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E3's creeping closer and closer, and we're starting to feel the hype. The industry's biggest show is pretty much the busiest time of the year for us here at Push Square Towers, and that's partly because we're never quite sure what to expect.

We do, however, know what we'd like to see from Sony and the other publishers at this year's event, so we've put together a list of 15 games -- both officially announced and rumoured -- that we want to show up at E3 2018.

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The Last of Us: Part II

Where we'll see it: Sony's press conference
Status: Officially announced, in development
Probability of it being at E3 2018: Confirmed

Neil Druckmann confirmed at PSX 2017 late last year that we’ll get our first glimpse at The Last of Us: Part II’s gameplay during Sony’s E3 2018 press conference – in fact, some privileged peeps have already seen the demo behind-the-scenes. In the wake of God of War, Naughty Dog needs to prove that it can significantly elevate this hotly anticipated sequel’s moment-to-moment interactions, without sacrificing narrative development. We want to see whether the title will adopt Uncharted 4’s wide-linear format, and we’re also eager to learn more about the sequel’s story, which the studio’s been very vague about up until now.



Where we'll see it: Sony's press conference
Status: Officially announced, has a release date
Probability of it being at E3 2018: Nailed on

There are some things in life you can always count on: death, taxes, and Spider-Man at Sony's E3 press conference. Spidey has cropped up at the last two, and with an early September release date, the timing is perfect for one more look at Insomniac's PS4 exclusive. Though we already know enough about the game to be excited, this year's showing could be more or less anything. All Sony needs to do is unveil a new gameplay demo showing off new moves or features, or a story trailer that teases other villains, and the hype will be palpable, especially in the wake of Avengers: Infinity War.

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Devil May Cry 5

Where we'll see it: Sony or Microsoft's press conference
Status: Heavily rumoured to be in development
Probability of it being at E3 2018: We can dream (and it's possible)

Rumours of Devil May Cry 5 being in the works over at Capcom have been doing the rounds for what feels like an eternity. Last year, there was a lot of speculation over whether it would finally show up at Sony's Paris Games Week press conference, PSX 2017, or The Game Awards -- but it obviously never emerged. Still, the time feels right for a fresh take on Devil May Cry, especially now that God of War has made the jump from combo-based action title to full-on action adventure.

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Ghost of Tsushima

Where we'll see it: Sony's press conference
Status: Officially announced, in development
Probability of it being at E3 2018: Likely

Announced at Sony's Paris Games Week press conference last year, Sucker Punch's take on feudal Japan immediately had our attention, but we've seen nothing of the PS4 exclusive since. E3 2018 seems like the perfect time for another look, then, and while we have to imagine that the finished product is still a ways off, we'd love to at least see the game in action. As with all of Sony's major exclusives, there are high expectations surrounding Ghost of Tsushima, and we'd like to watch it shine on the biggest stage of all.

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Splinter Cell

Where we’ll see it: Probably Ubisoft's press conference
Status: Rumoured to be in development
Probability of it being at E3 2018: Ubisoft's always got something up its sleeve

Splinter Cell’s Sam Fisher has spent the bulk of his career in Solid Snake’s shadow, but with Konami on fire and Metal Gear up in flames along with it, there’s finally a hole for the gruff, night-vision goggled spy to occupy. Ubisoft hasn’t said anything specifically about this series, but Michael Ironside’s cameo in Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands has understandably raised speculation, and it’s been five years since the excellent Blacklist, so there’s definitely demand for this franchise’s return.

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Where we'll see it: Sony's press conference
Status: Officially announced, in development, supposedly launching this year
Probability of being at E3: Likely

It feels like we've simultaneously seen a lot of Media Molecule's next Play, Create, Share project, and hardly any at all. Though it did show up at last year's PlayStation Experience, Dreams has historically been elusive at previous press conferences, but it feels like the time's about right for some new information. The best way to show people what this game can do is to let them try it, so we'd love to see the promised beta finally detailed, and a release date wouldn't go amiss, either.

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Kingdom Hearts III

Where we’ll see it: Probably Sony's press conference
Status: Officially announced, supposedly launching this year
Probability of it being at E3 2018: If it is launching in 2018, it surely has to be there

Announced all the way back at E3 2013, Tetsuya Nomura is taking his sweet time with Kingdom Hearts 3. Some things never change, do they? With the game apparently on track for a 2018 release and a huge following in the United States, the crossover looks likely for Sony’s press conference. This will all depend on how development is progressing, however; after several years of delays, don’t rule out more heartbreak.

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Watch Dogs 3

Where we'll see it: Ubisoft's press conference
Status: Not officially announced, but seems like an eventual inevitability
Probability of it being at E3 2018: Ubisoft loves its open world sequels

Watch Dogs has gone from being the top dog in Ubisoft’s publishing portfolio to underdog, but sequel Watch Dogs 2 was a huge improvement on the original, and it’s hard to imagine the French firm shelving this series ahead of a third instalment. The previous game ended with a Brixton tease, hinting that we may be hacking the UK this time. While the title’s technically unannounced, it’s been two years since Marcus Holloway’s romp and a reveal seems likely.



Where we'll see it: EA's press conference thing that it does
Status: Officially announced, in development, supposedly launching in 2019
Probability of it being at E3 2018: Confirmed

EA has already stated that we'll see more of ANTHEM at the publisher's totally-not-E3 press conference, so now it's just a case of hoping that it actually looks good. Revealed during last year's show, this is the project that the vast majority of BioWare is now working on. The Canadian developer is in a seemingly rough spot and has been for quite a while, so the showing has to be on point. Let's just say that no one's going to be especially pleased with concept art this time around.

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Where we'll see it: Bethesda's press conference
Status: Rumoured, seems like an inevitable sequel
Probability of it being at E3 2018: Just a hunch

We've just got a feeling about this one. DOOM released almost two years ago to high acclaim, thanks to its breathless pacing, hard-hitting action, and a mix of modern and old school sensibilities. With such a strong reboot of id Software's classic series, Bethesda can hardly ignore it, and we can definitely see a sequel announcement at the publisher's press conference. Again, there's no concrete evidence of this, but the timing for a DOOM 2 feels spot on. We'll have to wait and see, of course, but just remember that, if it happens, we called it.

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Death Stranding

Where we'll see it: Sony's press conference
Status: Officially announced, in development
Probability of it being at E3 2018: It'll be there if Sony wants it to be

It’s been two years since Hideo Kojima gleefully broke free from Konami’s incarceration and strutted down a Victoria’s Secret-esque checkerboard catwalk on Sony’s E3 2016 stage. Since then we’ve seen more of the imaginative Death Stranding than many expected, with last year’s obligatory Game Awards trailer even including a few glimpses of gameplay. But is Kojima Productions ready to reveal more? While we’re expecting the platform holder to hold this back for one of its other pressers, stranger things have happened.

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Where we'll see it: Bethesda's press conference
Status: Heavily rumoured to be in development
Probability of it being at E3 2018: If it ain't time for The Elder Scrolls VI, it has to be Starfield

Look, no one really knows what Starfield is or whether it even properly exists, but Bethesda Game Studios has to have been working on something big for the past few years. The developer has repeatedly said that The Elder Scrolls VI is not in development, and while we do find that a little hard to believe, Starfield -- supposedly a sci-fi RPG -- is starting to seem like the logical next step for the studio. A big reveal at its own press conference is a no-brainer.

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Bloodborne 2, or whatever it is that From Software is working on

Where we'll see it: Depends on what it actually is, although Sony's press conference still seems most likely
Status: Teased but not fully announced, in development
Probability of it being at E3 2018: Why tease it if you're not going to show it?

Is From Software working on Bloodborne 2? We just don't know, and our lack of knowledge is killing us. There was a short, bloody teaser for the studio's next project shown at The Game Awards last year, and after a ridiculous amount of internet speculation, we're still none the wiser. All that's left is for the game to actually be revealed, and E3 2018 is probably the place to do it. Whatever it is, we want to get a good eyeful.

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Cyberpunk 2077

Where we'll see it: Probably Microsoft's press conference, given history with CD Projekt Red
Status: Officially announced, in development
Probability of it being at E3 2018: All but confirmed

We know CD Projekt Red is bringing an RPG to E3 2018, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the RPG in question is all but guaranteed to be Cyberpunk 2077. Following on from the huge success of The Witcher 3, all eyes will be on the Polish developer as it likely reveals what the game is all about. Put simply, we can't wait to see what the studio has in store, and there's every chance that it'll go on to steal the show.

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Crash Team Racing Remake

Where we'll see it: Probably Sony's press conference
Status: Rumoured to be in development
Probability of it being at E3 2018: We can dream

Vicarious Visions has to be working on something, right? A remake of Crash Team Racing has been hinted at in the past, and it just makes total sense. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy was a big success story for Activision, and the publisher has since stated we'd be seeing more of him in one way or another. While Toys for Bob beavers away at Spyro: Reignited Trilogy, we can definitely imagine a trailer for CTR doing the rounds at E3. We'd love to see this announced, and we very much doubt we're alone in that.

And there you have it: 15 games that we'd absolutely love to see put in an appearance at E3 2018. Are you feeling the hype yet? Let us know what you'd like to see by voting in our poll, and then feed us your hopes and dreams in the comments section below.

Words: Sammy Barker, Robert Ramsey, Stephen Tailby

What game do you want to see most at E3 2018? (203 votes)

  1. ANTHEM%
  2. Bloodborne 2 (or whatever it is)%
  3. Crash Team Racing Remake%
  4. Cyberpunk 2077%
  5. Death Stranding%
  6. Devil May Cry 5%
  7. DOOM 2%
  8. Dreams%
  9. Ghost of Tsushima%
  10. Kingdom Hearts III%
  11. Spider-Man  1%
  12. Splinter Cell%
  13. Starfield%
  14. The Last of Us: Part II%
  15. Watch Dogs 3  0.5%
  16. Other%

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