A press event was recently held for Onrush, and impressions and videos are beginning to boost online. What's clear from all of them, including the above video from Eurogamer, is that Codemasters' new racing game isn't exactly the Motorstorm clone it initially looked like.
This video does a great job of breaking down what Onrush is all about, but we'll lay out the key points to take away from this new gameplay. Firstly, there are no traditional races; finish lines, positions, and laps are non-existent in this game. Secondly, you're always among the stampede, as it's known here, meaning you never have to play catch-up if you crash or fall behind. If you do, you're dropped straight back into the mix.
In other words, you won't be racing other vehicles in Onrush. Instead, the emphasis is on racking up points by taking down other competitors, performing tricks and jumps, and driving as fast and as recklessly as possible. More or less everything earns you boost, including shutting down AI-controlled 'Fodder' vehicles, and you're rewarded for using all your boost at once. Boosting fills your Rush metre, which is a sort of super move that's different for each vehicle type.
The other thing worth noting is that this is a team-based game, so you'll be working with your teammates in order to outscore the opposition. It also contains Overwatch-style loot boxes that contain purely cosmetic items to deck out your cars and characters with.
It's a very interesting concept that is bound to wrinkle a few noses, but we quite like the sound of it. The focus is squarely on the action, and the various modes all sound fun. It's well worth checking out the above video or one of the others out there to get a feel for what Onrush is trying to do, as it's definitely not your typical arcade racer.
What do you make of this new information on Onrush? Are you excited about this bold direction, or were you hoping for a more traditional racing game? Rush down to the comments below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 47
I could definitely get on board with this.
Not in a rush to play this...
Oh wow.
I like the concept. I definitely want this.
Probably at launch actually.
Ehh, well that’s put me off now. I just wanted Motorstorm.
The graphics look nice, but the gameplay premise looks awful. If I was bored and it was on sale, then perhaps I'd buy it.
Damn, what a shame. The gameplay looks crazy, but I just wanted a racing game set to 11.
I wasn't sold on the initial video's - it kind of looked a bit 'Motorstorm' (which was a good thing as I liked Motorstorm and would certainly have been interested in a new Motorstorm) but I felt something was wrong or not quite right about it which was putting me off. Now I know what the game offers, the concept has put me off entirely... Money saved!!
I'd have preferred another Motorstorm too - this feels like an additional mode that could've been in a Motorstorm game - which is more than enough for me.
Also given the reception to it here - I think they'll put standard race modes in there too. I doubt very much that this will be a drop and run release.
Online focused and lootboxes? I'll pass.
This definitely needs a demo or open beta (not sure if either are planned?). It could be loads of fun but I get the feeling people will pass on it (myself included) because the premise is so different to normal racing games. And it kinda looks really shallow.
Ah man, was looking forward to this but after these details gonna be a hard pass. Hopefully this that get it enjoy it though!
Completely lost my interest. Gutted, and really disappointed.
Well this just went from a maybe one day to a never- real quick.
@Mergatro1d A beta is planned for May.
Honestly quite surprised by the lack of enthusiasm for this! I think it looks like a lot of fun, personally. I'd imagine that, if there isn't a traditional racing mode at launch, they'll put one in later.
Also, anyone worrying this is a purely online game should know there will be a regular, offline single player mode as well.
@Quintumply I was just about to put that myself.
I didn't think a non-vanilla racer would be so poorly received.
.. I just love people negging a game before they've even tried it... it's from a really talented team (who have great form) who are trying something a bit different... let's at least play a demo before calling it out?!?! Split/Second's premise sounded a bit iffy on paper and that still remains an original, outstanding little racer (a lick of paint and I'd play it all over again!)
@OneManDroid I'm open to trying it, and I appreciate the attempt at something new. I just can't help but feel disappointed.
@OneManDroid totally agree...people complain about there being nothing new and how its just the same franchises year and year out then something new and a little bit different comes along and people still complain...
I get that. But - how would it have been received if it were just going to Motorstorm with better graphics?
I'd buy it for sure, but metascores and even middling reviews can kill a game, worse - a studio/team. So a game only carrying the tag 'Motorstorm but prettier...' or the like would review as a solid 6/10. And it would likely get passed by.
Props to the Evo guys and Codys for a new idea.
@get2sammyb well let's hope you let someone else review it eh, or else it won't stand a chance! it looks like an mega-amazing takedown / stunt extravaganza and a breath of fresh air after so many recently released racers (from Horizon 3 to GTS to Project Cars 2 and the million rally games out there). It actually reminds me of Road Redemption recently on PC (and that was CRAZY fun) think more Road Rage and less Motorstorm! (or maybe we'd all like another 'Gravel' - because that's original!)
@OneManDroid I'm sure @Quintumply will be reviewing — he seems excited!
@KALofKRYPTON I agree, it's always nice to see new ideas. Judging by the discussion here and other sites, though, maybe they should have been clearer from the beginning. Frankly this feels like a bait and switch.
Meeeh i'll just stick with The Crew 2 this summer
This would be fun if you were playing with the right gang I reckon.
reads title
loses a bit of interest
"You know that bit in The Lion King when Mufasa is trampled to death? Onrush is a bit like that"
loses more interest
Fair play for trying something different, I guess. It definitely seems unique but I just wanted Motorstorm 4 though.
While I admit this is initially disappointing, the game looks well made and I'm still optimistic. For all we know... This is the next great idea and we should be ashamed for wanting just another racer.
Soccer with cars sounded pretty weird too... Until people tried Rocket League.
I don't understand the title "PS4 Arcade", it's not a PS4 only game tho.
Seems like a nice idea. Hey, if you can use cars to play soccer, I don't think this is a massive departure.
@Callmegil Are we really doing this again?
Same here.
I dunno, I was hoping for a Destruction Derby or Motorstorm type game to be honest. Still looks good but if there's no racing at all, I'm not so sure.
Not quite what I was expecting, but I may give it a try eventually...
@Quintumply Thanks, I'll definitely play the beta.
Call me when someone clones Rollcage.
Shame. I am also disappointed and a little turned off.
@johncalmc As if I just posted this and then this happened like four minutes later: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2018/03/grip_a_brand_new_combat_racer_announced_for_ps4
Going to buy the new Rollcage instead aka GRIP.
Wasn't expecting that at all.I'm Sooo not going to buy this now.
Nnnnnoooooooooooooo.......! That sounds terrible. We'll off to Amazon to cancel my pre-order. I really really just want a new motorstorm game.
I don't get why people are so disappointed, they did say what the game was last year and how they got the idea in an interview with Eurogamer.
Hopefully Codemasters support it better then they did with micro Machines. That also had loot boxes in it although not paid for loot boxes but the the currency grind and duplicates were not great.
Not at all what I expected, but not disappointed other. Looks like tons of fun.
However, I wonder how long before Rockstar copies this game, too, and implements these modes in GTA Online?
Hype ruined..... "team focused" and "loot box" definite avoid.
Everything about this feels forced. On a related note: have you seen that announcement trailer for GRIP!!?
A racing team deathmatch game? Interesting.
Thanks for saving me money! Sounds like crap.
I'm surprised this hasn't been done before.
"Boosting fills your Rush metre"
Please see teacher after the class.
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