Sony finds itself in an awkward spot: the PlayStation 4 is on fire and there are several exclusives lingering tantalisingly on the horizon that we’re all dying to learn more about. The problem is that the likes of Spider-Man, Death Stranding, and The Last of Us: Part II are all known quantities at this stage, and while we’re desperate to learn more about all of them, E3 2018 threatens to be Groundhog Day. Last year’s showcase – a decent press conference in isolation – was let down by the lack of any meaningful first-party surprises, and next month’s briefing threatens to be the same. But with Worldwide Studios pretty much entirely accounted for, could the company even have any new exclusives up its sleeve?

In this article, we’re going to consider a handful of Sony published titles that could make the cut at E3 2018 next month. This is all based on rumours, speculation, and a hearty helping of educated guesswork. We’ve tried to keep this article grounded; Guerrilla Games probably has started work on a sequel to Horizon: Zero Dawn, but it’s far too early for it to be revealed yet. As such, we’re focusing on titles that genuinely could be announced in Los Angeles next month. Let’s get into it.

Manchester Studio – New PSVR Game
Let’s begin with the newest team in Sony’s stable, Manchester Studio. Originally named North West Studio, this English ensemble was assembled a few years ago with the goal of creating something original for PlayStation VR. With the headset in need of a new round of exciting exclusives and the first stories about the developer circulating all the way back in 2015, it seems likely that E3 2018 will mark this outfit’s coming out party.

New San Diego Studio – Uncharted
The rumour mill went into overdrive recently regarding a job listing for a new Sony studio, which will be part of the company’s Visual Arts Service Group. The close proximity to the platform holder’s VASG division – which specialises in motion capture – plus confirmation that the new team will be collaborating with a “major Sony development studio” believed to be Naughty Dog suggests that this recently established group will be taking the reins of the Uncharted franchise. It’s probably too early to hear anything just yet, but the project apparently has a “clear vision and plan to release”. Assuming that the Japanese giant really is planning to continue the Uncharted series, it may want to get the news out there as soon as possible, detailing the direction it intends to take.

Impulse Gear – Farpoint 2
Similarly to the situation with Manchester Studio, Sony finds itself in a position where it needs to restock PlayStation VR’s catalogue and commit to the headset’s future. Farpoint is one of the better first-party exclusives that’s released for the accessory since launch, and developer Impulse Gear has all of the building blocks and knowledge to create a killer sequel. The team has been hiring and played a key role in the creation of the PlayStation VR Aim Controller, so while this rumour is more based on educated guesswork than the previous two, we wouldn’t be surprised to see Farpoint 2 appear at E3 2018.

Japan Studio – RaySpace
No one quite knows what RaySpace is, but Sony filed a trademark for it earlier in the year. There are all kinds of theories about this game; it could be connected to an old Taito franchise of a similar name or it could be some kind of PlayStation VR release. One recurring suggestion is that it may be a role-playing game from Japan Studio, but that sounds more like wishful thinking than reality from where we’re sitting. Either way, we assume we’ll find out exactly what this is at E3 2018.

From Software – Bloodborne 2
There’s a new game in development at From Software, and some believe it’s going to be Bloodborne 2. To be fair, the teaser trailer that debuted at The Game Awards last year certainly gave that impression, so if it’s not that we can foresee some disappointed faces. Assuming that a sequel to one of the PS4’s beloved games is in production, then it’s almost certain that Japan Studio will be collaborating on it, and it’ll be exclusive to Sony’s system. It’s definitely a possibility, but there are still question marks surrounding this one that need to be answered before we can get too excited about it.

Bluepoint – Demon’s Souls Remake
Sticking with the Soulsborne theme, Bluepoint has already started work on another major remake following its excellent work on Shadow of the Colossus. This new project is apparently bigger in scope than the aforementioned, and many believe it to be related to Demon’s Souls. There are a few reasons for this: the Texas studio has a longstanding relationship with Sony; the Demon’s Souls intellectual property is owned and maintained by the platform holder; the servers for the PlayStation 3 version were shut down earlier this year, and most pertinently; PlayStation famously decided not to publish the game in the West – despite it going on to become a cult hit. It’s a move that the likes of Shuhei Yoshida have said the organisation regrets, so what better way to put things right?

Gen Design – New Fumito Ueda Project
With The Last Guardian finally done and dusted, Fumito Ueda’s free to work on something new. A few pieces of artwork have graced Gen Design’s website, showing some kind of Beauty and the Beast-esque experience. Sony’s said that it will be happy to work with the ICO director again, and it’s hard to imagine many other publishers giving him the creative freedom and technical support he needs to succeed. Fumito Ueda’s games don’t exactly set the sales charts alight, but unique imaginative projects have always been a part of PlayStation’s DNA – and the auteur guarantees that with virtually everything that he touches.
Do you think there are any other brand new first-party announcements that PlayStation could make at E3 2018, or do you think this year’s show is going to be a re-tread of previous reveals? Think long and hard in the comments section below.
Comments 65
I think it's way too early for anything from the San Diego studio, but Death Stranding was announced mere months after Nu-KojiPro was founded so I guess there is that slim chance (though that was a longer time gap than this).
I think this year is going to be quite subdued. After all, every xxx7 year tends to be amazing. 1997, 2007 and 2017. Heck even 1987. So this year I expect to be very solid, but not what we could call surprising, you know?
A good year, lots of good games, just no real super announcements.
I've got the feeling there'll be some suprises that we don't expect. Like some second party studios doing some exclusive games for PS4. Just a month away though. Soon we'll know. Word up, son.
Some big surprises would be fantastic. We already know a fair bit about the big upcoming exclusives, so I'm concerned that the Sony conference could be a bit unsurprising and lacklustre.
VR focus is a must.
It feels like it's lost a ton of steam lately.
Also I'm almost certain that Bluepoint are working on a Demon Souls Remake.
Sly cooper 5 word up son
@JAMes-BroWWWn medieval remastered will also be shown.word up son
This will be Sony's last E3 that the focus is on PS4 before PS5 is all they can talk about. I'm not really expecting a big blowout of new and unknown games, to be honest, but I'd love to be wrong.
I'm not sure on some of these. There's a lot of evidence FromSoft are working on Tenchu, not Bloodborne 2. While a demon's souls remaster would be nice, I've gone into detail about how it would be tricky to pull off before.
Uncharted without ND? No thanks. It would be 343 doing Halo all over again.
Personally I'd like to see Sony announce a whole load of titles we 1. Don't expect and 2. Are releasing whithin the next year. Can't see it personally, but how wild would that be?
Soulsborne, Farpoint and more Uncharted are instant turn offs. Sony best have some other stuff.
Fortunately with Dreams, Red Dead, Soul Calibur and Tlou 2 on the horizon thats more than enough for 2018.
Road Rash 4 please.
I always dream about Sony Japan unveiling a new high budget JRPG IP. That would move consoles in Japan and please many western fans... and it would be nice to have another extremely high budget JRPG alongside Final Fantasy.
Tough one. Sony will have a show of exclusives but likely little new so they will get unfairly blasted. I see the line up having medieval, spidey, tlou2, dreams and ghost of Tsushima, maybe death stranding. The obligatory cod or destiny video, a vr sizzle reel and then im not sure how much space they will have for new announcements. Hope they surprise me!
It could be possible that a sequel to H:ZD could be announced.Unlike the first game, GG already have the characters and of course a number of Robot Dino's built. Even if they haven't finalised the story, they could still have some 'general' idea they could show in a new environment. Look at what they achieved for the Frozen Wilds considering they weren't sure that they would do DLC for it.
As for FromSoftware or Bluepoint, both of course could be working on a PS exclusive title but they could also be working on multi-platform games too.
I don't know how I would feel about a AAA Uncharted not made by Naughty Dog - I know it wouldn't be the first time another studio has made a game in the franchise but also a number of franchises have struggled (Halo is a classic example) when taken over by another developer. Its clear that Uncharted won't feature Nate - at least not as the main protagonist and that too can be a difficult thing for a new developer - creating a character as iconic, whilst not changing too much that the fans are upset but also changing enough to add their own stamp on it.
Sony have enough projects we haven't seen for a while or in that much detail that they could have an E3 without any 'major' new exclusive announcements - not inc VR or indie games. For example, Ghost of Tsushima wasn't at E3 last year - nor Days Gone. Wild, FF7, Shenmue 3 and 'Dreams' could also appear - Wild could feel like a 'New' announcement its been so long. Add in an extended Death Stranding game-play as well as the third party multi-platform content - like CoD, RDR2, Destiny's September expansion and maybe even Rocksteady's new game (rumoured Superman set in the Arkham-verse), and you basically have your 'hour'.
Just so we dont go 20 comments deep without someone saying it i'll say it. How about a new SOCOM. SOCOM isnt dead
@ShadowWarrior SOCOM is dead, I'm afraid. They could have done something really cool, potentially even free-to-play, but I think the ship has sailed at this stage.
I know it's difficult because Insomniac is busy, but I would love a new Ratchet & Clank.
Also: Sly Cooper, Bloodborne 2 and Demon's Souls remastered. More details of Medievil will be awesome too.
Edit: Also Japan Studio!
@Feena That's my dream too. I'm hoping we get that for the PS5 launch.
Sony is literally the only one crazy enough to fund such a title (& maybe Square).
Knack 3 baby
Surprising that Sony haven't announced their E3 details yet while pretty much everyone else has.
I would love if they did a VR experience of the conference, not live streamed but put up on the store after.
@adf86 it is a bit strange. Last year they announced on the 3rd and were basically a month out from e3 starting and nothing yet. I would wager they will say something by the end of this week though
I assume they will announce 1 new game. They already have a lot brewing that we know about and I don't think they will add to much more at this point. We will see though can't wait!
Still hoping that we see any news of 'deep down' and 'wild'
@feena yes some new jrpg ip would be awesome, but with enough budget and development time..dont want to see another star ocean disaster..or gimme suikoden ps4 pls!
@playstation1995 ha, I’d lol if a new Sly Cooper instalment was called ‘Sly Cooper: Word Up Son’ 😉
Knack 3 or E3 will be a flop
@playstation1995 Sly Cooper 5 would make me a happy man. Surely Sony are going to give us a proper Sly game on PS4 right?
Also Bloodborne 2 would be sweet!
@RogerRoger I am totally on board as long as it does not involve Nate. I feel like that arc was tied up perfectly and we do not need a prequel or sequel to that storyline.
I loved Lost Legacy. I believe a different studio could create a great Uncharted game. Would it reach the height of Naughty Dog? Maybe no, but I am not ready to leave these characters (and voice actors) behind.
i think that the next project from bluepoint will be revealed. they said a while back that they are working on something new so it would not suprise me if they reveal what it is at e3.
as for games that we already know about but gameplay info:ghost of tsushima,the spyro remake,death stranding,days gone and the last of us part 2 could be show winners aswell.
Gran Turismo 7?
@RogerRoger Exactly! I think it would be great if they alternated Chloe/Nadine and Sam/Sully sagas. I would love to see Cutter make a cameo too.
i am very cautious when it comes to a new studio taking over uncharted.
it can be a hit but also a miss,if we look at other franshises that where taken over.
it will be hard for them to add their own unique stamp on the franshise so maybe it would be best if they just did what ND did but just create a new storyline. young sully in the 70's as the protagonist would be fantastic. heck maybe there own unique stamp would be that the uncharted games they make would all be set in the past with sully. would be an awsome trilogy.
(and ofcourse the focus has to stay on the SP)
@playstation1995 Who would make it do you think? Sucker Oumch is busy, unless they can work on two games at once now, and that’s why it’s been so long since we heard from them. That would be beautiful.
Sanzaru games did a decent job with 4, but it a step back in just about anyway you can point. Gameplay was less fine tuned and the costumes a less versatile and restricted form of gadgets. And the extra playable characters felt like Sly missing abilities and possibly as restricted as the costumes felt.
I really want the new ueda game, Last Guardian and Shadow of the Collosus are both absolute masterpieces. I really wanna play ICO but i dont know how
At this point I'd expect remasters of exclusives for past PlayStation consoles and maybe a lower-budget exclusive but I'm thinking a 2019 launch of PS5 is very real so it'd be best to hold back the big guns and have them ready for the early days of that machine.
There will be no Bloodborne 2, at least not in From Software's next game release. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next! Bloodborne was a nice surprise shift from Souls, so maybe a new IP similar in style? Would they dare move that far from their signature "souls/echos" game mechanic?
Legend of dragoon 2 word up son
@Jaz007 nah playa.sly Cooper thieves in times was a great game.a 9 out of 10.word up son
@Dodoo definitely word up son
Syphon filter remastered 😱💗💜💚❤💞💖💕💓.oh yeahhhhhh word up son
@lacerz PS5 mid-gen title. I think Gran Turismo Sport will ride out the rest of this generation as the only GT title on PS4. At least it's getting fairly regular content updates to keep it fresh.
@JAMes-BroWWWn they will have surprise games.from software game.medievil remastered.word up son
I actually don't think Demon's Souls is that likely, because I know that if Bluepoint did it they would show up Dark Souls Remastered super hard. In my heart, I desperately want them to be making a Shadow of the Colossus style remake collection of God of War 1 and 2. I think now is the time for it.
@adf86 that would be really fun to see the show in VR
E3 prediction
demon's soul remastered from bluepoint
heavenly sword 2 by ninja theory (due to the success of hellblade)
until dawn 2, no connection to the 1st game just the mechanics of surviving from dark until dawn
bloodborne 2 maybe
I doubt sony will announce new ip, since we might be seeing ps5 2-3 years from now.
"Keep your expectations low boy, and you'll never be disappointed."
Would be Awsome if they had a massive suprise like a god of war story expansion.
HZD didn't plan On making an expansion either yet to everyone's suprise it was revealed at e3.
It'd be completely mind blowing if Sony announces even more first party exclusives. Can't wait for this year's E3
I would be disappointed if nothing from the Japan studio was announced, if I remember correctly they said they were going in development for several projects last year around this time, right? Maybe its a new legend of dragoon or even something related to dark cloud, well a man can dream.
I’ll be surprised if we see just 2 of these. I’m going in with low expectations.
I’ll be happy with just the TLOU 2 and Death Stranding Gameplay.
Demon’s Souls Remake for sure. Sony has enough new games for 2019
new GT would be great.
I want new trailer from Death Stranding. not gameplay, just want to be surprised again by that creepy visual.
Probably only person in the world but would like a second Puppeteer game from Japan Studio
Pretty sure MS are going to have a good E3 this year. I mean they HAVE to right? They have been living on game scraps for years now and since the launch of X1 I've thought they were going to have a killer E3 every year but they haven't. I think they know they have to wow gamers again and feel it will be next month.
At this point their lineup just looks embarrassing compared to PS4/Switch...
Sony's conference will really depend on Microsoft's conference. Since Sony always has their conference after Microsoft's, they would want to one-up it like they have done every year. If MS shows Gears of War 5 and Halo 6 and maybe something else to surprise everyone, then most likely Sony will pull something up their sleeves.
Wouldn't be surprised to see a Ratchet and Clank 2 teaser maybe.
Insomniac are lot bigger staff wise than what they use to be.
And as I say every E3 Timesplitters 4 ! One day maybe one day ;(
No One Can Stop Mr. Domino! Remastered or we riot.
*I riot
** Okay, I won't be that bothered, really. But I would like it.
Sony should have taken bigger care with certain titles that are currently only on their console, i.e NieR Automata and Granblue Fantasy. They should have worked out a deal, but I guess they have different plans.
Honestly, I have no idea what to expect with any new exclusives, but what I can tell you is I definitely want to see more info or gameplay of Ghost of Tsushima. That is on the top of my list to get when it comes out.
I'm big on Samurai's, they have some awesome looking armor.
Added in video!
gen design is not a sony studio... a new game announcement from them would make it a 2nd party ps4 exclusive, not 1st party.
i feel like a syphon filter remake from bluepoint could be more likely than a demons' souls remake. i would much prefer that anyways. this will be the last e3 conference to announce new 1st party games for ps4 since ps5 announcement is only 18 months away (release at the end of 2020 seems likely). there won't be many new titles... majority of time will be spent on last of us 2, days gone, death stranding, spiderman and ghosts of tsushima which i feel is plenty.
also, everyone has forgotten about ready at dawn — the team behind the order: 1886. they have a AAA game in development. i expect it to be announced at e3. whether or not it is a sony exclusive is anyone's guess, though.
i'm sceptical they will have anything to announce. first party studios working on unannounced projects will more than likely be working on them for PS5.
the only first party possibility i can see is guerrilla, they are a big enough studio to have something other than a sequel to horizon:zero dawn in the pipeline. after the closure of cambridge, i think some of the staff were re-absorbed into the main studio. the obvious idea would be another killzone game, and i'd like to see another (if only to make up for shadow fall), but it needs a reboot (an almost god of war level of reboot) and there hasn't been enough time for that even if it did go into pre-production whilst most of the studio crunched on H:ZD.
the other possibility is third party.. bluepoint games remake - i'm not really that familiar with pre-PS3 sony franchises.. housemarque's stormdivers - i know it's been announced, but there were no platforms indicated as far as i know, so given sony's close relationship with the company, it might be a console exclusive, and since it's 'multiplayer-centric' could have cross platform PS4-PC play. from software.. maybe. i do feel that if sony does have a rabbit up itself it will likely be a commissioned second/third party title.
it has games that were previously announced that have disappeared or gone unnoticed. wild? concrete genie?. whatever happened to deep down?!?
I don't really feel like we need many more surprises. I'm really excited for Ghost of Tsushima, TLoU 2, Death Stranding, FF7 and Dreams, so just seeing more of those would be great.
Bloodborne 2 and Fumito Ueda's new game would be amazing though, and I'm very curious to see what Bluepoint are working on.
I'd love to see more updates for already existing/rumored games, other than that I can't think of anything.
@FreakerZ RIP Suikoden.
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