Yep, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will have a battle royale mode, because... Well, because of course it will. Announced during the game's big reveal event earlier today, the mode will drop you into a huge map with loads of other players, and you'll be tasked with being the last one standing.
Interestingly, developer Treyarch confirmed that the mode -- named Blackout -- will feature vehicles. On land, in the sea, and in the air. There's no direct footage of Blackout yet, but we're sure that you can pretty much imagine what it's going to be like. We'll no doubt see the mode in action very soon -- probably during E3 next month.

Does this news surprise you at all? Survive in the comments section below.
Comments 17
Interested to see how loadouts and gear will be handled, and if people with a 0.6 K/D ratio like me have a chance of getting anywhere near the top 10, LMAO.
And it replaced singleplayer... No buy... I’m just done right now
COD needs a failure of a game in sales to get back what it once was. A respectable game series that wasn’t just meme fodder.
Battle Royale can be fun for the really good players but for me its a waste. Im not going to be NO1 so its a pity i have to lose a full Experience like the campaign for it. 😔
battle royale urgh.
it ruins games.
it's a trend that needs to go away. i am realy woried for RDR2 because that game also will have such a mode... as if the focus on online was not bad enough already.
no thank on this game.. do not waste 60 bucks on this period
Dude don't try to fight Fortnite you can't win!
I honestly think it’ll work pretty well. I’ve enjoyed all treyarch multiplayer games and think they have an amazing amount of polish out the box. For me they feedback and control is some of the best. I guess my only bias is a fair pretty well in all their games wether it’s k/d spm or win loss ratio. I also have a good team to play with. So for me reAlly looking forward to trying this out.
Let's hope the new Battlefield game doesn't jump on the Battle Royale bandwagon.
"This is something totally new."
Battle royal need some kind of skill matchmaking more than any other mode, it can be so off putting if you can't get anywhere near the end. I've been lucky with fortnite played closed beta before it was out managed to get a lot of hours in of practise so I think I'm a decent player at fortnite but for my friends they put it straight down because players are so good now.
Everything has battle royale mode now. We can expect battle royale soon in Final Fantasy XV, Sonic, Resident Evil, Fifa, etc.
@Jaz007 People don't realize it, but Infinity Ward at least gave their last Call of Duty a terrific single player campaign. It's a shame it was so underappreciated. It's one of the best.
People talk about being bored of BR and that its everywhere but how many BR type games do we have on console? pubg and fortnite(and only fortnite on ps4)I really can't wait to give blackout a try, a BR game mode from treyarch could be something really great
Gotta try and steal some of Fortnite's thunder.
@Giygas_95 agreed, Infinite Warfare was really good! Plenty of sidequests too. Best CoD since the first Black Ops.
People are so darn negative!
I'm thinking: "This could be fun! Let's see what they have to offer!"
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