Activision may be prepping a PlayStation 4 remaster of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. A listing for the game has been spotted on Amazon Italy, and as we all know, online retailer listings can sometimes point towards an imminent announcement.
Interestingly enough, the page has the game down for release on the 30th April, but seeing as that's a Monday, it could just be a placeholder date. Still, a Modern Warfare 2 remaster would no doubt equal easy money for Activision.
Of course, if this turns out be real, then that means we'll have both the original Modern Warfare and its sequel playable on PS4. However, given that Activision injected micotransactions into the former, it'll be interesting to see how an official announcement is received.
Would you shoot for a remaster of Modern Warfare 2? Lock and load in the comments section below.
[source uk.ign.com]
Comments 16
I want to be excited but after the underhanded way they force bundled Mw remastered with IW then loaded it with microtransactions, i think i'll just have to settle for cautiously optimistic
A real remaster or one with a seasonpass and microtransactions ah who are we kidding its Activision. 🙄
Remaster World at War and Black Ops!
Another COD game remaster with all these COD games that come out every year anyone would think its perfect conditioning for a long war or something.
raven did a really good job on the remastered MW campaign imo. i really liked the original MW multiplayer too, and thought the remaster might entice me back to CoD multiplayer, but played a couple of games of the multiplayer.. but just didn't feel the same lure as i did back in 2008, and didn't actually play it any more than those first couple of games, so i didn't see any of the impact the microtransactions may have had. with modern warfare 2, the campaign is actually complete crap, and i thought world at war's multiplayer was better.
Oh gee I can't wait for all the microtransactions and loot boxes
My favorite multiplayer in COD ever!
I'm still waiting for the remaster of 4 to go on sale so I can buy it to play through the campaign again.
@leucocyte What! I thought MW2's campaign was AMAZING! The race through Rio de Janiero, gunfights in Burgertown, raiding an annihilated White House, and that shootout with shielded shooters in the showers of a Russian Gulag....so memorable to me.
I was late to the party and played almost ALL of the COD campaigns in one year (2014) and MW2's was my favorite.
I will pass, with CoD WWII and BO 4 coming in October I have no need for MW2 Remastered.
I think it will get released and then a year later we will get the mw and mw2 remastered bundle pack lol
@zimbogamer without the DLC ofcourse.
@smelly_jr I do have to say with the most boring lead ever.
Get ready to for the map packs again
I haven't been into Call of Duty since Modern Warfare 1 so I think I will pass on this, for some reason I always felt like the perks/killstreaks in this version of the game were a bit unbalanced.
@dposhere I found MW1 online to be so much fun when it came out I got up to level 30 and then I just traded it in and waited for number 2. The story was good for both games but then online felt really boring and I agree unbalanced in some nature. I never played MW3 only one I didn't play I didn't buy it because of the cost to the DLC and that would didn't get nothing for your price you paid. In fact it was the start of season passes and I didn't buy games because they are a joke I only ever buy SP once they had a huge price drop and I can't wait for them as I don't really get rid of my games.
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