A photograph of a keyring has outed Ubisoft's next Assassin's Creed entry. Picked up by Jeux-Video, the next game in the series will be named Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
Judging by the trinket in the picture, it looks as though we'll be heading to ancient Rome or Greece in the next adventure. This lines up with how Assassin's Creed Origins concludes, so it seems that Odyssey will be a direct sequel to the well-received Egyptian entry.
We don't know any more than that at present, but this will almost certainly feature heavily at Ubisoft's E3 2018 press conference. You can find out when it's taking place by clicking here.
What do you think about Assassin's Creed Odyssey? Guide your arrow down to the comments below.
[source jeuxvideo-live.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 40
AC:O brought me back to the series. Even the DLC was great. Hope this is just as good.
If it’s anything like Super Mario Odyssey then I’m in
Oh Ubisoft you almost made it without leaks! Still have to get Origins waiting for the Gold edition to be on sale
OH I really hope they haven't returned to pumping these out once a year again, Origins was fantastic, because they took their time with it, and im really looking forward to the next one, but one every couple years would be perfect, not rushed out every year
The ultimate goal will be assassinating the evil mayor Pauline in New Donk City.
meh Origins was boring as sin but IF it's ancient Rome i might be persuaded to Jump back into the series
as long as they get rid of that INCREDIBLY dull Modern Day character (so dull i can't even remember her name)
You run around throwing your assassin hood on everything. 😂
Hopefully Aya will take the lead this time. I like Bayek but his part of this story seems mostly complete. There's still some story threads for Aya.
@Simon_Fitzgerald So you want 40 hours of repetitive busy work stretched out over huge areas with little to no cohesion or plot?
Sounds like the original AC now I word it like that
@Simon_Fitzgerald i lolled
Mario Oddysey was really good though, IMO. Just what I needed at just the right time.
I was really hoping they would just keep supporting AC:O instead of rushing out another game. There is less money in that tho...
I would have been all over another AC:O expansion.
My brother (who is a big AC fan) reckons that Origins is part of a new trilogy which started in Egypt then we head to Greece with the story concluding in ancient Rome.
@RogerRoger I reckon they'll announce it at E3 but it won't be out till late 2019.
i realy though that they would stick to their 1 game every 2 years thing.
alternating between ac and watch dogs.
i also don't think that ubisoft would announce a new ac more than a year before it releases seeing that there is already merchandise flowing around so early.
That's an Ancient Greek helmet there, or Spartan. Also, Odyssey...Odysseus maybe?
it would be typical for ubisoft tbh.
i would not be suprised if the idea was to only release origins a year later after the average reception of both unity and syndicate.
let's say that it was more of a way to attract older fans again after they have left.
@FullbringIchigo I wish they would have abandoned the animus sections all together as it’s gotten it the ways for years now and solely focused on the past.
You don’t need the animus to tell these stories.
@OmegaStriver true, they should drop them and then once the series is ending have one completely set in the modern day
@OmegaStriver i used to defend the modern day parts but as time went on i must admit that it is going nowhere.
and i can't be bothered to buy the comics to catch up with the MD parts that should have been put in the games to begin with.
Im playing origins now. Really enjoying it so far. And i vowed not to buy this one before release as i thought i was done with AC so a very pleasant surprise
@stueyd67 Well, Spartans were Greeks, so..
I keep hoping they’ll do one in 1860s New York with the gangs in the five points. Ideally bill the butcher will be involved....
@LaNooch1978 Hahahaha as a Greek myself I can confirm that all ancient Spartans had a scottish accent. They also shaved their chests and when anyone asked them about their profession, they would just scream Ahoo-Ahoo (they might still do this, I'm not really sure)
I love how many "leaks" there are just before E3!
It takes place in Greece, Supposedly they are introducing dialogue trees, it’s a direct sequel to origins but it won’t star Bayek or aya and you’ll choose between male or female character
Would be awesome if it was set around the time of Alexander and you got to meet people like Aristotle...but that would be before origins
@FullbringIchigo Yup.
@jdv95 Yup. To me, it only hurts the series now. Origins would have been a great reboot and way to abandon old plot lines.
I remember when there were rumors floating around that they wanted to make a trilogy of this one in egypt second in Greece I can't remember the third one I seriosly thought people were not serious 2 years later and here we are.
I hope ubisoft cut the future story line, just let me play as an assassin, not a guy in a vr device.
@Hapuc I think they had said that the third would take place in Rome
What if this one takes place in Ancient Greece, but he finds out the target he was supposed to take out found out about him and ran. And then in the third one, he finally corners his target - in Midgard.
Back to yearly! They just can't stay away from that assassin's money lol.
As AC:Origins was one of, if not the best AC game, I will certainly be very keen to buy the next instalment.
I wonder if they will release this year or the next, because Ubisoft said recently that Assassin’s Creed will not be an annual release anymore.
Origins is great and I will play the sequels without a doubt.
If it truly is a direct sequel to Origins, then colored me very intrigued and hyped.
Nice so the rumour on Reddit of the greek location was true. let's hope that the rumours of the brotherhood system and renovation system are true also
Greece? Bahh...they play it too safe!
makes sense
@Splat Technically they are supporting AC:O. It is called Assassin's Creed Odyssey
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