American games publication Game Informer has just announced the cover of its May issue, revealing that Spider-Man is the headline feature in the new mag.
Game Informer teases that they've played the game extensively, and know its release date, which could mean an official announcement on that front is just around the corner. The game featured on each cover usually has a lot of extra coverage online, and we expect no less for Spider-Man.
It's going to be great to finally have a little more to go on, as things have gone all too quiet surrounding Insomniac's latest. We'll be keeping an eye out for all the new information, which should include more on the gameplay, the combat, and other juicy details.
Are you excited to hear more about Spider-Man? When do you think we'll see the game release? Crawl into the comments below.
[source gameinformer.com]
Comments 39
God of War this month.
Detroit in May.
Spider-Man in June?
Pretty awesome Alex Ross cover.
@Cpt_Price What have we spoiled?
@RogerRoger Yeah, it's a great cover!
I was so busy getting excited for God Of War,Detroit and Dragon Quest XI id forgotten about this one...now I'm very very excited all over again!
Release date soon to be anounced.
I dont think spiderman will release till November,after rdr2 is released.
God of War appeared on the February cover and releases in April. Spider-Man on the May cover maybe releases in July? I really hope it comes out over the summer. I will hopefully have finished God of War and Detroit by then.
@Cpt_Price Don't watch them. You can't expect us to not cover a huge upcoming PS4 exclusive.
@Bluetrain7 I'm not sure, but many developers don't release games in July, it's a dry month for new games. But it could be released in August then.
So excited for this!
I'm very excited. I just hope this issue actually comes in the mail. I had to go to my local GameStop for their 300th issue because it never appeared in the mail.
Already watch the video 4 times, the web swinging looks fun, the graphics is beautiful, and the bgm is really good. It seems spiderman will be my most anticipated game again
@Cpt_Price I agree with @get2sammyb, it's their job. Besides, if there is a game I'm really looking forward to and know for sure I'm gonna get Day One or close to Day One, I go on a total media blackout until after launch. It's not that hard to do.
That gameplay is off the chains playa.oh yea cant wait.word up son
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Spideman! Spiderman.
@PS_Nation i agree with you.word up son
Man Dark Souls remastered news Spider man news,Tokyo Ghoul First episode released today can this day be anymore better.
And oh If anyone didn't see looks like we will get alternate costumes look at 0:24
@Cpt_Price In the end it's you who click on the article or trailer. Take responsibility man for your own actions.
@hulkie that would be dumb for them to release this after RDR 2 release first. RDR 2 gonna hurt Spider-Man sale
A Spiderman game where you can use stealth sounds right up my alley, I dont care if it is just the Batman Arkham series with Spiderman as the hero, I want it! I loved the Spiderman game on the N64 way back when and more recently Shattered Dimensions, with the Noir Spiderman being my favorite so stealthy Spiderman is exactly what I am looking for.
Well that got my senses tingling. Looks stunning
Woah spoilers. I didn't know Spider-Man was in this game.
Well this could be quite an interesting few months on PlayStation. Now how does one say it? Oh yeah...word up son.
Many people on the comments section of Game Informer are complaining that this game is exclusive, also are begging for a pc version, hahaha.
@PS_Nation Sony never release their exclusive games for PC Version. sorry for them.. PS4 is more cheap to buy one..
@PS_Nation Never learn do they. If they want it that bad they would buy a PS4.
@Cpt_Price If you think this is even remotely a possibility that parts of the games will be spoiled for you, I'd advise you to immediately cease and desist from clicking on any articles or thumbnails that refer to those titles. It's not impossible, and April 20 will be here before you know it.
@Cpt_Price Sorry but you can't expect Sammy and the rest of the staff here to not post anything about up coming games how do you expect this site to survive otherwise. If you are concenred about possible spoilers to a game you are waiting for then don't click on the article or video simple enough.
Now please stop derailing this thread on such nonsense.
@Cpt_Price That's why I've yet to watch a single Nino Kuni 2 video other than the initial trailer.
@Cpt_Price you can always not click on the articles and not view it. It’s not the sites job to protect you from “spoilers”. Their job is to cover all things PlayStation.
@porhawj2016 @adf86 Some beggars are saying that PS4 is too weak for this game, lol, these beggars are a joke.
For the time being I'm only looking forward to three more games for 2018. Spider-man, Dragon Quest XI, and Valkyria Chronicles 4.
@Cpt_Price I get you. I'm sorry if you've felt attacked by anyone on here. However, I've come to find PushSquare as one of the nicer video game news sites on the internet, as to me it seems we're all on here for our common enthusiasm for PlayStation and video games in general. PushSquare members seem much less vitriolic and fanboyish than on some other outlets I Got Names for. I imagine that if any unfounded attacks on any members occur on here, the mods / PushSquare crew would be on it right quick to set things straight.
That said, just over 2 weeks left until God of War, dude. Enjoy it to the fullest when it gets here
@Cpt_Price oh stop. You are not getting attacked. You are constructively being told how it is: if you are wary of spoilers you probably shouldn’t be clicking on the articles in the first place as well as the links within them. Being spoiler free is your responsibility and your responsibility alone. PS isn’t gonna change just to accommodate you.
@Cpt_Price. Seriously you need to stop, no one is picking on you because where you are from the reason If I can be honest is because you like to troll and bait others, I have seen many of your comments here and that's what they are. What do you think would happen when you tell a video game site to stop covering the hottest games because you can't take self responsibility for yourself and avoid spoilers if you are convinced that the articles and videos have them. Changing your listing from what country you are from is not going to change how people responded to. Drop the trolling attempts and negativity and you know people will responded to you better.
Now I see a few options for you.
1) You can cut this stuff out and be a productive member of these forums
2) If you are really dissatisfied with this forum because of how Sammy writes his articles and how the community treats you due to how you treat others no one is stopping you from leaving.
3) You can keep going with the constant trolling that you so seem to enjoy and probably get yourself banned really quickly.
It's up to you really and that's all I will say on this matter anymore. Now stop derailing the comment like I asked previously.
@PS_Nation If that's weak then SIGN ME THE HECK UP!!!
It’s not sonys job either. Their job is to market them game so they have to show new footage.
@PS_Nation who are beggar ??
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