuki New York Giants.
I'll be playing some more Division, probably some FighterZ as well.
Just finished Lost Legacy and now playing Rime...
I might go back and watch not one but BOTH Superbowls where the Giants beat the deflate-triots!
@NYJetsfan123 But you're a Jets fan...?
Im a jets fan, yes. I'm also a fan of any other team that beats new England.
I'll spend the week-end collecting armors in MHW. What else should I do?
@NYJetsfan123 American sports fans never cease to surprise me. I could never celebrate a Manchester City victory if they beat Liverpool, for example.
Just feels so wrong as a United supporter.
I'm not particularly keen on another New England win, but the Eagles are rivals so... Eh. I hope they both somehow lose.
Monster Hunter World. Just got it yesterday, and I'm pumped to really dive into it.
@Fight_Teza_Fight @Rudy_Manchego Yeah, actually now that I think about it, I’m not going to start a new game this weekend and rather continue to mop up the ones I have in process because I think I’m going to jump right into SotC straight away instead of backlogging it this week.
@get2sammyb I’m with you as far as rooting for a double defeat this year. Best case scenario is the game ends in a 0-0 tie and Brady just gets sick of it and announces his retirement during overtime and they decide that both teams lose.
Final Fantasy XIV on PS4 and Skyrim on Switch. Also looking forward to a week-long vacation from work so I can (among other things) regroup my backlog strategy.
@get2sammyb They are called fair weather fans. They have no loyalty they just go with whatever team it's cool to like or hate.
ufc 3 great sim fighting game
Assassin's creed origins. Quite a big game.
Working all weekend so my weekend starts Sunday evening where I'll get on titanfall 2 and assassins creed origins... On another note did I see some say dreamcast?!
Finally getting into the Witcher 3, awesome game, no idea why it was so hard to get into.
Okami HD.
@Eternallover21 Of course, but I couldn't cheer on a rival. I hate Man City but I don't support Liverpool when they play each other.
Currently playing The Division although I'm getting seriously tempted to pick up a switch for Zelda!
@NYJetsfan123 @get2sammyb Im hoping for the miracle in Minnesota 2. The Vikings replace one of the other finalists.
Im in the mood for some NFL but as Ive boycotted EA the closest I can get is LA Noire, as its set in America.
@themcnoisy There's Mutant Football League on the US PSN which is basically Madden but not Madden.
@themcnoisy You’ve boycotted EA?
I tried to watch and like American football, but it's just not my thing. I'm interested on the trailers of Black Panther and Han Solo though.
Anyway, right now I'm only playing Monster Hunter.
@get2sammyb Thanks Sammy will look into that one!
@Hego Everyone should! Good luck in Smite bro. I would sign up but I have zero time for the forseeable to commit. I would just be dragging you down. Replace the M with a H and thats what I would be like on Smite.
@themcnoisy Hey I started off at the bottom once too
Maybe that's the case of casual sports fans. But not the serious fans.
I have always personally hated new England and I have been watching football for 30 some odd years. Not only are they in my division making them a rival, but I am sick of watching them play in the Superbowl for what feels like every Superbowl in the last 18 years.
I will be rooting for Philly in this Superbowl, but that no means makes me a Philly fan. I still love and support my team (even if they do suck haha). But you would never catch me picking up a piece of memorabilia from another team, even if I do cheer them on the biggest football day of the year.
I have friends that are fans of other teams, ie. Washington and Pittsburgh, and they as well will be "supporting" or "cheering on" the eagles tomorrow, purely because they are similarly fed up with seeing the Patriots every year.
But we are certainly not 'fair weather' fans.
It's summer vacation in Brazil, so I'll be spending my weekend in the beach. No games this time... I finally finished Crash last weekend, though! =)
I was so hoping for a Minnesota Jacksonville Superbowl! I really think Atlanta burned Minnesota out. They simply didn't show up to play against Philly!
That was one hell of a catch though. I couldn't believe the defender missed him like that!
Just finished Metal Gear Rising on PS3. May play some Rise of the Tomb Raider if there's time, while ignoring all things NFL. Not a fan. 😋
@NYJetsfan123 Ok?? Never said you were one.
My apologies. Sammy had said something about American sports fans and I thought you were classifying all American sports fans as fair weather fans.
I clearly misunderstood.
My bad.
Not really playing too much of anything at the moment. I was playing Tales of Symphonia on Game Cube, not sure how far along I am in the story though but I am enjoying the game. Little bit of CoD4 on PC, need to get a replacement for my mouse I have since I think the software is borked in the mouse or some thing. Need a bigger mouse pad for my desk, and I have been playing a little bit of Nioh here and there.
@NYJetsfan123 No, no, no I was just telling him what those people are called ones who say the like X team but then will change to another. Wasn't even thinking of you.
I started Nioh... and I just can't stop.
Focusing mainly on Breath of the Wild. Then when the Switch is charging - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. I'll return to Nier Automata in the week.
Monster Hunter for me. Just opened up a new area (the third) after a rather epic battle, and it's safe to say I'm hooked.
Much hunting to be done in Bloodborne and Monster Hunter World for me.
Assassin's Creed Origins. Rounding up locations for the trophy. It seems liken they randomly generate new question marks, just doesn't seem to end 😂😂
Also, the new update makes it possible to level past 40 and with that we can upgrade gear even further. Thing is, these last few upgrades which need carbon crystals are very costly. It's not like these crystals are easy to come by and makes me wonder if it's possible to max upgrade all of them. And yes, I included the 20 crystals from the bazaar.
@Th3solution I’ve thought about a spinning carnival wheel with my top ten to play backlog games. It would break that indecision.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT and Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omina
i'm on a bit of a Dissidia craze right now
@DerMeister chain of memories is the card one right? Damn that game was so infuriating at times
Italy-England in half an hour. What about rugby?
Monster Hunter: World!
@AnimeGamerFan If you are looking for a great RPG try Koudelka on the PS1.
I finished the main story in Origins and I'm still left wondering "Will Siwa ever know peace?" So I stopped playing it and moved on to Persona 5.
Madden, Wolfenstein2, and UFC 3 for me.
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