Yesterday we saw Shadow of the Tomb Raider's pre-order options, box art, and screenshots ahead of the game's official unveiling, and today we also have the trailer, which has appeared early thanks to Microsoft.
You can watch said trailer through here, and it's a mood-setting CG piece. It looks pretty great from where we're sitting. It seems decidedly darker than the previous instalments, though that was somewhat expected. Square Enix is set to officially reveal Lara's latest adventure later today, so everything will be made clear soon enough.
What do you think of the trailer? Are you hyped for Shadow of the Tomb Raider? Hide among the shadows in the comments below.
Update: The official trailer is now live. Watch it below:
What do you think?
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[source microsoft.com, via dualshockers.com]
Comments 21
As I said earlier today: ''Is there anything about this game that hasn't leaked already?''
Apparently not.
I cant wait ! And i stand by my comment in the other Tomb Raider thread.
Trailer looks pretty awesome (minus the Xbox plug). Reminiscent of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The Aztec / Mayan human sacrifice thing is kinda freaky.
Awesome. One of my most anticipated games. Hope this time the story is a bit better. Other than that I absolutely love the the new TR games.
Can't wait i really loved the first two and I'm pretty sure this will be awesome as well. Only thing im not too crazy about her new look. Imo she's the hottest character in video games in the first two of the reboot , not too crazy about new look from what i saw
Will this be released on all platforms on launch day or will this be a timed exclusive again does anyone know??
@PeterParker I can confirm that Shadow of the Tomb Raider is not a timed exclusive.
It will release on PS4 and other platforms at the same time as XB1.
@ToddlerNaruto thanks dude
That way PlayStation only fans wont be still butthurt a year after release.
@ShadowWarrior im not interested in console wars dude but also it might be coz it'll sell better than the last installment being released on all platforms bro
I really enjoyed the open hubs style of gameplay in RotTR. Hopefully this will be similar but with a decent story and decent writing.
It looks like none of this is in game.
Is stealth going to play a larger role?
Will this be more Arkham style, where she can use a rope arrow to hang enemies?
@RogerRoger hahahahaha that's awesome.
CG trailers are nice and all, but I'm more curious of seeing some gameplay.
I'll buy it regardless, though. Love me some Tomb Raider.
@Neolit Then i want a complete edition day hmmm yeah do that i saw a seasonpass...
I think im spoiled with the firstparty complete games. 😁
@ShadowWarrior For me its no problem get the complete game on day one ill sign for that. 😁 😋
Definitely day 1 for me....
I haven't played 2 yet but is she really that Wolverine death machine by the end? Looked more like a trailer for COD than TR.
And why so dark? Like I can't see a bloody thing dark, not guts adn blood, that's fine. Looks like the Jurassic World Forbidden Kingdom trailer which I also couldn't see a bloody thing in and decided right then and there nto to see the movie. If I'm paying for a movie or game I want to be able to see it. It's ok if it's still a little light at night or in a cave, it's entertainment, we get it.
Looking forward to it, my most anticipated game of the year.
I loved the first game, but the second one was a real let down for me. The story felt like it was trying to be something wonderful, and was really rather boring and the action set pieces were all quite samey and very short. I also wasn't a massive idea of the big hub world idea, like a mini open world, it really ruined the pace of the game for me. I am still intrigued though, but I'll definitely wait for reviews for this one.
I'm a little worried about this being too similar to the past two games. The tone of the story is darker, but aside from that the equipment and actions are exactly the same... I wish they'd went for similar core with new equipments, purposes, and an overall sense of development of Lara's story. For example, they could have dropped the bow in the second game and went fully with dual pistols for Lara to feel more like Lara.
I don't know... But I hope this game is awesome, I really like Tomb Raider. =)
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