God of War has a day one patch on PlayStation 4 ahead of its official launch tomorrow (20th April). Fortunately, the update isn't especially huge, weighing in at 593.5MB.
So, what does it do? Well, nothing too exciting, but it does appear to make a few important alterations. Here are the full patch notes:
- Enemy difficulty tuning
- Various bug fixes
- General economy balancing and tuning
- Showing speaker names in front of subtitles for additional context
Dare we ask if your copy of God of War has arrived a day early? How are your hype levels holding up? Grab your axe and storm into the comments section below.
Comments 57
Can't wait for tomorrow.
Already pre loaded. Counting down to midnight now. Got tomorrow off work as well. Screw the sun, I got a date with Kratos!
@Stoffinator i'll be playing in one hour (digitally!)
Ive been hoping for hours that it will arrive today but I'm starting to lose hope 😂
@Alfieburns word up son
@Stoffinator oh yeahhhhh.word up son
Still waiting for mine to ship out. Head are gonna roll if it's not on my doorstep tomorrow
If you pre-order the game digitally and pre-download it do you get to pre-download the patch too or do you have to wait until the first time you start the game for it to download?
Don't suppose I can pre-download the patch while I wait for my disc to come in the mail.
And I'm impressed with that small size, anything less than 1GB for a 45GB game shouldn't' even count. Still annoys me when I download 400mb games on PS3 I immediately need to download a 400mb udpate.
Picking up my copy at 9 o clock tonight, be playing at 10!!!!!!
I got mines this morning, a nice surprise!
@RedMageLanakyn Did you order it from Amazon? I'm on a 6 month free "Student" Prime and they haven't been doing too well of late making their dates. Not usually egregiously late, usually just a day, but I'm easily annoyed.
Haven't shipped it yet but it's pending on my credit card as of this morning. Yes I'm that insane I checked my credit card online to see if they'd billed it yet.
My CE shipped yesterday so I'm all ready for it to arrive tomorrow.
@rjejr I did, pre-ordered back in February. Haven't checked to see if they charged the card yet, i'm going to keep an eye out for it to ship here soon. Says arriving by 8pm tomorrow thoigh
@rjejr The pre-load includes the patch file.
Just had an email from Game to say my copy has been dispatched.Can.Not.Wait!
@get2sammyb Well they certainly have improved things since PS3 then. So when those people start it up the first time it will just start up as normal and say version 1.1 instead of 1.0? That's kinda cool actually. @sinalefa should be glad to hear it.
@RedMageLanakyn "Says arriving by 8pm tomorrow"
Yeah, the last few times my package arrived the day AFTER tomorrow I found that to be quite annoying. That only happens half the time though, I think I'm due an on time one. Hopefully in a box, one order had a sticker on the retail package, not even an envelope. Not a game, something else. My last order was in an envelope that had blown 15' from my stairs and got stuck under a bush, it's been quite windy here of late. I may just sit on the steps all day tomorrow.
Only received dispatch email from ShopTo this morning so was pleasantly shocked when my copy came with one o'clock post today. The few games I bother to preorder then I always use either shopto.net, base.com, or Smyths online as every time they've arrived a day early and the prices are almost always cheaper than Amazon UK, so can't recommend these vendors highly enough for preorders to anyone living in the UK! My first GoW and I'm beyond impressed with it so far 😀
Me tomorrow:
rings work 'Hello, boss? cough cough sorry, I can't come in today, I'm cough hack sick...
Roll on Friday...
Mine did, had a blast in the opening hour or so, combat is great not to far from the original games throwing the axe then going in with hands is brill.
I turned subtitles off always find them annoying.
Now to tackle the greatest challenge of all; remaining unspoiled for the rest of the day.
@get2sammyb i finally pre-loaded this game on Tuesday night. 45 gb with patches installed.. we has about 14 hours left to play that great to know they updated subtitles on this game. i enjoying read subtitle while listen to them talking in cutscenes on games i played
@Turismo4GT lol. same for college students too.. they might say i have stomachache and need to stay home today then they turn out to play this on that day after their parent left to work first. lol
Mine Is at home waiting for me to get home
i have fully pre loaded the game a few hours ago and the patch is included. have fun fellow spartan !
@porhawj2016 ha ha, true, just remember folks, tomorrow, 'appear offline' is your friend (and potentially your job's saviour)
@Enuo you can dooo eeeeettttt
@jdv95 Yeah, sammy told me a little while ago. So really for anybody buying this game digitally it's just part of the game. I'm pretty sure on PS3 you would have had to buy the game, download it, install it, try to start it up and then a screen would come on saying - "In order to play this game you must first download and install the newest update." then you would need to get out and do all of that before playing.
Kids today, they don't realize how good they have it.
@jdv95 i saw trophy list on god of war.. it look so easy to get platinum trophy. . i ignore story related trophies. i look at another trophies like collecticles, upgrades that's it
i has 10,480 trophies : 573 gold, 53 platinum, 2005 silver and 7849 bronze
I saw a patch of around 3.7 gb while dowloading the main game...
yep, arrived early. just waiting for it to install and the patch to download, then it's time to crack a few norse skulls..
Pre-ordered a digital copy and it's downloading now. Last game I was excited enough about to digitally pre-order was TW3, and that turned out pretty well, I'd say.
Mine arrived today, Shopto.net never fails. I've made myself a promise to finish Andromeda (80h+ already) before I'll start any other game so lend it to my mate. Sorry folks.
Yeah yeah, stability, subtitles blah blah
When's Battle Royale getting patched in?
Patch for the disc version is 1.2gb.
I got mine early played about 3 hours loving it so far
Mine is preloaded but gotta wait till midnight, only a little more than 9 hours away, unfortunetely i have to work 9 hours tomorrow 😢
@Enuo i know right, be extra careful in comment sections. Especially ign
Got mine delivered today. Everything is downloaded and I'm just about to start playing.
Good, yes. For some weird reason my downloads stop in rest mode (the setting is on Yes) so I only have 10% downloaded. I wont notice that patch.
You are right, those patches should be available to preload if they are ready. XCX should have had that.
Also, I hate to buy two separate funds cards for a game. Even Plus is $60 now, cards should be for $60, not $50.
@sinalefa "Also, I hate to buy two separate funds cards for a game. Even Plus is $60 now, cards should be for $60, not $50."
You know, I consider myself to be of average intelligence, but that never even occurred to me that for years games have been $60 but cards are $50. I've almost always bought games physically and anything digital I just put on my credit card. Or I get my kids $20 cards as gifts and they buy cheaper games. But yeah, $50 cards and $60 games doesn't add up.
Sorry about your download turning off, does defeat the whole "Download in sleep mode" option. Hopefully you can keep it on for the next 8 hours and be ready to play at midnight.
Enjoy your God of War playthroughs, everybody.
Got it and ps4 fan is taking off but gorgeous so far
Mine arrived today. I've been playing for 5 hours straight. It's really something special, and looks absolutely incredible in 4K
@Gamer619 Thanks for the info and the link.
Hey @get2sammyb 1.2GB and 6.2GB are greater than 593.5MB.
@rjejr Well, mine still hasn't shipped out. I'm gonna give it another hour and cancel it and go digital. This will be the third of fourth time Amazon has screwed up a preorder day one delivery, needless to say this will be the last time I do it.
@rjejr 1.10 specifically is 593.5MB. That's what my game downloaded.
@RedMageLanakyn Got a notification on my tablet at 7:07 PM from Amazon that it shipped. Which is about right for me, I'm in NY and most of my stuff ships out of NJ, not sure about this Amazons Local isn't as informative as FedEx or UPS. Hope yours ships soon.
@get2sammyb Was your game digital or disc? The article that other guy linked to said disc. Maybe they folded the 6.2GB into the digital game? Somebody should check the size of the game on disc on a machine without an Internet connection.
@rjejr I already canceled it, still hadn't shipped out as of 8PM EST. I'll have to start transitioning to Best Buy from now on I guess. It's already 90% downloaded on my PS4!
I'm really fed up with Amazon in terms of game preorders. They screwed up my Fallout 4 pip boy edition, wiiu breath of the wild, and Uncharted 4. There are very, very few games I get excited for enough to want to play day one, but the ones I get from Amazon always seem to get messed up.
@RedMageLanakyn Yeah, that's a lot of screw ups, I'd probably be done with them too by now. A few years ago, maybe a decade, I decided all companies suck and screw up so I was running out of companies to do business with as the world becomes more and more run by monopolies, looking forward to the future when all restaurants are Taco Bell, so I'd just better stick with the ones that make it right. And so far at least, even though Amazon screws up, they've been pretty good about making it right. I'm one of those people who will hound a company until I feel my slight has been paid for in full. Amazon hires some really nice women who always seem like giving me stuff, so I keep shopping there. But they haven't messed up that many day 1 orders for me.
A correction to my earlier post, shipping is UPS Ground, left Baltimore at 7PM, should still be ok by tomorrow. Sucks though, UPS always gets here around 5PM, Amazon Local usually about 11AM. Guess I better find stuff to keep myself busy all day. I think my car needs an oil change, that will kill a couple of hours.
Enjoy your download.
@rjejr I caught your demolition man reference btw
Did they not do anything about the frame rate? They need to at least have an option to cap at 30fps on 1080 mode on the pro.
I already got my copy yesterday, the game is like nothing else, great game, there were 2 batches of updates to the game, one is 2Gb and the second is 6 Gb.
@Gamer619 - yeah, mine began a 1.2Gb download for 1.10 as soon as i put the disc in and started the install. i didn't realise about the additional download as i started the game anyway, and wasn't until it i quit out after an hour or so that it was nearly finished with a 6.2gb patch that had been d/l-ing the background.
@get2sammyb - i presume the size of the patch(es) to download depends on which update you start from. the EU version of the disc that i have (which has about a dozen subtitle languages and English/Polish/Russian audio) required 1.2gb of patching to start the game (and another 6.2gb downloaded in the background). without the additional 6.2gb, there was no resolution/performance options for the PS4 pro.
Why does my file say 500mb and then as soon as it is over it turns into a 6.1gb file xD damn it let me play!!!
What was the update from today about? Version 1.13 made me download to stay online about an hour ago (or to keep using network features it said), but only says the generic various fixes & improvements in the update history.
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