Actions speak louder than words, but I still can’t help feeling that Sony’s become far too quiet over the past few years. At the start of the PlayStation 4 era, this was a company that was firing on all cylinders when it came to community outreach; Worldwide Studios executive Shuhei Yoshida was one of the biggest names on social media, while ex-third party bigwig Adam Boyes was always engaging with the industry’s latest trends. More importantly, the company’s chiefs were rarely out of the news cycle, appearing on YouTube shows and frequently chatting with mainstream media and enthusiast press.
That version of PlayStation has quietly disappeared. There are people on message boards who will tell you that this is par for the course; the PS4 is the biggest console in the world and the company’s stopped caring. I don’t necessarily subscribe to that notion: I still believe that PlayStation is the best place to play, and even if you prefer to do your gaming elsewhere, you’d have to be pretty darn cynical to suggest that the PS4 sucks. The exclusives lineup alone is seriously impressive, and when you pair that with unparalleled third-party support, I don’t believe that the firm’s stopped trying at all.

But it is keeping enthusiasts at arm’s length these days. There’s still the excellent PlayStation Experience, of course – a fan focused festival conceived when the company was at its pomp in 2014. And the executives are still on Twitter, retweeting PlayStation Blog posts from time to time. But I don’t feel like I have the same connection with the organisation’s hierarchy that I used to have at the start of this generation, and I can’t be the only one that feels this way. Admittedly, it’s not the job of Shawn Layden and Jim Ryan to personally address our concerns, but I wish the platform holder was a bit more open.
The reality is that we rarely ever hear from anyone these days. The suits will host a round of interviews to coincide with E3 in a few months; they’ll probably do the same at Gamescom or Paris Games Week, too. There’ll be another PlayStation Experience, one would assume. And sure, there’ll probably be the odd PlayStation Blog post in the interim. But it all feels very distant, doesn’t it? We don’t know what the company’s cooking; we don’t know where its current focus lies. We don’t know what projects it’s excited about; we don’t know what the future holds for PS4 – or PlayStation as a whole.

Does it really matter? Of course not: Sony’s not going to stop selling systems because it’s shying away from the news cycle. But if you’ve got this far into this article, then it’s safe to assume that you’re an enthusiast – a tastemaker, perhaps – and you want to know where the organisation’s at. I’m not saying that busy suits should be spending every second telling us what they’re doing, but where's the cheerleading? Where’s the hype? Where’s the communication from the people who run the company we love? It’s just not there like it used to be, and I kinda want it back.
I just feel like PlayStation doesn’t have a voice right now. The company’s running like clockwork, as it always has – but the PlayStation Blog’s starting to look like a tired format, and honestly I’m just feeling disengaged. Perhaps my perspective is skewed as an editor; the more Sony tells us, the more we have to write about and discuss. I’m sure there’s a little bit of that. But speaking purely as a fan now, I miss those heady days at the start of the generation when PlayStation was so aggressive and in your face. The company’s still kicking ass – I just wish it’d start making a little more noise about it is all.
Do you agree that PlayStation’s been far too quiet lately, or do you prefer it discreetly going about its business? Are you feeling disconnected from the company, or do you not even care as long as the games are there? Make some noise in the comments section below.
Comments 38
With people like Tretton and House leaving they have less well-known figureheads too which doesn't help...
For me i feel the reason the execs were so full on at the start of the gen is because they knew they needed to win back support lost following the early days of the ps3 life cycle. The opportunity to capitalise on microsoft's self destruction was also irresistable. But now, why do we need in your face execs when the exclusives are doing all the talking. No one can deny that the next year or two of playstation exclusive software looks very strong.
I think that everyone has been caught by surprise by the success of the switch too and so there will be thinking around how to manage that situation. I also think that once its PS5's time to shine there will be a lot more noise again.
I keep telling people that Sony needs their own Nintendo-esqe Direct feed to keep their presence up and about. For every bad conference, there could be good Sony Direct to keep the excitement strong. But that's not the case, and I feel a downfall coming for Sony when the next generation rolls out.
Maybe it's thrown into sharper relief at the moment as Xbox and Nintendo have more to shout about with fresher hardware? PS fans are kinda just waiting for this year's heavy hitters to arrive. Nothing doing in the meantime.
I guess it's been letting the software do the talking? I kind of agree, but then I've been a bit disengaged with my PS since I got a Switch at the end of last year so I'm not sure if it's just me.
Still I'm PS through and through, I just don't boot it up every single day now without fail.
But with Ni No Kuni coming up that's due to change.
I think I just want to start hearing about the PS5 now, to be completely honest. New hardware is exciting.
I dont care just keep the games coming. 😁
This is a case of complaining about absolutely nothing.
@Flaming_Kaiser Right on.
But what's the alternative? Just doing what Phil Spencer's doing where he just replies to anyone but doesn't deliver any actual meaningful results. Sony maybe realised that maybe gamers don't want to hear from executives. Granted it doesn't help when people Greg Miller who acted as a go between with Sony and the consumers threw that privilege away when he cancelled PS I Love You XOXO all because of a joke.
There's PlayStation Access of course but there's only so much those guys can do.
It's worth bearing in mind how much criticism has played a part in Sony's current public face. People didn't like them delaying their games, so they leave it till 3 months out from release but now people wants dates out quicker. People complained they had too many shows but now want more regular updates, God knows why it won't makes games come any quicker. Heck even the PS Blog is not what it used to be because the staff kept getting harassed by commenters just complained about everything, hence why there isn't much communication now. In simple terms they can't win regardless of what they do or won't do. And I honestly don't get this way of thinking that Sony has gotten "arrogant" and will suffer next gen. Why? Because they haven't done BC, a few people have left or they won't allow EA Access? Hardly system seller features are they.
They dont need to telegraph what theyre doing. You will gear from them very soon and when the time is right. Just worry about the games being made and they will decide whats best for the business huh
To be honest, while I understand what this article is saying (I think so,anyway- minimal communication between company and consumer), I personally don't mind having quiet times, as long as they keep good games coming and make their announcements count.
Guess they don't want to be seen as getting cocky again like they did PS3 era. It's one thing bringing the fighting talk when there's something at stake, but when you're running away with it, you can start to look smug.
When you look at the past everyone condenses it in their mind to a short period. Most of their spots were from game conferences. Shuhei was on PS I love you XOXO show a couple of times. But yes I am so ready for E3 2018!! I want to see and hear from Sony again. PlayStation is doing a big Push on exclusives now that PS4 is not the power leader. Its flexing the other arm showing its power in exclusive games. I feel its working better then being the most powerful console.
I'm not sure, maybe many people complained about games being announced so soon, even if it's not only Sony who did that recently.
I believe they are letting the games to do the talking, and that includes PSVR. I also hope they keep doing PSX, it's a great thing for PS fans
I guess Sony is just letting their game announcements and game releases do the talking during the time between all the big game conventions.
Fair point, I hadn't really noticed until reading this but I do agree.
Some good comments in here. I agree that the death of Podcast Beyond and PS I Love You has, in a weird way, taken the emphasis away from some of the suits. Also agree it's that time in the generation where there's not really much to say.
And to be clear, like I said in the article, I don't particularly think this is a massive deal; the console's getting really great software and there's lots to look forward to on the horizon. I just feel like everything's been quite muted for a while — even stuff that should be very exciting.
Sounds like you want a PlayStation Direct. I think the way they went about announcing Final Fantasy 7, Shenmue 3, and to some extent The Last of Us 2, so early is embarrassing for them now. They should have shown more moderation. Maybe they've swung the other way now, especially with several key departures.
I think the impressive sales of the PS4 has given Sony the freedom to keep low key.
I personally havent too impressed with the games, too many re-releases, many games are the same and those I've been interested in are delayed again and again.
Previous PS consoles were far more exciting.
I am not a fan of Sony's figureheads except for Yoshida so I dont miss them. They are giving us games and thats what we bought the console for.
After Iwata passed away we still get Directs but I feel the goofiness was dialed down significantly. It seems companies now know we want games to play.
@get2sammyb You didn't mention him, and it's been a really long time now, but I miss the fake VP of everything ads. He was an exciting mascot and made me feel like I wanted to be part of the PS community.
I know that's not what you're talking about, real people giving real answers, but it's seem quieter and less fun since those ads stop.
And really, be thankful you have all those games to look forward to that do the talking for themselves, back on your sister site we have ports and cardboard. You can have all the interaction you want, I'd like some new games please. Grass is always greener and all that.
Also, like several others, yourself included, have mentioned, they kind of have to be quiet, maybe are forcing themselves to even, b/c they are probably sitting on a bunch of PS5 news they want to talk anout, but they can't, b/c this is the year of the PS4 exclusives, do they don't want to take away from that. Next year too to an extent, but I think by then they'll be talking to everyone about the PS5. So enjoy NNK2, KH3, GOW, Spiderrman, Detroit and RDR2, next year enjoy the hype talk.
Clone Reggie. Twice. Then he can be the face of Nintendo, PlayStstion and Xbox. No such thing as too much Reggie.
Naw man, PS4 is done. Didn't you hear there's an indie game on the Switch that's sold 10x more preorders than on the PS4? Game over
I feel they haven't engaged with indies as much. They really went out of their way to take risks early on but now they have concentrated on larger games. I agree with the article that they need to keep that energy up.
Sony can give you so much at the time and so far they have done a hell of a job by pleasing the fan base with pretty awesome exclusives. They can keep quiet at the end of the day they will drop a few surprises when it comes to the big show E3. So far we all know what they have for us this year and there prepared to come out with a few surprises for 2019.
I'm not fussed, I just get all my news from the ragtag of lovable loons on here.
It's the calm before the storm. E3 is coming.
We're 4+ years into the generation with 75million+ PS4s sold. They don't have to talk to us, the gamers have already bought in. Now it's about the casuals.
@get2sammyb I think Sony itself doesn't know where the PS4 is heading yet. The end of year financials (fiscal) will be out at the end of the month & that's going to be very telling. They expect PS4 unit sales to drop, but they've already raised their fiscal year targets twice since.
All the markets seem to be up (US?), so I expect the PS4 will peak this year.
R&D for PS5 must be well on it's way, but if the PS4 keeps selling with little to no fanfare then Sony can stretch the generation, sit back and let their competitors make their moves first.
I couldn't care less.
As long as they keep making great games, keep releasing great consoles and provide a great service with fantastic sales, I see no reason to complain.
Everything else, at least to me, is meaningless.
Kind of damned if they do and damned if they don't...sony blow their own trumpet and people say they are getting big headed, sony don't say much and people say they are being too quiet I guess sony can't win(like with ps plus, no Matter what they do people aren't happy)...kind of makes you wonder if the god of war leak was intentional
I think maybe they're playing it somewhat safe at the moment in terms of communication, because they can. They're letting their games do the talking, a strategy that seems to be working very well for them. We've seen other companies suffer absolute PR disasters by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Sony is no doubt keen to avoid that trap and I can't really blame them from a business perspective. They're putting out some fantastic games and that of course is the most important thing right now.
Think of where we are in this generation. My guess would be that things are ramping up in the PS5 development cycle, and therefore they are otherwise engaged.
software does the talking for now & that is after all what gaming is about roll on God Of War
Sony has been too focused on monetization in recent years.
They need to do something cool for longtime fans of PlayStation.
They should have released a true Anniversary PlayStation which could have combined the slim PS2 hardware with the slim PS3 hardware in a nicer case.
More recently, they could opt to sell the PS2 emulator for PS4 or make it free with Plus.
I have 100+ PS2 games on disc that I'd like to replay with less jaggies (which were really out of control on the PS2).
Nintendo does a better job of communicating with it's fans and MS has done far more for long time fans with free BC.
@Flaming_Kaiser this. I agree. It’s nitpicking when the company’s investment in PlayStation as a platform and its exclusives are the ones doing the talking.
TBH, it doesnt really bother me, its not like they aren't talking and not releasing games, the games are doing all the talking and that is the most important.
Plus. now we're 4 years in, I would imagine the focus for those uptop in the company is the PS5 and lining up a potential schedule for that, when to break that news, when to release, what the specs / power will be and all that kind of thing.
It's prob a busy and excting time behind the scenes right now but alas we're not privvy to any of that.
Well, if the alternative is executives like Jim Ryan putting their foot in their mouth every couple weeks like he was doing for a bit last year, I'd prefer the silence.
Wow, great article and I have always thought that Sony doesn't "sell" their PS4 on advertisements nearly as well as Nintendo & Microsoft. Which sucks, cuz being American, all you hear on the stations anymore is Xbox this & Microsoft that. Sony needs to let its general core base fans know what their focus or goals are. And ANY news on a possible PS5 release!!
Don't worry thay will be out in force next year announcing the PS5.
The new (sensible) fashion for games marketing is not to announce your game unless it is guaranteed to come out in the next 12 months- preferably the next 6 months. Don’t think of it as Sony lacking now, think of all the lies and disappointments of PlayStation’s and XBox’s past E3 presentations. Was it just the amount of games Nintendo announced that was impressive in 2017- or the fact they all came out to the day they said they would? The rest of the games industry is just learning from this.
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