Sony insinuated recently that it intends to “concentrate” on first-party production moving forwards, strengthening its output of PlayStation exclusives. And it sounds like the first stages of those plans have been put into motion, as job listings suggest that it’s creating a new development team in partnership with its Visual Arts Service Group.
For those of you not clued in on the inner-structure of the Japanese giant’s first-party stable, the VASG division specialises in motion capture, and has collaborated with a variety of developers on PS4 titles, including the upcoming God of War. It sounds like this new development team will be stationed nearby, and has been tasked with work on an unannounced title.
Now here’s where things get really interesting: the job listing requires applicants to have a “penchant” for third-person action games. It also states that it will be working in “collaboration” with a “major Sony development studio”. Further digging on ResetEra reveals that one PlayStation employee in the San Diego area has been working with Naughty Dog on an unannounced game.
Which leaves us with one conclusion: there’s a new Uncharted in the pipeline. To be fair, the franchise is by far one of Sony’s biggest bread winners, and many had pondered how it would push forward with the property now that Naughty Dog’s washed its hands of it. Creating a new team near to the company’s flagship motion capture studio certainly makes logistical sense.
The job listing continues: “The new game development team will leverage our existing expertise and talent, guaranteeing a high visual bar for the title.” Interesting stuff, eh? Of course, we could be reading into things too heavily; this may just be a support studio designed to assist with titles like The Last of Us: Part II. But that’s not really what the job listing suggests at all.
The question is: do you want more Uncharted? Are you worried about the prospect of another development team taking the reins – even if it is assisted by Naughty Dog? Are we jumping to far too many conclusions? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source boards.greenhouse.io, via resetera.com]
Comments 62
I'm okay with more Uncharted but I'd also be more than happy for it to be left as is. I'm not sure how much further you can push it without it getting stale.
It makes sense for Sony seeing how popular the franchise is but I'd be scared of it being driven into the ground, especially without Naughty Dog at the helm.
@ShogunRok I think Lost Legacy showed that the universe is ripe for expansion without Drake. There's loads you can do with it: Sam, young Sully, more Chloe/Nadine... Maybe even a different type of game, with Elena on a journalism assignment.
However, if they are going to carry it on, they need this new studio to bring their own ideas to the series. I'm not overly keen on them putting together a team to do exactly the same things Naughty Dog have already done without adding their own spin on it.
I don't know how to feel about the possibility of more Uncharted, it seems like they've done most of what they can with that formula. Maybe a full length game based around the sandboxy levels from 4 and Lost Legacy? And what of the story? A prequel focused on Sully could be cool I suppose, maybe with a younger Nathan by his side.
After uncharted 4. I'll be honest, i was happy to let the franchise rest. How wrong i was. Lost legacy was among my highlights of 2017 and reinvigorated my interest in the series to a level i had not experienced since uncharted 2. So i am absolutely open to more if handled in the right way
Cool. I feel like Uncharted is one of those series I can return to every couple years, know what I am getting for the most part, and have a good time.
@LaNooch1978 Literally just said the same thing to @ShogunRok. I think you slap Sully in the 70s or 80s and you can create a game that has a completely different vibe to it, but is still fundamentally Uncharted.
I'd be really excited for something like that. It'd also allow them to explore Sully's character more, so it'd be additive to the existing saga.
@get2sammyb It's not necessarily the characters or the story that I'd be worried about, more to do with the gameplay. There's only so many times you can pack a game with Uncharted-style encounters and set pieces before it starts to feel tired.
Maybe another game wouldn't be quite enough to stretch the formula, though.
@ShogunRok That's fair, it's definitely reaching that point like God of War: Ascension where it's all been done before. That's why I think it'd be essential that a new team brings its own ideas and doesn't just try to recreate what Naughty Dog's done.
But I think The Lost Legacy showed that you can do it; that was a Greatest Hits in many ways, but it was so well designed that I agree with @Rob_230 that it kinda felt fresh.
Expand on the wide-linear concepts and I think you can come up with something cool.
So is this a new First Party Studio or will this be an existing studio branching off (ND?)?
Kind of confused, but this means more games, right? So yay!
I could never get tired of more Uncharted, but I won’t get my hopes up just yet.
I think Sony are going to let the series rest for a while.
@Fight_Teza_Fight It sounds like a new studio from the job listing. You'd assume they'll be given a name.
Loads of folk saying it but an uncharted with a young Sully would be amazing!! 4 is good and I love lost legacy but maybe some new games could recapture the supernatural moments in the earlier uncharted games!! Those moments in earlier uncharted games always gave me the same feeling as watching Indiana Jones movies!!
if they do a new Uncharted it should star the daughter and perhaps give her a brother too and have them grown up going on an adventure
more uncharted? f**k yes!
but i admit that i'm a bit worried that another studio would be the lead dev team.
i just hope that they don't get rid of what makes uncharted so great which is a engaging action packed single player first and foremost.
@R1spam I hate the supernatural stuff personally.
@get2sammyb All the better! Any studio that joins WWS has got a lot to live up to.
@get2sammyb Yes, we need see young Sully's story for new Uncharted games before he meet Nathan as kid in Uncharted 3
Cassie Drake. She could raid tombs and have Daddy issues.
They are really funny about franchises they want to continue arent they? Leave some hanging with obvious threads to follow buw continue one that definitively ends?
Alright Sony. If it makes you money.
Just dont make this a Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier.
@ApostateMage lol leave Drake's Family alone and focus on Sam, Nadine, Chloe and young Sully
Sony your teams are pushing gaming to be its best!!! love Sony first party studios.
I hope they bring back that sweet sweet multiplayer as well. But make it even more robust.
@get2sammyb I can totally see why, I just dig the cheesy 80s movie moments of it all!! Just my bad taste 🙈
@YummyHappyPills Not really. Uncharted 4 sold over 10 million copies; no Jak & Daxter game came close.
So its a New Syphon Filter game then.
As long as the game is great, I have no problem with it. Sony have to be carefull not to let uncharted series become stale, maybe make a new story with sally and sam, or chloe and nadine.
@get2sammyb I mean, dont have another studio pick up a series where Naughty Dog dropped it, and have it turn out like Lost Frontier.
As I said, dont have this be another Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier. A franchise Naughty Dog left behind, was handed to another studio and dear God what a mess.
a new uncharted starring casey drake
Yeeez, more exlusives please.
More Uncharted? Absolutely. To me Uncharted is a concept: 'the global treasure hunt', and even though we've had some really strong characters in the past, introducing new characters would be good (if not necessary). The gameplay would have to be re-invented as well to some extent, it has to feature something new.
@FullbringIchigo @MadAussieBloke GAATTDAMMITTT!! I haven't played Uncharted 4 yet!! Thanks for the spoilers...
Just kidding, I don't really care one way or the other. I'll still enjoy it when I get around to buying/playing it
@get2sammyb even though I didn't mind this, may be warn commenters to not spoil this/any older game for players that haven't played yet? Just a thought, but I guess, just like the movies 'well, if you haven't seen it at this point...'
@Turismo4GT It's a few years old now to be fair...
@get2sammyb Yeah I know, I was just having a bit of fun at my own expense. I'll get around to picking it up when I'm done with Uncharted 3 in the Nathan Drake Collection (yeah, I'm that far behind)
I would like a game with Cassie Drake, Nathan and Elena's daughter. That would be awesome.
If Sony were smart they would use this studio to bring back Syphon fillter
Interesting. Uncharted certainly has the potential to become a multi-character franchise rather than "The Nathan Drake Show", as Lost Legacy has proven, and on that front I'm all for more of it... it's my favourite series ever, and I've been gaming for a long time.
My concern isn't really 'an Uncharted without Drake?', but more 'an Uncharted without Naughty Dog?'. Fair enough, some people don't like the series, but if you're a fan, it's generally Naughty Dog's writing of story and character which appeal. I think it will be vital for a new studio to capture that, otherwise I can see the series popularity fall off a cliff.
I really want another Uncharted after LL. Chloe may be my favorite character in the series, even moreso than Drake who's just perfect. (Claudia Black has the best voice and attitude ever.)
I really don't like Nadine though. I'd prefer to see Chloe off on her own with Sam playing the role of Sully, make a few appearances and talk in her ear, he's a funny depressing guy, perfect foil for Chloe.
Though reading these comments Cassie is an obvious choice for a new game. The set up is so obvious too.
Phone rings, Cassie answers.
Chloe - Hello kid, is your dad there?
No Chloe he isn't.
hmm, well, I needed to borrow his (insert instrument name here) and was hoping he could bring it to me.
Sorry, him and mom are away on a trip, but I can bring it to you.
No kid, it's ok, no problem.
No really, I want to.
Well ok...
Hilarious high thrills adventure ensues.
I’m all for more Uncharted. I think Naughty Dog tested the water with The Lost Legacy without Nate and it turned out good. Excited.
I would like it more if they are working on a new ip.
@LaNooch1978 haha definitely agree with you word up son
@Areus 3 definitely.syphon filter is my favorite ps1 games ever.and my third favorite franchises overall.word up son
@3Above i think it could be syphon filter.word up son
That's the great thing about passionate creatives/devs/writers! They come up with new ideas that break the mould and excite us gamers all again. Eg. Drake's daughter gets kidnapped (by ex boss from previous games) and goes rebellious for a short while... Then seeing Elena having a breakdown taken away to mental hospital, whilst Sam goes on a mad revenge spree, whereas Sully and Nathan need to make tough choices to help rescue their daughter by going on tough missions for the captors... If emotionally produced like last of us/uncharted 4 I'd cry like a baby all again!
Uncharted: kart team racing!
@get2sammyb It's the same reason why I wasn't a fan of UC4's multiplayer mode. I preferred the ones in UC2 and UC3 better.
@bbq_boy No one said Neil Druckmann was directing!
Maybe we'll get a young Nathan Drake game to coincide with Tom Holland's Uncharted movie? Maybe, have Sully as a playable character during certain portions of the game.
I love Uncharted, but the series already had the perfect ending with Uncharted 4 (and Lost Legacy). Don't get me wrong, I would never complain if a new Uncharted is coming. A new IP would be really welcome.
A lot of support for a game featuring Cassie on here, but I'd prefer the series to go in a different direction and feature Drake, the Canadian rapper. We've not seen his backstory explored enough
I love Uncharted but while playing the Lost Legacy I found myself a little bored. I felt like I was just playing through the notions...
Could happily do with a 5+ year gap for the next one as franchise fatigue has kicked in a little for me.
We need a shared universe RPG game. Different developers can have a go at the franchise and one day they collaborate to make the ultimate game of the franchise, like the MCU!! I have just the right idea.
Yippee, Golden Abyss 2!!!
Still waiting for my Legend of Dragoon game Sony i know its not a 3rd person game but man did i love that game. 😁
But to stay on topic with Snake retired does that not mean we can use a new Syphon Filter game i loved the PS1 editions. 😃
More Uncharted is always a good thing if done right, same as The Lost Legacy.
Oh please , I don't need another uncharted. Made a new studio ? good, be a little crative and make a new IP.
I want another Uncharted with Nathan Drake. I really liked Uncharted 4 and thought it had the best Uncharted story easily, but I found it to be rather dissapointing with set pieces. I last one was pretty good, but that aside, it was waiting for a big set piece on the level of Uncharted 3 (which had some of the best of all time) that never came. As a result, it feels like a unsatisfying end to the series.
I would like a new IP. Going forward MS is going to start churning out new IPs since they want to create a Netflix like service with Game pass. Technology is constantly improving and the way we consume media and game continues to evolve, it is an unpredictable future. But one thing that can safe proof yourself from that is continue to expand upon your own IPs to form an empire, much like Disney
Well I certainly buy more Uncharted games so they have me there. But I'd like to hold out hope that Sony will bring back Infamous.
@get2sammyb give it a Romancing the Stone vibe and I'm all in.
It's guaranteed an 8 at least on this site...
They can just keep releasing these, one a year, forever, and I'll keep buying them.
I want an Uncharted with Sam and Sully as a team. I want another Uncharted with Chloe. I want an Uncharted starring the next generation of characters. I want an Uncharted set in the pirate days explored in A Thief's End. I want an Uncharted in space. I want an Uncharted set in the '80s with Sully as a Flock of Seagulls fan. Let there be no end to the milking of this franchise.
I think Uncharted is a stretch. I loved Uncharted but it's done. Maybe bring a spin off next gen some time but honestly I don't even care for that. Naughty Dog is ready to move on and grow as a developer. Last of Us is the perfect example of how well they can do with a new story and a new gameplay style.
Some people brought up some good points about young Sully, but honestly I'd way rather have a game about a young Joel. Show the story of him losing his mind after he lost his daughter, having to adapt to the changing world. There is so much story there. It could pick up right after he loses his daughter, show the things he did to survive that left his brother so haunted and the falling out he had with his brother when he went off with the Fire Flies, show him killing innocent people for supplies as was referenced when Eli asked him how he knew it was a trap when the bandit in the road tried waving them down for help, show the favor he did for Bill that made Bill owe him so big.. I want to play as young, crazed, merciless Joel doing way more effed up things than he did in the first game haha!
I'm extremely happy that Sony is opening another 1st party studio.
However I don't think there should be another Uncharted game. Uncharted 4 was undoubtedly the perfect swan song for the series, and follow up (especially one done by a studio that's not Naughty Dog) will inevitably be disappointing. Getting them to make another Uncharted game is a lot for a brand new studio, if it's a brand new IP there will be far less pressure on them.
Honestly the Uncharted series is the BEST.
Its a quality game with quality actors. The Lost Legacy felt lost...I can even play it again. Where as with all of the Uncharted's I can play them over and over. They should have little sub-stories where they could entertain different group ideas but they should always revolve around Nate. This game is fun, innovative, creative, the reason why most play video games...to have fun, a break from the real world.
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