I’m rarely ready for a sequel immediately after finishing a game, but if Sony said God of War 2 was out next week I’d be right at the front of the queue. Without giving anything away, one of my favourite things about this game is how it feels complete and self-contained, while still very obviously being the first part of a larger whole. I want to know what happens next, but realistically it’s going to take at least three years for Santa Monica to crank out another instalment.
[Please note that the rest of this article will include some very small spoilers about the structure of God of War’s campaign. Story spoilers will be kept to a minimum, but this warning is in place just in case you’re still on a media blackout.]
It’s why I’m praying to Odin for some kind of expansion pack. These appear to be a part of Sony’s strategy of late: Bloodborne was significantly extended by The Old Hunters; Horizon: Zero Dawn received an entirely new landmass stuffed with quests and side-stories with The Frozen Wilds; Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End’s post-release expansion pack The Lost Legacy was so large that it evolved into its own standalone game.

So the precedent is there, and God of War has all the hooks to make it a reality. Those of you who’ve played a few hours of the game will know that the World Tree enables you to travel to different realms within Norse mythology, and a handful of these are blocked by an Odin enchantment. Could that spell be lifted alongside the purchase of an expansion pack perhaps? In my head, it makes far too much sense and simply has to happen.
I’m not asking for the world with this expansion pack by the way – I just want more. Open up those realms, repurpose all of the mechanics from the main game, and throw in a few new runic abilities and gear. That’s it. Perhaps a couple of fresh boss fights and enemy types and we’re really talking. It’s the kind of work that the bulk of the Santa Monica team could be cracking on with while the inevitable sequel goes into pre-production.
Of course it must continue the story. While I love the arc of the main campaign and feel it comes to a very fulfilling conclusion, there is a larger story at play here, and I just want a few more teases before I go into hibernation ahead of the next edition. All I ask is for a little bit more, both from the established cast of characters – and a couple, perhaps, that we’ve barely seen. Those of you who’ve finished the story may be able to infer who I mean.

E3 2018 will probably come a little too early for this; Santa Monica’s only recently wrapped production on the main game. But a Paris Games Week or PSX reveal ahead of an early 2019 release date? Why not? Many complain about DLC like it’s the devil incarnate, but I love the way Sony’s been doing it. Substantial, meaty expansion packs are always welcome – and when the core games are as good as God of War, it’s hard not to want that little bit more.
Would you buy a God of War expansion pack? Would you rather Sony Santa Monica just got to work on the sequel? Do you think Kratos and crew should be left alone for a little bit? Raise your axe in the comments section below.
Comments 19
I certainly wouldn't say no to an expansion, but in the meantime, I'd love a New Game Plus mode. It's definitely a game I'd be happy to play again if only for the outstanding boss fights.
Before I even got to the spoiler warning I was already thinking I shouldn't' be reading this, so I stopped reading there.
Not sure how my mind will change after I'm done w/ the game, but I've always assumed a game about a boy was due for DLC. Either the kid as a younger kid w/ his deceased mother - don't think that's a spoiler since before the game released - or older. Kratos doesn't need any more story DLC, it's his 7th game.
Things will probably change as the game goes on, but there is a rich lore here w/ some of the NPCs, so a stand alone DLC game seems simple enough. Either before, after or during, like Darksiders 2. I'm fully expecting one.
Let's just hope when they release it it's in 1 piece and not a daily drip of 42MB patches.
rather have a full fledge sequel specially after the secret ending scene unless it has nothing to do with that but I highly doubt that since the majority of the people who played the game is already itching for that part next.
Too true fam.
There's a perfect jumping off point for the expansion, in the first 3rd of the game Kratos and Atreus get separated with Kratos leaving his axe behind. When he comes back, the boy said he was gone a long time and that he somehow was able to deal with a lot of enemies despite been inexperienced. Seemed off to me at that moment.
Faye DLC
This article was written purely for the tag line.....love it!!! 🤣
Nah! I rarely disagree with you but this game (being as good as it is) seems so small when you think about the epic game that the sequel can be!
Also, the locked locations, they should stay locked until the sequel comes out cause really you can't let us stay another 30 hours in Midgard! We need the variety with a tiny bit of familiar places!
More game is always good.
@ShogunRok if they did do an expansion pack you don't have to buy it
It better does. I enjoyed a lot of God of War but I can see why most people (mostly fans who where on the #NotMyGodOfWar band wagon, and people who mostly just rather play a game that's leans more on gameplay) were a bit disappointed with it, most because half of the bosses largely consist of reskins (50% if anything). They aren't terrible reskins (the golems are a tad boring though) but I can see why everyone wanted to see more Kratos busting his fists on more gods than just 1-3.
I still think at least one of the realms we didn't get to visit offers the potential for a meaningful DLC. The 'secret' ending and the other ending with a few 'revelations' are not necessarily needed to explore in this game and better left for the sequel. I do think though that Kratos could have a meaningful story with additional side quests in a realm (or two) as long as its bigger than Alfheim - wouldn't need to be as big as Midgard. Another Lake, like the Lake of Nine with coves, mines and a couple of decent regions like Veithurgard and Konunsgard with a couple of mines would be sufficient to have a story, some exploration/puzzles and a few side quests - maybe involving the dwarves. Either that or two 'smaller' realms - still bigger than Alfheim and keep Asgard locked off until the sequel.
They could also have some new challenges in Muspelheim and a higher level version of Niflheim with new armour/enchantments to help deal with those.
I still can't see how (or why) people want a new game+. So much of the story is about getting gear to access realms that if you started with all that gear (without going into spoilers) would make a lot of missions redundant. You wouldn't nee to go to Thamur's Corpse or Alfheim. If they take the 'tools' away (inc those of Atreus) because they were 'story' based, then why not just start a new game?
I stop reading at the spoiler warning - but that said - I'll buy any expansion for this game.
I didn't read the article, I'm too early in and don't want to spoil anything...which is why I'm posting a comment. I've seen the World Serpent in trailers, and I've seen Kratos speaking to it...but the image on the home page shows something that I haven't seen before. Kratos presenting a severed head to the snake. Is this not a spoiler???
@lacerz I thought the same thing about the severed head.
So where's the article about patch 1.17? I just finished downloading, copying, and installing it. They are putting out patches so fast PS can't even keep up. 😫
If they do release some DLC, I just hope the wait for a GOTY/Complete Edition won't be too long.
This game should definitely have at least 2 DLCs and i don't buy DLC but I'd buy it for this title.
I would like dlc that includes fights proper fights with gods, thats my only dissapointment with the game, where are all the sweet boss battles? Ending was definitely dissapointing.
I feel the same was as @bamozzy, although I'm a big fan of New Game+ in general, I really don't think it'll work with GoW and the way it's designed.
Anyways, I clearly wouldn't mind a trip to Vanaheim and some more Caverns, Mines and maybe another lost City or even a remote Settlement to explore.
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