Detroit: Become Human’s box art, a close-up of android rebellion leader Marcus’s right eye, is probably one of the worst covers of the PlayStation 4 era. But box art is always better in Japan, right? Right? Wrong.
Look at this atrocity:

It looks like a straight-to-VHS 90s sci-fi thriller shot entirely on a Sony Handycam in someone’s backyard. Anyway, it seems like SIEJ is going all the way with Quantic Dream’s latest, offering a full dub and putting a fair bit of marketing clout behind it. We’re sure at least three Japanese people will buy it.
You can check out the Japanese trailer below:
That box art, though. Bloody hell!
Comments 53
It’s only a beard and a banjo away from classic status in my opinion
@GravyThief Touche.
Less would have been more in this case, just the logo and the skyline would have looked quite nice i think.
It’s... it’s beautiful
@get2sammyb haha now that’s awesome box art
Is it so difficult to use the face of 3 characters with Kara in the middle as a cover?
It works in Japan, I found they were still promoting VHS on my visit.
@eltomo It all makes sense now.
Don't judge a book by its cover seem appropriate
I actually much prefer the Japanese box art. It's better than half a face
What a typical Quantic Dream cover. It's a good job that what's on the disc is the main thing and the box just goes unseen on a shelf.
I'm surprised Kara wasn't on the cover for the western release since Detroit's story began with her to begin with.
Why couldn't they just make cover of Kara standing in the rain like an outcast among the people? That could have been interesting. I dunno, I feel like Heavy Rain's EU cover still holds the crown as the best box art of a Quantic Dream game.
It looks like an action anime cover was copied by whomever designed this. Dang, I thought we’d stopped with the bad boxart. I guess it can neve die completely.
USA box art look awful with only one is Markus's face
I really don't see where is the bad at this, especially for a hole new article!
It's a nice classic cover ( like from similar movies). Not perfect but not bad and definitely better than the western.
I actually think it's fine. I don't love it but it's miles better than the US box-art to me.
At least it's miles better than the NA cover.
Heavy rain europe cover is great, why this one is so bad? I think this is QD ploy so people will buy it digital
I don’t get why people care or get bent out of shape over a freaking cover for a videogame box. If you’re interested in a game the box art won’t matter at all. I just never got the fascination with box art especially since it will rarely be seen anyway so who cares.
They should have done a steel tin for it.
I actually don't mind that one
I kinda liked, to be honest, its better than the Western version.
don't mind it
@SoulsBourne128 I know Kara in the Rain would be slamdunk. Hoping for a surprise reversable cover. This one looks way better then the European one.
And this get's it own article because?
to be very honest it doesn't look that bad. this complaint sounds like something a other platform fanboy would bring up to give the game a score less than 5.
It's not a great box art,but it isn't something to yell fire about either.
This site gave metal gear survival a 8,and then you are gonna say this boxart is bad? (Jk On that part)
It's an improvement at least, and the shlockiness of it is a good fit for David Cage's movies.
Looks fine to me. But of course you need to exaggerate for clicks. You forgot to add "of all time".
It looks okay to me too! Amazing, nah. Not really something I'd notice on a shelf though.
@naruball that's not a nice way to state something. In my opinion, It doesn't look good! Learn how to use "i think".
I'd have gone with a picture of some pneumatic teenage anime girl and called it "ALL ANIME IS TRASH". This strategy would immediately engage and entice while getting that all important publicity due to the edgy name. This is literally the only way more than twelve of the Japanese are going to buy this.
If you're reading this, Sony: I thought of that idea and I am VERY litigious.
I'd say it sort of stands out against more typical Japanese box-art.
@ApostateMage that's true once you have it at home but in a shop the box art is supposed to grab the attention of shoppers so a dull, badly composed one like this could actually stop people buying it
Looks like a 10 mins photoshop job. 😂
It doesn't speak any character, true.. but what the blue heck is this a topic about?? And why? It doesn't look bad, it just doesn't express anything interesting.. but the topic is "..just as bad..." Can someone explain what exactly is "Bad" about it - and enough so to have an article to the topic? This feels like a petty complaint on an Xbox One fansite.. and others are jumping on this unclear/nonexistant bandwagon just to be topical with Push Square.
The guy on the right has derp eyes.
Eh, I’ll join the growing line of people who think it looks bland but not necessarily atrocious.
I mean, probably not a lot of people will agree, but I think nowadays pretty much all cover art is pretty bland, especially for AAA blockbusters. Have COD or Battlefield ever had an interesting cover? Nope. Destiny? God no. The Division, Watch_Dogs, even the Batman Arkham games? Noooooope.
I mean, even Bioshock 1&2 have orrendous cover-art. And I loooooove Bioshock.
One of the few good ones I’ve seen recently is the Shadow Of The Tomb Raider one, but even then I find it hard to find a cover really good-looking.
@clvr Yeah, I really like that Shadow of the Tomb Raider one too.
@get2sammyb wait, you’re agreeing with me?! 😛😆
Looks like I could do this with paint!
Can't say I'm ever particularly bothered by or about box art one way or the other. I used to look at it merely to find the game on the shelf when I used to pick them up in the shop, but now I order online so even that isn't really necessary. Once on the shelf, all I see is the spine, so the front could be blank for all I care.
It's the same reason I've never been bothered with different colour consoles or controllers... I spend so little time actually looking at it that it's largely irrelevant.
@clvr There’s always a first for everything! 🤣
at least we got kara on the cover thumbs up for me
@Retro88 ironic
Just get rid if the people! Its not hard. Just the cold lonely city! Bam.
I Like it?
Please explain how and why this is worse than a bearded dude and a ginger kid in a paddle boat? I honestly don't get it.
Yeah, I don’t care for this box art. I can see that QD is trying to focus on the characters, which are the main point of the whole game apparently, but still.
Favorite recent box art — Bloodborne (too bad I have the digital version only), Nier Automata, and the Yakuza Kiwami steelbook.
Box art is irrelevant these days unless your a collector. I could not even probably describe half the box art on PS4 games they just get stacked up so only ever see the side profile. Its not like the heyday of box art design in the 80's where a lot of thought went into them.
It looks 100% better then what we are getting. 🤔🤨
@adf86 Actually in the first mission u play as connor , kara's first misson is right after that
@usb usually the only box art that is cool to have is the steel case ones
@Destroyer42005 I wasn't really refering to the order of the missions, more that Detroit was based on a tech demo that starred Kara. But it felt like in the build-up to the game's release she was overlooked a lot more compared to Connor and Markus.
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