While media attention has been rightly focused on the Nintendo Switch in Japan since its release, the PlayStation 4 has been quietly trucking away in its home nation. DualShockers did some neat number crunching using the latest Media Create report, and has concluded that the system sold 2,083,974 units during its fourth year in the Land of the Rising Sun – a record for the system.
You may recall that the PlayStation 4 launched late (22nd February, 2014) in Japan, and DualShockers is counting from that date to determine the device’s annual sales. According to the site, it did 1,143,542 units in its first year, then 1,364,681 units in its second year. In its third year it tallied 1,893,219 units, so the figures have been growing steadily per annum.
It’ll be interesting to see whether continued momentum of Monster Hunter: World and titles like Kingdom Hearts III can push the platform even higher, but we have to imagine that it’s probably peaked at this point. However, it’s interesting that, in the face of intense competition from Nintendo, the PS4 actually grew in the Land of the Rising Sun over the past 12 months.
The console’s now sold 6.5 million units in the region, which is a respectable number, though it’s clear that the nation’s true love lies with handhelds these days. Sony won’t be too worried, however: the PS4 is on track to surpass 100 million units globally, which would make it only the fourth home console to do so.
[source dualshockers.com]
Comments 15
Sony's had a lot of good news today between this and the March ps plus lineup. But they're ending support for their older systems a year from now, so everything they do is terrible apperently.
Even in japan we can see that sony and nintendo audience is different, nintendo success didn't affect ps4 sales, I remember the amount ps4 sold in japan before and after switch is about the same. It did affect psvita sales though.
Good for Sony, PS4 is definitely an awesome console.
The King is busy leading the gaming market.
Interesting for sure. Would be a bigger deal if the PS4 numbers weren't very low in Japan for a 4-year old console and if the Switch wasn't such an astronomical success. But as stated, it's clear that market loves its handhelds, which is why I only put it at 99.9% that Sony never does another handheld as opposed to 100%.
Just wait until Nintendo releases cardboard!!!
The one market Microsoft will never get no matter how hard they try.
@Enuo Yeah 12 years is a little short. 😂
@KingdomHeartsFan What do you think of the Switch personally? Alot of interesting games for it imo, but not enough for me to want one until BF 2018 at least...
@Enuo While I'm sad to see Sony start to slowly drop PS3/Vita support, we all knew it was bound to happen eventually.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Exactly this. No shame in owning both a PS4 and a Switch. However if you own a XB1... . (I'm just playfully teasing Xboxers, don't hate me)
@YummyHappyPills Switch/Nintendo is strong in Japan, still beating PlayStation sales surprisingly.
Of course worldwide PS4 is King.
@KingdomHeartsFan I take it you're not a Zelda fan since you didn't mention Breath of the Wild? Switch also has Fire Emblem Warriors and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 available to play now.
@Gamer83 "Would be a bigger deal if the PS4 numbers weren't very low in Japan for a 4-year old console"
Very low? You want to know how Wii U was doing in its 4th year?
And then we've got the Xbone, selling a few dozen units per week in Japan.
PS4 is also beating more conventional systems like PS3.
It has also beaten PS Vita in Japan, the country for portable gaming.
And it has outsold the NS in 6 of the past 7 weeks.
So yeah, it's a big deal, despite what you say.
Point me to the comment section for an article or any forum post I've made on this website where I've ever said Wii U or Xbox consoles sold well in Japan, I've said for a long time home consoles in general are not selling well in Japan.
I can't find any source for the PSone numbers for Japan alone but PS2 did over 20 million, fourth best for any system behind DS (32m), Gameboy (32m) and 3DS (23m). Right behind PS2 were NES and SNES at 19 mil and 17 mil respectively. PS3 barely cleared the 10 mil mark and Wii reached 12 mil, neither overly impressive. 6.5 mil in four years is certainly not impressive. There was a time when Japan loved home consoles as much as handhelds. If PS4 reaches 15 mil or more by the its all said and done I'll give credit where it's due but as it stands probably won't even catch PS3.
Heehee, mixing SKUs I see. The PS4 and 4Pro sold that many units, two separate products. Base PS4 could've sold the same as in previous years, but adding another SKU to that isn't being true to market numbers.
Sony are quiet about it because this isn't anything to boast about. Two products reached decent sales numbers, that's all.
While I'm a switch owner, PS4 still my main console, while Nintendo provide the (awesome) backup!
@KingdomHeartsFan I guess you couldn't wait for the Switch version? I own a Wii U but would rather wait and play the Switch version.
I don't care for musou/Dynasty or Fire Emblem myself, gameplay wise.
Hope you do give XC2 a shot eventually, it's supposedly even better than the original.
@NintendoFan4Lyf More power to you then! I just can't afford a XB1, especially with there being only 5-10 games I want on the console.
Same reason why I don't own a Switch yet TBH.
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