It’s been a year since Beyond Good & Evil 2 was announced, and here are some Ubisoft employees talking about it in thick French accents. This is all still very much work in progress stuff, and frankly it doesn’t look like it’s come that far since E3 2017, but that’s to be expected from a title that will never come out. Okay, we’re just kidding, but some scepticism is advised for this release.

The video shows off some combat and space ship navigation, as well as various bits of motion capture work. The developers seem to suggest that the general game design is finished and that a clear plan is in place, so we guess it just needs to go into full production now. Seeing as we’re still waiting for Michel Ancel’s WiLD, it’ll probably be a good five years or so before this is anywhere close to being ready.
Comments 21
That's fine. It looks nothing like the original. Might as well be a new I.P.
Isn't this going time open world with probably some form of loot box added In and it now made a games for service
PS5 game.
I've virtually given up on Wild now, wouldn't be surprised if Sony dropped it.
January 2019 guaranteed. It will also meet all fans expectations, wont be a game as a service and be the perfect spiritual successor to the original. They've even hired David Cameron to play the main pig characters antagonist. Which will fly.
Honestly I think a Wild announcement is my most anticipated thing about e3 this year. It kind of just dropped off the map even though they say they are still working on it.
@adf86 Neve give up hope! If the last guardian can come out say can Wild lol
"but that’s to be expected from a title that will never come out."
Considering I'm still waiting from the first time BG&E2 leaked 8 years ago when development started in 2008 I concur.
Here's comments from an interview w/ Ancel in 2013 saying basically the same stuff they are now.
Not interested right now. That swearing monkey put me right off. Tonally this is so far removed from the first game that i am not interested at all.
I am open to being won over as i lov0ed the original
@Rob_230 Yeah, I’ve been out off from just reading about it. I don’t think we need more mature takes on stuff. There enough M rated games already.
Also, does anyone else think the main character just looks ugly? I’m assuming that’s who they show you playing in the video. I don’t need to play as supermodels, but she just doesn’t make me want to play as her....
Meh, the trailer looked good, but the gameplay itself seems to be a standard open world Ubisoft game with multiplayer and jetpacks. We'll see in about five years how this turns out.
@ShogunRok PS Never game. There, fixed that for ya. This'll be one of them long-rumored games MS bought up as exclusive to Xbox/PC
I hated the reveal. I was expecting it to be different, given how much time has passed since the original, but tonally it was so far removed from what Beyond Good and Evil was it may as well be a completely different franchise. The overall gameplay premise doesn't pique my interest either.
They said in the stream more will be shown at E3.
@rjejr It's an old version of a game that is cancelled. The development of the current BG&E2 only started not too long ago.
The first game is one of my favorite games ever, so glad that they're making a sequel. Would be great to see more details of Wild as well.
@TimeforTravel "It's an old version of a game"
I know it's an old version of the game, nto the current one, but that just proves my point even more. They already were working on a game called BG&E2, worked on it for years, talked abut it, never released it. Now the same people are talking about about a game with the same name, so ... fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
Ps5 launch title.
@zimbogamer final fantasy 15 would be a much better example as that game took awhole generation in a half to come out
I'm thinking this might get released in about 10 years...
Glad to know they're making progress, but I feel like they jumped the gun in the first place announcing the project when they did.
I honestly think they should have waited a few more years until they had at least a stable alpha or beta build going for the game.
@Octane "We'll see in about five years how this turns out."
2 more years and your prediction may be spot on!👍
If BG&E2 ever does release I think that will leave us only w/ Knack 3 jokes, everything else since 2017 released.
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